The article format
The øarticle style option was described in Section as a way
to print your slides two-up. This option is also a good way to print your
The øarticle option gets its name because your document is typeset somewhat
like it would be with LATEX's "article" style. (It uses LATEX's standard
page parameters, but some of the default values are different.) It is also
called the article format; the slides format is what you get without the
øarticle option.
You probably don't want to use the øportrait style option with the
øarticle format except when you are only printing portrait slides. But you
are welcome to experiment.
With the ønotesonly selection, you can make the notes as big as you want
using the command (e.g., for easy reading while giving a
presentation). Just as in the øslides format, the page parameters are
scaled at the beginning of the document so that they can be set with their
true dimensions in the preamble.
The commands
are analogous to "" and "", but they scale the
lengths so that they end up at the specified size after magnification in the
"article" format. You never would use such a command in slide environments or
to set slide parameters, but you might use these in the notes if you were
planning on typesetting your notes with the "article" format rather than the
"slides" format.
You can change the placement of slides in the øarticle format using the
command. Here are the valid placement names:
- float
- The slides are floated. This is the default with the ønotes
selection and the øportrait option.
- float*
- Like "float", but if the notes are printed in a two-column
format the slides extend across both columns (e.g., like "table" versus
"table*"). This is the default with the ønotes selection without the
øportrait option.
- onepercol
- Each slide is centered horizontally and vertically within a
single column. This is the default when only slides are printed and the
øportrait option is used.
- twopercol
- Each slide is centered horizontally, two or one per column,
depending on how many fit. This is the default when only slides are printed
and the øportrait option is not used.
- here
- Each slide is centered horizontally, separated from adjoining
text or other slides by the rubber length . The default value of
is "". This is useful with the ønotes selection
when you want the slides to precede accompanying comments and when you do not
mind large spaces at the bottom of pages.
- here*
- This is like "here*", but with "here*" the length is not lost when it falls at the beginning of a page or after a slide.
If you want each slide environment to begin a new page (with any of the
selections), put the command
in the preamble.
The ønotesonly selection has a starred version, Ønotesonly*, which
produces a slide marker for each slide environment, like this one:
height 1pt
to Slide 4
height 1pt
Commands that are irrelevant in the "article" format are simply ignored. The
idea is that it should be possible to switch back and forth between the two
formats without making any other changes in the document. However, this is not
entirely possible. Changing "" or "" in the preamble
affects both formats. You can get around this using the conditional. For example,
blah blah
blee blee
The "" part is optional.