Notice: You must have Visual Basic 3.0 to run the demo. VB AutoLoad - Shareware Registration $5.00 ========================================== Dale Greenlees Capital D Computer Consulting 2921 Columbine Ct. Grand Forks, ND 58201 Compuserve: 74442,1277 Mail registration fee to above address for updated software and help file. =================================== Description =================================== VB AutoLoad will display the last four saved VB projects along with the options 'Open Other Project' and 'Open New Project' on a startup screen. Starting VB with a selected project speeds up the process of starting VB with 'Autoload.mak' and then having to open a project. There is also the option of automatically starting VB with the last saved project. However, if this option is 'checked', the only way to 'uncheck' it is to edit the 'vbauto.ini' file in the Windows directory. To activate your choice you can either Double click on the option you want or click on the option you want and then click the 'Continue' button or 'right-click' the mouse. =================================== SETUP =================================== Copy 'VBAUTO.EXE' to an appropriate directory. Copy 'COMMDLG.DLL' to your Windows System directory.