There are a number of ways to start Visio 5.0 and open files. When you have completed this section you will be familiar with two different ways of starting your Visio product. You’ll also learn how to open drawings, templates, and stencils. Like other programs, you can open Visio 5.0 by double-clicking the program icon in Windows Explorer®. You can also open Visio 5.0 by choosing it from the Microsoft Windows Start > Programs menu. In all cases the Visio 5.0 start-up screen appears briefly. The Visio program then opens with the Choose a Drawing Template dialog box. There are three types of Visio files - drawings, stencils, and templates. Visio file extensions all begin with .vs and the final letter denotes whether the file is a drawing, stencil, or template. Templates are organized by task to help you create your drawings quickly and easily. Stencils are collections of shapes appropriate for the template you have chosen. For example, the file extension for a template is .vst. You can open a template immediately after starting the Visio program by choosing one from the Choose a Drawing Template dialog box. You can open a template from within an open drawing program by choosing File > New > Browse Templates. Then you choose a template from the Browse Templates dialog box. The template opens associated stencils automatically - here is the Basic Shapes stencil. You can open additional stencils by choosing File > Stencils > Open Stencil. Try opening the Blocks stencil. You can use the Stencil button to open stencils quickly. You can open and import a variety of other graphics file types with your Visio product, including .eps, .gif, and .jpg files. To save your files in an appropriate folder you choose File > Save As. Then you select the folder where you want to save your new drawing and click Save. You've seen the different elements in the Visio 5.0 drawing environment. Now you'll see how to use these elements to create your own diagrams. Templates are organized by task to help you create your drawings quickly and easily. Stencils are collections of shapes appropriate for the template you have chosen.