Getting Started

Running in Windows

Running on a Mac

The Opening Screen

Improving Playback


Technical Support

Copyright Osborne McGraw-Hill,

Web Design Virtual Classroom CD

This CD contains an exciting new kind of video-based instruction to help you learn Web design faster. We believe this learning tool is a unique development in the area of computer-based training. The author actually talks to you, right from your computer screen, demonstrating topics she wrote about in the book. Moving "screencams" and slides accompany her presentation, reinforcing what you're learning.

The technology and design of the presentation were developed by The content on the CD-ROM was developed by Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Laurie Ulrich, and Patents (pending), copyright, and trademark protections apply to this technology and the name

Please read the following directions for usage of the CD-ROM, to ensure that the lessons play as smoothly as possible.

Getting Started

The CD-ROM is optimized to run under Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 using the Real Player version 8 (or greater), from Real Networks. However, it will also run on most PowerPC Macintoshes with Real Player for the Mac. (Note that Real Player versions earlier than 8 will not work.) If you don't have the Real Player installed, you must install it, either by downloading it from the Internet at, or running the Setup program from the CD-ROM. To install from the Web, you should download the latest Real Player. You can choose the Basic player, which is free, if you don't want to purchase the full version. You typically have to look around a bit to get to the correct page. You're looking for Real Player "Basic."

To install Real Player from the CD-ROM follow these steps:

On a Windows PC:

1. Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.
2. Use Explorer or My Computer to browse to the CD-ROM.
3. Open the Real Player folder and then open the correct folder for your type of computer.
4. Double click on the setup program there.
5. Follow the setup instructions on screen.

On a Mac:

1. Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.
2. Open the Real Player folder and then open the folder containing the Mac version of the Real Player.
3. Run the Publishing RM8A Installer file.
4. Follow the setup instructions on screen.

Running the CD in Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000

Minimum Requirements:
Real Player 8 or later
Pentium II P333

Flash 5 Virtual Classroom CD-ROM can run directly from the CD (see below for running it from the hard drive for better performance if necessary) and should start automatically when you insert the CD in the drive. If the program does not start automatically, your system may not be set up to automatically detect CDs. To change this, you can do the following:

  1. Choose Settings, Control Panel, and click the System icon.
  2. Click the Device Manager tab in the System Properties dialog box.
  3. Double-click the Disk drives icon and locate your CD-ROM drive.
  4. Double-click the CD-ROM drive icon and then click the Settings tab in the CD-ROM Properties dialog box. Make sure the "Auto insert notification box" is checked. This specifies that Windows will be notified when you insert a compact disc into the drive.

If you don't care about the auto-start setting for your CD-ROM, and don't mind the manual approach, you can start the lessons manually, this way:

  1. Insert the CD-ROM.
  2. Double-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop.
  3. Open the CD-ROM folder.
  4. Double-click the jmenu.exe icon in the folder.
  5. Follow instructions on the screen to start.

Running on a Mac

Minimum Requirements:
Real Player 8 or later
OS 8 or later
PowerPC of reasonable speed

  1. Insert the CD-ROM.
  2. Open the CD-ROM folder.
  3. Double-click on the ClickToStart icon. If this doesn't work, then open the Real Player and from the Real Player window open the ClickToStart file. It should begin playing.
  4. Follow instructions as described by the author, or read the section below.

The Opening Screen

When the program autostarts on a PC, you'll see a small window in the middle of your screen with an image of the book. Simply click the book to launch the Real Player and start the lessons. The Real Player window should soon open and the Virtual Classroom introduction should begin running. You click on the links in the lower left region of the Real Player window to jump to a given lesson. The author will explain how to use the interface.

The Real Player will completely fill a screen that is running at 800x600 resolution. (This is the minimum resolution required to play the lessons). For screens with higher resolution, you can adjust the position of the player on screen, as you like.

If you are online, you can click on the logo under the index marks to jump directly to the web site for information about the additional hour of instructional material we have available. (See the description in the back of the book, or run the
promotional trailer at the end of the Conclusion lesson for more details.)

Improving playback

Your Virtual Classroom CD-ROM employs some cutting-edge technologies, requiring that your computer be pretty fast to run the lessons smoothly. For example, each lesson actually runs two videos at the same time - one for the instructor's image and one for the screen cam. Many variables determine a computer's video performance, so we can't give you specific requirements for running the lessons. CPU speed, internal bus speed, amount of RAM, CD-ROM drive transfer rate, video display performance, CD-ROM cache settings and other variables will determine how well the lessons will play. Our advice is to simply try the CD. The disk has been tested on laptops and desktops of various speeds, and in general, we have determined that you'll need at least a Pentium II-class computer running in excess of 300Mhz for decent performance. (If you're doing Web-design work, you're a geek already, and it's likely your machine is at least this fast.)

Close other programs
For best performance, make sure you are not running other programs in the background while viewing the CD-based lessons. Rendering the video on your screen takes a lot of computing power, and background programs such as automatic email checking, web-site updating, or Active Desktop applets (such as scrolling stock tickers) can tax the CPU to the point of slowing the videos.

Adjust the screen color depth to speed up performance
Out-of-synch problems can also be caused by running your screen with too high a color depth. Lowering the color depth to 16 bit color makes a world of difference with many computers, laptops included. Rarely do people need 24-bit or 32-bit color for their work anyway, and it makes scrolling your screen (in any program) that much slower when running in those higher color depths. So, if copying the files to the hard disk didn't help the synch problem, try this:

  1. Right click on the desktop and choose Properties.
  2. Click the Settings tab.
  3. In the Colors section, open the drop-down list box and choose a lower setting. If you are currently running at 24-bit (True Color) color, for example, try 16-bit (High Color). Don't use 256 colors, since video will appear very funky if you do, and you'll be prompted by Real Player to increase the color depth anyway.
  4. OK the box. With most computers these days, you don't have to restart the computer after making this change. The Real Player should run more smoothly now, since your computer's CPU doesn't have to work as hard to paint the video pictures on your screen.

Turn off screen savers, screen blankers, and standby options
When lessons are playing you're likely to not interact with the keyboard or mouse. Because of this, your computer screen might blank, and in some cases (such as with laptops) the computer might even go into a standby mode. You'll want to prevent these annoyances by turning off your screen saver and by checking the power options settings to ensure they don't kick in while you're viewing the lessons. You make settings for both of these parameters from the Control Panel.

  1. Open Control Panel, choose Display, and click on the Screen Saver tab. Choose "None" for the screen saver.
  2. Open Control Panel, choose Power Management, and set System Standy, Turn off Monitor, and Turn off Hard Disks to "Never." Then click Save As and save this power setting as "Brainsville Courses." You can return your power settings to their previous state if you like, after you are finished viewing the lessons. Just use the Power Schemes drop-down list and choose one of the factory-supplied settings, such as Home/Office Desk.

Copy the CD files to the hard disk to speed up performance
The CD-ROM drive will whir quite a bit when running the lessons from the CD. If your computer or CD-ROM drive is a bit slow, it's possible the author's lips will be out of synch with his or her voice, just like Web-based videos often look. The video might freeze or slow down occasionally, though the audio will typically keep going along just fine. If you don't like the CD constantly whirring, or you are annoyed by out-of-synch video, you may be able to solve either or both problems by copying the CD-ROM's contents to your hard disk and running the lessons from there. To do so:

  1. Using My Computer or Explorer, check to see that you have at least 650M free space on your hard disk.
  2. Create a new folder on your hard disk (the name doesn't matter) and copy all the contents of the CD-ROM to the new folder (you must preserve the subfolder names and folder organization as it is on the CD-ROM).
  3. Once this is done, you can start the program by opening the new folder and double-clicking on the file jmenu.exe. This will automatically start the lessons and run them from the hard disk.
  4. (Optional) For convenience, you can create a shortcut to the jmenu.exe file and place it on your desktop. You will then be able to start the program by clicking on the shortcut.

Update your Real Player
The Real Player software is updated frequently and posted on the Real Networks Web site. You can update your software by clicking Help, then Check for Updates, on the Real Player window. We strongly suggest you do this from time to time.


If you have followed the instruction above, and the program will not work, you may have a defective drive or a defective CD. Be sure the CD is inserted properly in the drive. (Test the drive with other CDs, to see if they run.)

Real Player Hangs at the Beginning
Sometimes the Real Player opens up in a small window and just seems to hang. If you wait a few seconds (perhaps 15 seconds), it will sometimes start up. If not, you may have to restart the computer to get the Real Player to start properly again.

The screen-cam movie in a lesson hangs
If the author continues to talk, but the accompanying screen-cam seems to be stuck, just click on the lesson index in the lower left region of the Real Player window to begin your specific lesson again. If this doesn't help, close the Real Player window, and start the Virtual Classroom again.

Volume is too low or is totally silent

  1. Check your system volume first. Click on the little speaker icon next to the clock, down in the lower-right-hand corner of the screen. A little slider pops up. Adjust the slider, and make sure the Mute checkbox is not checked.
  2. Next, if you have external speakers on your computer, make sure your speakers are turned on, plugged in, wired up properly, and the volume control on the speakers themselves is turned up.
  3. Note that the RealPlayer also has a volume control setting. The setting is reached by clicking on the little speaker icon in the upper-right-hand corner of the RealPlayer window.
  4. The next place to look if you're still having trouble, is in the Windows volume controls. Double-click on the little speaker by the clock, and it will bring up the Windows Volume Control sliders. Make sure slider for "Wave" is not muted, and it's positioned near the top.

For Technical Support