WEBCHESS DESIGNER v2.01 (c) 1996-1998 by Dale E. Lehman PURPOSE: This software is a graphical tool for designing chess diagrams and fully annotated game sheets and converting them to HTML or printed output. (It does NOT play chess with you!) It requires Windows 3.x or Windows '95 and a 486 processor or higher with a minimum of 8MB of memory. A Pentium 100mhz processor or higher with 16MB of memory is recommended. Some operations may be slow on low-end processors. NOTICE: This software package is shareware, not freeware. Permission is granted to make and distribute unaltered copies of the package. License is further granted to use the package free of charge for a trial period of 30 days. After the expiration of the trial period, you must either register your copy or delete all materials from your system. The author assumes no liability for any damages resulting from the use of this software. Special conditions that may apply to specific releases of this software are indicated in the release notes file (NOTES.TXT). Statements made in the release notes file supercede statements made in this file, but are applicable only to the stated release. By using this software, you agree to these terms and conditions. DOCUMENTATION: The help system contains all required documentation for using WebChess Designer. Help is available via the Help tool (which looks like a question mark) or by pressing F2. Context-sensitive help is available at any time by pressing F1. The help file, WCHELP.HLP, may also be executed independently. An interactive tutorial is available from the Help dialog. It will teach you the basics of using WebChess Designer, but for full information you should consult the help file. This document contains installation and start-up information. Please read it thoroughly before starting. Full licensing information is presented in WCLICENS.TXT. Registration information is presented in WCREGDAT.TXT. A registration form may be obtained by printing WCREGFRM.TXT. These files can also be accessed within the program via the About box. To view the About box, click on the WebChess Designer logo. FILES INSTALLED: The Setup program will install the following files on your system: 1. In the WebChess Designer directory (normally C:\WEBCHESS, but you can change this at setup time): wc201.exe The WebChess Designer program wchelp.hlp The WebChess Designer help file readme.txt This text file notes.txt The release notes text file wclicens.txt The licensing information text file wcregdat.txt The registration information text file wcregfrm.txt The registration form text file chess1.ttf The Chess Utrecht font (install via Control Panel) 2. In the WebChess Designer graphics directory (..\GRAPHICS): large Web page diagram graphics files (w.gif, b.gif, wx.gif, bx.gif, wpw.gif, wpb.gif, wnw.gif, wnb.gif, wbw.gif, wbb.gif, wrw.gif, wrb.gif, wqw.gif, wqb.gif, wkw.gif, wkb.gif, bpw.gif, bpb.gif, bnw.gif, bnb.gif, bbw.gif, bbb.gif, brw.gif, brb.gif, bqw.gif, bqb.gif, bkw.gif, bkb.gif, xt.gif, xb.gif, xl.gif, xr.gif, lg1ind.gif, lg2ind.gif, lg3ind.gif, lg4ind.gif, lg5ind.gif, lg6ind.gif, lg7ind.gif, lg8ind.gif, lgAind.gif, lgBind.gif, lgCind.gif, lgDind.gif, lgEind.gif, lgFind.gif, lgGind.gif, lgHind.gif, lgspace.gif) small Web page diagram graphics files (smw.gif, smb.gif, smwx.gif, smbx.gif, smwpw.gif, smwpb.gif, smwnw.gif, smwnb.gif, smwbw.gif, smwbb.gif, smwrw.gif, smwrb.gif, smwqw.gif, smwqb.gif, smwkw.gif, smwkb.gif, smbpw.gif, smbpb.gif, smbnw.gif, smbnb.gif, smbbw.gif, smbbb.gif, smbrw.gif, smbrb.gif, smbqw.gif, smbqb.gif, smbkw.gif, smbkb.gif, smxt.gif, smxb.gif, smxl.gif, smxr.gif, sm1ind.gif, sm2ind.gif, sm3ind.gif, sm4ind.gif, sm5ind.gif, sm6ind.gif, sm7ind.gif, sm8ind.gif, smAind.gif, smBind.gif, smCind.gif, smDind.gif, smEind.gif, smFind.gif, smGind.gif, smHind.gif, smspace.gif) bitmaps used for on-screen diagrams (smw.bmp, smb.bmp, smwx.bmp, smbx.bmp, smwpw.bmp, smwpb.bmp, smwnw.bmp, smwnb.bmp, smwbw.bmp, smwbb.bmp, smwrw.bmp, smwrb.bmp, smwqw.bmp, smwqb.bmp, smwkw.bmp, smwkb.bmp, smbpw.bmp, smbpb.bmp, smbnw.bmp, smbnb.bmp, smbbw.bmp, smbbb.bmp, smbrw.bmp, smbrb.bmp, smbqw.bmp, smbqb.bmp, smbkw.bmp, smbkb.bmp, smxt.bmp, smxb.bmp, smxl.bmp, smxr.bmp, sm1ind.bmp, sm2ind.bmp, sm3ind.bmp, sm4ind.bmp, sm5ind.bmp, sm6ind.bmp, sm7ind.bmp, sm8ind.bmp, smAind.bmp, smBind.bmp, smCind.bmp, smDind.bmp, smEind.bmp, smFind.bmp, smGind.bmp, smHind.bmp, smspace.bmp) icon files (p.ico, n.ico, b.ico, r.ico, q.ico, k.ico, x.ico) wcbanner.gif An animated graphic that may be used on your Web page to link to WebChess Designer. chessbk1.gif A sample chess background that may be used on your Web page. 3. In the WebChess Designer templates directory (..\Templates): Sample Web page templates (sample1.wpt, sample2.wpt, sample3.wpt) Sample game sheet templates (sample1.gst, sample2.gst) 4. In the Windows directory (normally C:\WINDOWS): webchess.ini The WebChess Designer initialization file 5. In the System directory (normally C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM): spin.vbx cmdialog.vbx commdlg.dll msafinx.dll threed.vbx vbrun300.dll * (Some or all of these components may already reside on your system.) * If you picked up the "small" version of the distribution file (Wc201ssm.zip or Wc201ssm.exe), vbrun300.dll file will not be included. You MUST have a copy of this file in your c:\windows\system directory to run both Setup and WebChess Designer. If you do not have a copy of this file, you can find it numerous places on the Internet, including my Web site (http://www.erols.com/lehket). INSTALLATION: 1. The distribution file comes in four formats: (a) wc201s.exe is a self-extractor. If you received this file, simply execute it to created the set of files used for installation. It contains all files necessary for setup. (b) wc201s.zip is a compressed file created with PKZIP. If you received this file, use PKUNZIP to explode it and create the set of files used for installation. It contains all files necessary for setup. (c) wc201ssm.exe is a self-extractor . If you received this file, simply execute it to created the set of files used for installation. This is the "small" version of the distribution file. It does NOT contain a copy of vbrun300.dll. You must already have a copy of this file on your system to run both Setup and WebChess Designer. (d) wc201s.zip is a compressed file created with PKZIP. If you received this file, use PKUNZIP to explode it and create the set of files used for installation. It does NOT contain a copy of vbrun300.dll. You must already have a copy of this file on your system to run both Setup and WebChess Designer. 2. To install WebChess Designer, simply use Program Manager's File/Run command (Windows 3.x) or the Start Menu's Run command (Windows '95) to run SETUP.EXE. 3. The setup program will ask you for the name of a directory in which to install WebChess Designer. It will suggest C:\WEBCHESS\, but you are free to specify any other directory. If the directory you specify does not exist, SETUP will create it. 4. When installation is done, you will have a chance to view this README.TXT file and the release notes file (NOTES.TXT). 5. The Chess Utrecht font included with WebChess Designer has been copied to the directory where WebChess Designer was installed. You must use Control Panel to install this font prior to using it. The file name to install is CHESS1.TTF. UNINSTALLING WEBCHESS DESIGNER: If you wish to remove WebChess Designer for any reason, simply delete the directory in which it is installed, then delete the C:\WINDOWS\WEBCHESS.INI file. COMMON PROBLEMS: If Setup will not run, you are probably running with the "small" version of the distribution file (Wc201ssm.exe or Wc201ssm.zip) and do not have vbrun300.dll installed in your c:\windows\system directory. You can obtain a copy of this file from many places on the Internet, including my Web page at http://www.erols.com/lehket. It appears that if insufficient memory is available for manipulating screen images, the program will generate the error "Can't create AutoRedraw image" and terminate. As of this writing I have been unable to pinpoint the routine(s) where this is happening. If you experience this problem, please contact me and I will work with you to resolve it. You will need to know what other programs are running at the time so we can attempt to recreate the problem. If you believe you have found an error in the program or the help system, please e-mail me a DETAILED account of what you did and what happened as a result. Your assistance in making WebChess Designer better is appreciated! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: If you have questions about this software, please contact me at: lehket@erols.com dlehman@itp.eds.com http://www.erols.com/lehket (202) 414-8111