SPEAKER LIST VBITS’94 SAN FRANCISCOFeb. 28 through March 2 1994.This is a list of the speakers and topics with notes about what has been updated from the proceedingsattendees received at the Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summit in San Francisco.The demonstration files are in the VBITSDEM directories and are organized by day given, track andspeaker name. A schedule of VBITS-SF is also provided for your reference. PowerPoint slides are inthe VBITSPPT directory and are also organized by day given, track and speaker name.Many of the presentations will be given at the remaining 1994 sites listed below:REMAINING VBITS SITES 1994Los Angeles, June 13 and 14Orlando September 22 and 23Chicago October 31 and November 1For more information on Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summits,please call 800-848-5523 or 415-917-7650.*Brubaker, Tom, Microsoft, Workgroup StrategyNo slides or demos provided.*Button, Tom, Microsoft KEYNOTENo slides or demos provided.*Risse, Michael, Microsoft, Applications StrategyNo slides or demos provided*Swanson, Scott, Microsoft Optimizing Visual Basic CodeNew powerpoint slides and white papers providedon CD.*Wells, Eric, Microsoft, VBA Programming in ExcelHas uploaded code and PowerPoints to library 3 ofthe EXCEL forum on CompuServe. (GOEXCEL). Look for file name XLOBJ.DOC andENCOR.ZIP. Files are also included on Buyer'sGuide CD.*Zuck, Jonathan, API, Assessing Five alts. for SQL/ServerUpdated slides and files are now on the CD.*Zuck, Jonathan, API, Intro to Windows APIUpdated files are now on the CD+*Appleman, Daniel, Desaware, Advanced APIUpdated files are now on the CD. This fixes aproblem with his files on the VBITS demo disks.+*Appleman, Daniel, Desaware, Event-Driven Programming.Files included on CD.+*Barlow, Chris, Sun Hydraulics, Intro to VBAFiles included on CD.+*Bentson, Brett, Microsoft, VBA Programming in ProjectFiles included on CD.+*Gowdy, Bob, Microsoft, Solutions FrameworkFiles included on CD.+*Holcomb, Richard, Q+E, DBMS Client/Server IssuesFiles included on CD.+*Jezak, Dave, Microsoft, VB's Database InterfaceFiles included on CD.+*McDowell, Bob, Microsoft, VB's Role in Right-SizingFiles included on CD.+*Moriarty, Tobi, Intersolv, Team Development in VBFiles included on CD.+*Pleas, Keith, Hands-On OLE AutomationFiles included on CD.+*Raisio, James E., Wall Data, Mainframe ConnectivityThe demo included on the demo disks doesn't run. The newcode that runs is included on the Buyer's Guide CD.+Almgren, Ray, National Instruments, Data Acquisition and ControlFiles included on CD.+Caron, Ilan, Microsoft, VBA InternalsFiles included on CD.+Cleary, David, Windows for Workgroups APIFiles included on CD.+Franklin, Carl, Crescent, Windows CommunicationsFiles included on CD.+Howlett, Virginia, Microsoft, The Art of Visual Interface DesignUpdated slides and bibliography is included on CD.+Novisoff, Mark, MicroHelp, Tips and TechniquesNo files included on CD.+Oelchlaeger, Jon, DataWiz, Training TrackAll demo code now included on CD.+Palomaki, John, Microsoft, Operating Systems StrategyFiles included on CD.+Streger, Mark, Real World Advanced Issues in Client/Server dev.Files included on CD.Cooper, Alan, Cooper Software, Midnight MadnessFiles not included on CD, but are available in theSEFNET forum on CompuServe.Klein, Mark, Edge Research, Lotus Notes apps with VBFiles included on CD.Lang, Eric, Microsoft, Non-disclosure talkNo files included on CD.Nelson, Greg, Microsoft, Database StrategyFiles included on CD.Peters, Chris, Microsoft, How MS develops softwareNo files included on CD. We're trying to get hisPowerPoint presentation to upload to MSBASICforum on CompuServe.Shaw, Richard Hale, Creating OLE Objects/Servers in VC++Files included on CD.Shaw, Richard Hale, Intro to VC++ for VB programmersNo files included on CD.Swanson, Scott, Microsoft, Debugging VB/Win ApplicationsUpdated slides and white paper included on CD.Wan, Selwyn, Motion Works, Multimedia Development24MB of multimedia demos are included on CD.Williams, Chris, Microsoft, Windows Open Systems Arch.Files included on CD.Zuck, Jonathan, API, Building a VB-to-SQL Server appPowerPoint slides and updated files included onCD.KEY:* Means presentation is scheduled for other VBITS sites.+ Means PowerPoint slides were printed in proceedings