
The counter for slides is slide. The default definition of is "0". You can use "SPMquot; and "#_#>SPMquot; to cross-reference slides, and the page number in slide environments is set to .However, these page or slide cross-references are not always accurate when you let TEX break pages for you within a slide. Thus, you can write, for example,
  See equation (\ref{foo}) on Slide \pageref{foo}.
You may want some counters, such as equation counters, to be reset with each new slide environment or command. By default, only the "footnote" counter is reset this way, but you can specify your own (comma-separated) list of counters to be reset with the command
If you want to reset additional counters, rather than replace the list entirely, use
There is another way in which the footnote counter gets special treatment. The command
% latex2html id marker 293\theslidefootnote
is used for the counter text instead of "% latex2html id marker 1429
\setcounter{footnote}{0}\fnsymbol{footnote}". The default definition is