Read Me First: SQL-Sombrero/VBX 1.0.1 for CT-Library **** EVALUATION COPY ***** ************************************************************* This is an Evaluation Version with "Nag" Screens. Please call SFI at 819 778-5045 to order the production copy of the product. ************************************************************* The diskette has an installation program which makes installation of the SQL-Sombrero product painless. To run the install program: - place diskette into drive - from the File menu of program manager chose Run - type the following a:\install (assuming your 3.5" drive is drive a:) - you will given the choice to perform a Full Install or a Custom Install - you will also be allow to change the directory to which the components of the SQL-Sombrero/VBX package will be installed. The default directory is C:\SQL\SQLVBXCT - if you select the Full Install then all the components of SQL-Sombrero/VBX will be installed in the directory chosen. - the Custom Install allow you to select components to install. It can be also used to install components that were not installed previously at a later date. The files are installed in the following directories: C:\SQL\SQLVBXCT C:\SQL\SQLVBXCT\SAMPLE10 SQLVBXCT.VBX X SQLDEF.BAS X CSCONST.BAS X CSTYPES.BAS X CTCONST.BAS X SQLVBXCT.LIC X README.TXT X INSTALL.LOG X SQLVBXCT.HLP X SQLVBXCT.DHN X VBRUN300.DLL X LOGON.FRM X MAINFORM.FRM X GBASS.BAS X GLOBAL.BAS X SAMPLE10.MAK X SQLDEF.BAS X CSCONST.BAS X CSTYPES.BAS X CTCONST.BAS X SHOWMOD.EXE X D2HNAV.EXE windows directory D2HLINK.DLL windows/system directory D2HNAV.HLP windows directory MSOUTLIN.VBX windows/system directory The file SQLVBXCT.LIC is the licence file. This file must reside in the same directory as the file SQLVBXCT.VBX. This file is required if the SQL-Sombrero/VBX for CT-Library is to be used in developing an application. The SQLVBXCT.LIC file is not required for an application that is distributed as an EXE file. See the inside cover of the manual for further details on the .LIC file. The file SHOWMOD.EXE is provided as an extra. This program will show the modules which are currently loaded in the system. This file if chosen from the list of components is loaded into the WINDOWS directory. Use of the program is very simple. There is a list of currently loaded modules. Selecting a new entry in the list causes the information about that module to displayed to the right. This program is most useful to ensure that modules loaded are the correct module. This information can be determined from the directory from which the module is loaded and in some cases from the description of the module. Some manufactures of software do not use the version information for their modules. In this case the string "No data available" is displayed. ****** NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE ******** If a SQL-Sombrero/VBX call does not seem to work as described in the manual please check the online help file. This file will always be the most current information about SQL-Sombrero/VBX. ****** NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE ******** Here is the list of enhancements and changes to SQL-Sombrero/VBX since Version 1.0.0 ------------- March 16/1995 - (Version 1.0.1) In certain circumstances if multiple applications using SQL-Sombrero/VBX were loaded at the same time, a GPF would occur during the callback for error and server messages. This has been fixed in version 1.0.1. If the VBCT_init function is used with DLL's other than the debug DLL's the function will always report a failure. This has been fixed to respond with the correct initialization status. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corrections to the manual! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- On page 182, here is the correct functions Syntax declaration: vbct_config_num(context&, action&, property&, buffer(Any), outlen&) Still on the page 182, here is the "context&" parameter description: The parameter passed is the context pointer that is obtained from the vbct_ctx_alloc function. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your input is welcomed on any subject and appreciated! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can reach us by fax at 819 778-7943 and by voice at 819 778-5045. You can always download the latest version of this product by calling our BBS at 819-778-8556. (24 Hour Service) You can use our special Compuserve account for SQL-Programmer at 71162,1050. You can access our FAX ON DEMAND system by calling at 819 778-5045 and selecting the option "1" when entering the phone system. Request document index 50 for the latest list of available documents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy SQL-Programming! Thank you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994-1995 Sylvain Faust Inc. SQL-Programmer, SQL-Sombrero and CompressIT are Trademarks of Sylvain Faust Inc. Sylvain Faust Inc. claims copyright in this program and documentation. Claim of copyright does not imply waiver of Sylvain Faust Inc. other rights.