IMPORTANT: This document includes a formal license Agreement setting out the terms under which you may use this CD-ROM ("CD"). Using this CD implies acceptance of those terms. This CD is compiled by Imagine Publishing, Inc. from a multitude of independent sources and we believe it will offer great value, benefit and pleasure to most users. The entire contents of this CD are offered on an "as is" basis. Because of the wide range of computer systems that exist, we can make no claim that all programs will work reliably on all systems. The terms on which individual programs are offered for use may vary, and you should examine the Read Me files that accompany many of the programs. Many of the invididual program providers may offer technical support for their programs (this CD includes contact information wherever possible) but Imagine Publishing does not offer support for third party programs, beyond the information included on the CD and in the magazine. This CD has been certified virus-free at press time by our quality control programs. However, it is not possible to eliminate the possibility of virus-checking software being bypassed by new types of virus. Nor, given the complexity and wide range of different computer systems and different types of computer program, is it possible to guarantee that any combination of programs run on any systems will never result in problems occurring which could affect system functionality. It is the user's responsibility to take sensible precautions and to regularly create backups for any valuable data or applications. Imagine Publishing cannot accept responsibility for any claims of file corruption, loss of data, loss of system functionality, or any other problems whatsoever relating to use of any program on this CD. The software included on this CD is subject to various intellectual property rights. It is available for your personal use, but you do not have the right to copy and redistribute any of the software unless the Read Me file accompanying a piece of software explicitly grants those rights. Read the Terms and Conditions below for more details. Any shareware programs on this CD are subject to the normal rules governing distribution of shareware. If, after evaluation of the software, you decide you want to continue to use it, you should send a fee to the author, as requested on the individual program. Here follows the formal license agreement. FORMAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THIS CD-ROM READ THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THIS CD-ROM DISC ("CD"). BY USING THE CD YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. The articles and other textual materials, multimedia software and associated documentation and other software and associated documentation, and other materials included on this CD and their compilation, whether on disc, in read only memory or any other media (the "Collection") are licensed to you subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement by Imagine Publishing Inc, located at 150 North Hill Drive, Brisbane, CA 94005 ("Imagine Publishing"). Your rights to use other programs and materials included on the CD are also governed by any separate agreements distributed with those programs and materials on the CD (the "Other Agreements"). In the event of any inconsistencies between this Agreement and any of the Other Agreements those agreements shall govern. By using this Collection, in whole or in part, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Other Agreements. Imagine Publishing owns the title to the Collection and to all intellectual property rights therein, except insofar as it contains materials that are proprietary to third-party suppliers. All rights in the Collection except those expressly granted to you in this Agreement are reserved to Imagine Publishing and such suppliers, as their respective interests may appear. 1. Limited License Imagine Publishing grants you a limited nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the Collection on a single dedicated computer. This Agreement and your rights hereunder shall automatically terminate if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy the CD and all copies of the CD, whether or not lawful, that are in your possession or under your control. 2. Additional Restrictions A. 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THE ONLY WARRANTY MADE BY IMAGINE PUBLISHING IS THAT THE ORIGINAL PHYSICAL MEDIA IN WHICH THE COLLECTION IS EMBODIED AND WHICH ARE DISTRIBUTED BY IMAGINE PUBLISHING SHALL BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS AFTER DELIVERY TO YOU. IMAGINE PUBLISHING' AND ITS SUPPLIERS' ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE REPLACEMENT OF THE ORIGINAL PHYSICAL MEDIA, IF DEFECTIVE, WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD OF TIME. B. 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