NoGame -------- (c) 1997,98 by Christian Bang, Freeware! This program should prevent that the user(s) of this computer get kept from their work by using games and other nonproductive programs. By several locking-mechanisms NoGame can work against it: if an unwanted (Windows-) program was started, the user gets nerved until he gives up his intention and gets back to his work. The locking-mechanisms go from the temporary displacing of the program- window till to the termination of the program. IMPORTANT: In order to configure the program you must hold down the Ctrl-key at its start. The mousecursor must be eigther at the top or at the left side of the screen. (Not in the corner!) In this way the startdialog is opened. This should prevent that unauthorized users change the settings. ONLY via this dialog you can terminate NoGame. If NoGame should be activated at every boot you can change this ONLY in the startdialog. These informations must be kept secret! Best you encode this file with a password. To install you may copy the programfile in a folder of you choice (c:\windows) and run it from there. The uninstall can only be effected if NoGame is not activ. Further hints are in the help window of the startdialog. Should you find a way to bypass NoGame, please email me. You may freely distribute this version of NoGame. Christian Bang