4icomp,iback 4yc1,yc2,yc3,ys1,ys2,ys3,yt1,yt2,yt3 4newtime1,newtime2,newtime3 4fert1,fert2,fert3,qfert compute "fyc1" "fyc2" "fyc3" "fys1" "fys2" "fys3" "fyt1" "fyt2" (yt3) "fyt3" "fieldonework" "fieldtwowork" "fieldthreework" "fieldonefert" "fieldtwofert" "fieldthreefert" 4totaltime,leisure,laborLiv 4ranvec,sig0,sigc,sigs,sigt,ec,es,et,a1,a2,a3,cc,cs,ct 4efc,eft,efs,fc,ft,fs,fa 4CropField1,CropField2,CropField3 4qcorn,qsor,qcot,qbic 4sigpc,sigps,sigpt,sigpl 4sigrc,sigrs,sigrt,sigrl 4ppcorn,ppsorghum,ppcotton,ppliv,ppbic,ppfer 4prcorn,prsorghum,prcotton,prliv 4ransik1,ransik2,ransik3,ransik4 4pparray,qqarray,ccarray,ttarray K,r0,r1,r2,r3,rc,rs,rt,rl,rVec Shocks prices (one each Assume that follow a walk plus noise track the {part two together -- Disease reduces effectiveness -- Note livestock assumed much less strenuous than -- farming. No penalty herding a lot. shalei K> .1 */10) >/10) lostdays "You 0" && 7&& "mandays year malaria." f"Too bad." <= .1 >= .05 *(1-rss/10) worked too hard . As a result, you " && various diseases." f"Ooops." <= .05 >= .025 . As a " && exhaustion." f"I'm really tired." *(1- *(1- *(1- killed yourself " && f"Where obed?" agricultural production ( specific crop > 0 > 0 -- Efficiency factor has purchased a bicycle ieff2 1/1.1 ieff3 1/1.25 N >0 = 1 (100*a1*cc*( /a1)^ec*(1+fa* /a1)^(efc-fc* *r1)) = 2 (100*a1*cs*( /a1)^es*(1+fa* /a1)^(efs-fs* *r1)) = 3 (100*a1*ct*( /a1)^et*(1+fa* /a1)^(eft-ft* *r1)) = 1 (100*a2*cc*( /a2)^ec*(1+fa* /a1)^( *r2)) = 2 (100*a2*cs*( /a2)^es*(1+fa* /a1)^( *r2)) = 3 (100*a2*ct*( /a2)^et*(1+fa* /a1)^( *r2)) = 1 (100*a3*cc*( /a3)^ec*(1+fa* /a1)^( *r3)) = 2 (100*a3*cs*( /a3)^es*(1+fa* /a1)^( *r3)) = 3 (100*a3*ct*( /a3)^et*(1+fa* /a1)^( *r3)) +yc1+yc2+ +ys1+ys2+ +yt1+yt2+ & "," & & "," & & "," & /1000 & "," ryc3) & "," & ( ) & "," & ( & "," & ( ) & "," cropfield1 & "," & cropfield2 & "," & cropfield3 & "," 4ifirst showHelp "This shows output . It may be wise visit market sell some , particularly compute enterpage leavePage showHelp enterpage Gcompute fieldonework fieldtwowork fieldthreework fieldonefert fieldtwofert fieldthreefert fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert newtime1 newtime2 newtime3 icomp iback compute ~ ~!~"~#~$~%~&~'~(~)~*~ ~+~,~-~.~/~0~1~2~3~4~5~6~7~8~9~:~;~<~=~>~?~@~A~B~C~D~E~F~G~H~I~J~K?L?M?N?O?P?Q?R?S?T?U[ You lost mandays this year to malaria. Too bad. You worked too hard this year. As a result, you lost mandays to various diseases. Ooops. You worked much too hard this year. As a result, you lost mandays to disease and exhaustion. I'm really tired. You killed yourself with work this year. You lost mandays to disease and exhaustion. Where is my bed? cropfield1 cropfield2 cropfield3 ieff3 ieff2 lostdays shalei newtime1 newtime2 newtime3 pparray qqarray ccarray ttarray ransik1 ransik2 ransik3 ransik4 prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv ppbic ppfer sigrc sigrs sigrt sigrl sigpc sigps sigpt sigpl qcorn CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 ranvec fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert time1 time2 time3 totaltime leisure laborLiv leavePage ifirst showHelp This page shows you the crop output you got this year. It may be wise to visit the market and sell some of your production, particularly cotton. To allocate your working time among fields, drag the grey cursors on this page. You cannot work more than the time you have available. Note also that taking care of your livestock has already mobilized some of your labor force. helpOK B"helpOK" "Help" buttonUp buttonUp helpOK frame1 Small field Medium field Large field Resteee 09053537037037038 0807.450617283951 0719.021604938272 08883537037037038 08503537037037038 04203537037037038 40023537037037038 You must allocate your time and that of all household members between rest and work on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. three fields, slide the cursor with the mouse. Total days of work and rest between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Days of work per hectare ur time between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Work or Play? Work or Play? fieldone Nonehum fieldtwo Nonehum fieldthree Nonehum plabor1 plabor2 plabor3 pleisure :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Fields pretty much look like this. Here is a corn field. Your son is just collecting some young cobs for tonigh's barbecue.. Your son is just collecting young corn on the cob for tonight's barbecue!!!!!! Below is a very well kept cotton field. showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button :PHYSSIZE This picture shows the three major crops of in your area: corn (in the foreground on the right), cotton (the leafy stuff in between) and sorghum (the tall stuff on the left). (on the left). showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Here is your neighbor Amadou coming back from his field. Say hi to Amadou. Ladies do not get much time for chit-chat. Here they come with some firewood for tonight's dinner. Gee, so much work goes into food in this place! showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button :PHYSSIZE If you have forgotten something essential for tonight's dinner, there is always the local grocery market. Here you can buy salt, onion, flour, milk, and other necessities of life. Also, if some friends drop by for an evening chat, you can always send a kid get a few kola nuts. Kola nuts have this magic thing about getting everybody worked up and the conversation going. Real cool for an evening debate about man, the stars and the spirits.ts............. showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button Eexit Edead oldage caption You should have surrendered your farm to a married son before it is too late. Your wealth level is very low and unlikely to sustain you very long. You may die in utter poverty. Be more thoughtful next time.ul next time. lLivPage Livestock labor laborsituation Taking care of your livestock is time consuming. Currently you and your family are spending the equivalent of 100 workdays on livestock. What is left for crop cultivation and rest amounts to 400 days. If you feel that more manpower is needed for crop work, you may visit the market and sell animals now.nimals now.. sellanimals Livestock labor :PHYSSIZE This is your home or "compound". It may not look like much but it is cozy and there is plenty of room for the kids to play and for your wife to cook. On the ground are some okras she just brought from her garden. Looks like we gonna have some nice okra sauce tonight!!! showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button 4icont,iback,isurvive 4grainToEat 4qliv,qcorn,qsor,qcot,qmon,qfert, 4ppcorn,ppsorghum,ppcotton,ppliv,ppfert 4wealth,amount "girlMarriage" Restart "boyMarriage" ifor2 qqcorn b(0, b(0, qqsor b(0, qqcot b(0, qqliv b(0, qqmon b(0, qqwealth ) < 1 generalstarvation disease edead foodstock assistrequest 4nDependents,ageDependents,sexDependents 4ransur1,ransur2,ransur3,ransur4 ZrussianRoul,foodgap,ndead,ido,tempstack -- Make function (10) ^ <= 200 w > 200 <=350 > 350 <=500 -- Decide which member household actually dies icount "You died hunger must be kidding!" "Edead" "whichage" Death( -- With no , everybody game ends inumber your whole family "I knew "What Q expect! had no stocks "Next I, try keep some farm." mainnext babes 4iangryson,ihappyson,iangrydaughter,ihappydaughter,igrateful,iopport,ipotgrat,ipotop 4ranias,ranihs,raniad,ranihd,ranigr,raniop1,raniop2 assets tcorn tsor tcot tliv tmon twealth qqfert iccc nRan irevson iflag > 0 Mrequests" && 6 && "Nairas you." f"Request granted." "No way!" "I can't, payrequest "Of course O, Mam told me. You're just a liar!" f"Get lost." > 0 "Your politely begs" && && " son." you can, Dad, disappoint me so much!" "I understand. Sorry I bothered f"No problem." irevdaughter > 0 && " I'll be > 0 && " I'll be f"No > 0 "One friends door. He wonders ould lend him" && && " out trouble." f"No join potential assistance -- renew pool 0helpers > 5000 > 5000 > 0 && " f"No -- simple assumptions regarding , use available cash cashpay -- secondly, cotpay -- thirdly, livestock difficulty that 'exists only discrete quantities > 0 soldliv soldhead iliv livpay -- fourthly, , starting cornpay sorpay -- little message foolhearted "I am touched sollicitude. But nothing Are sure you'll be fine?" f"Sure!" "Rats!?" "Thank indeed. I shall be forever are welcome." showHelp "This shows whether have been successful sheltering yourself . It also calls made relatives. It may be interest turn people down, particularly they aextravagant demands. remember dneed too day." generalstarvation mainnext disease assistrequest enterpage payrequest showHelp enterpage generalstarvation -disease foodstock foodstock fqassistrequest edead qqwealth qqmon qqliv qqcot qqsor qqcorn ifor2 wealth amount ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv ppfert qcorn qfert grainToEat icont iback isurvive disease You died of hunger and disease! You must be kidding! Edead whichage whichage Death Death icount russianRoul foodgap ndead tempstack ransur1 ransur2 ransur3 ransur4 grainToEat qcorn nDependents ageDependents sexDependents generalstarvation whichage whichage Death Death You and your whole family died of hunger and disease! You must be kidding! I knew it. You must be kidding! What do you expect! You had no food stocks at all. Next time, try to keep some food on the farm. Edead inumber russianRoul foodgap ndead tempstack ransur1 ransur2 ransur3 ransur4 grainToEat qcorn nDependents ageDependents sexDependents mainnext whichage babes assistrequest An angry son requests Nairas from you. Request granted. No way! I can't, son. Request granted. payrequest I can't, son. Of course you can, Mam told me. You're just a liar! Get lost. Your son politely begs Nairas from you. Request granted. No way! I can't, son. Request granted. payrequest I can't, son. Of course you can, Mam told me. Dad, you disappoint me so much! Get lost. I can't, son. I understand. Sorry I bothered you. No problem. An angry daughter requests Nairas from you. Request granted. No way! Sorry, I can't. Request granted. payrequest Sorry, I can't. Of course you can, Mam told me. You're just a liar! I'll be back. Get lost. Your daughter politely begs Nairas from you. Request granted. No way! Sorry, I can't. Request granted. payrequest Sorry, I can't. Of course you can, Mam told me. You're just a liar! I'll be back. Get lost. Sorry, I can't. I understand. Sorry I bothered you. No problem. One of your friends is at the door. He wonders if you could lend him Nairas to get him out of trouble. Request granted. No way! Sorry, I can't. Request granted. payrequest Sorry, I can't. One of your friends is at the door. He wonders if you could lend him Nairas to get him out of trouble. Request granted. No way! Sorry, I can't. Request granted. payrequest Sorry, I can't. irevdaughter iflag irevson qqwealth qqmon qqliv qqcot qqsor qqcorn twealth tcorn assets ranias ranihs raniad ranihd ranigr raniop1 raniop2 wealth amount ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv qcorn qfert iangryson ihappyson iangrydaughter ihappydaughter igrateful iopport ipotgrat ipotop payrequest I am touched by your sollicitude. But nothing is left for you. Are you sure you'll be fine? Sure! Rats!? Thank you very very much indeed. I shall be forever grateful. You are welcome. qqwealth qqmon qqliv qqcot qqsor qqcorn sorpay cornpay livpay soldhead soldliv cotpay cashpay wealth amount ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv qcorn showHelp This page shows you whether you have been successful in sheltering your family and yourself from hunger. It is also the time that calls for help are made by friends and relatives. It may be in your interest to turn some people down, particularly if they make extravagant demands. But remember that you may need other people's help too some day. lLivPage pagecompute father 4iback,icont enterPage enterPage iback icont Congratulations Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby girl!nd w new baby girl!y girl(s) :PHYSSIZE previous first previous first AAAAAA Skipintro startgame "Skip the introduction." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp startgame mouseEnter Skip the introduction. explain Skip the introduction. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation explain2 explain -- Go the Information part showHelp about "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp vshowHelp mouseEnter Help about this page. explain Help about this page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4iback o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown previous iback mouseEnter Go to the previous page. explain Go to the previous page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) mainnext "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown olqmainnext mouseEnter Go to the next page. explain Go to the next page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(96) o(46) -- -- -- "Exit." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown mouseEnter Exit. explain Exit. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4s_Path "hub" _ & "master.tbk" ) the main "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown master.tbk k:to2 j:to1 s_Path mouseEnter Go to the main menu. explain Go to the main menu. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation Help about this page. Skip the introduction. Skip the introduction. pfert plabor3 plabor2 plabor1 slack tsize tusize prect1 prect2 prect3 prect4 fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert remaining correc svMouseTrack svPiece svMousePos Now that you know more about Yamoussou, you are ready to play. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck!!ood luck!!rt hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button previous first previous first AAAAAA Skipintro startgame "Skip the introduction." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp startgame mouseEnter Skip the introduction. explain Skip the introduction. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation explain2 explain -- Go the Information part showHelp about "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp vshowHelp mouseEnter Help about this page. explain Help about this page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4iback o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown previous iback mouseEnter Go to the previous page. explain Go to the previous page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) mainnext "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown olqmainnext mouseEnter Go to the next page. explain Go to the next page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(96) o(46) -- -- -- "Exit." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown mouseEnter Exit. explain Exit. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4s_Path "hub" _ & "master.tbk" ) the main "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown master.tbk k:to2 j:to1 s_Path mouseEnter Go to the main menu. explain Go to the main menu. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation First 4icont,ifor,iback initialBook initialGame showHelp "Click on the righ arrow begin. You may skip !introduction 1game Hclicking on F'Skip' enterPage showHelp enterPage initialBook icont iback showHelp Click on the righ arrow to begin. You may skip the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button Fertilizer choice:::: helpOK Small field Medium field Large field Remaining Fertillizer To allocate your working time among fields, drag the grey cursors on this page. You cannot work more than the time you have available. Note also that taking care of your livestock has already mobilized some of your labor force. B"helpOK" "Help" buttonUp buttonUp helpOK 07853537037037038 0737.450617283951 0739.021604938272 02183537037037038 frame1 02303537037037038 03203537037037038 07023537037037038 To allocate fertilizer currently in your possession to any of your three fields, slide the cursor with the mouse. tilizer on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Fertilizer choice:::: fieldone fieldtwo Total fertilizer in Kg. between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Fertilizer per hectare our time between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. pfert plabor3 plabor1 Nonehum Nonehum fieldthree Nonehum plabor2 Surviving til next year::: The crop season is over. Now comes the time to pay school fees, buy essential items -- e.g., soap, cooking oil, kerosene -- and to stock up food until next year. Given the size and composition of your household, you need the following: The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that you and your family require the following amount of grain in your granaries in order to be reasonably sure to survive until next year: Expenditures on essential items::::::::::: School Fees:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: School Surviving til next year::: Cash: Grain Kg.of grain (corn or sorghum) canPayTax buttonUp buttonUp canPayTax To pay your taxes, click on "Pay". To acquire liquidities, visit the market and sell some assets. If you cannot meet tax and school fee obligations, your assets may be seized. Minimal food stocks, however, are never seized............................. helpOK B"helpOK" "Help" buttonUp buttonUp helpOK Grain (corn or sorghum): First father 4ifor,iback "girlMarriage" Restart "boyMarriage" showHelp "This the beginning qgame. To proceed, click on +arrow. At 7ottom @screen are Mcontrols that enable you navigate through iYou can acquire more information on area Blive Hclicking on 'Info' Lmay visualize your current situation assets, visit market, deal ffamily matters also appropriate main pictures." enterPage showHelp enterPage girlMarriage boyMarriage Restart iback showHelp This is the beginning of a new game. To proceed, click on the arrow. At the bottom of the screen are the controls that enable you to navigate through the game. You can acquire more information on the area you live in by clicking on the 'Info' button. You may visualize your current situation and assets, visit the market, and deal with family matters also by clicking on the appropriate button. You may save the game at any time, or return to the main menu and see more pictures. At the bottom of this window are the typical controls you will see. You have many choices. To proceed with the game, click on the right arrow. You may decide to exit at any time or to return to the main menu. You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area portrayed in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "Options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. d lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. his is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! A new game begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! A new game begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! previous first previous first Restart 4dataentered initialGame "startgame" "Restart a "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp startgame dataentered mouseEnter Restart a new game. explain Restart a new game. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation Restart AAAAAA explain2 Restart a new game. explain Restart a new game. o(96) o(46) -- -- -- "Exit." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown mouseEnter Exit. explain Exit. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4s_Path "hub" _ & "master.tbk" ) the main "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown master.tbk k:to2 j:to1 s_Path mouseEnter Go to the main menu. explain Go to the main menu. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation previous first previous first v \$ Information -- Go the Information part 4f_Path 4posit, where 8( f_path & "info.tbk" {information section." "explain" 0n." "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp f_path info.tbk posit where f_Path mouseEnter Go to the information section. explain Go to the information section. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation AAAAAA -- Go the Information part showHelp about "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp vshowHelp mouseEnter Help about this page. explain Help about this page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) mainnext "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown olqmainnext mouseEnter Go to the next page. explain Go to the next page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation explain2 Visit the market. explain Visit the market. o(96) o(46) "Are you sure want leave 'Welcome Africa'?" f"Quit without saving" "Save quit" "Cancel" savegame "Exit." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown Are you sure you want to leave 'Welcome to Africa'? Quit without saving Save and quit Cancel Quit without saving Save and quit [savegame mouseEnter Exit. explain Exit. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4s_Path "Are you sure want leave the game main f"Leave without saving" "Save "Cancel" "hub" & "master.tbk" ) savegame "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown Are you sure you want to leave the game and return to the main menu? Leave without saving Save and leave Cancel Leave without saving master.tbk Save and leave [savegame master.tbk s_Path k:to2 j:to1 mouseEnter Go to main menu without saving. explain Go to main menu without saving. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation $'\/ 4f_Path 4posit, where 8( f_path & "options.tbk" ) "Family matters." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation buttonUp buttonDown mouseEnter mouseLeave buttonDown k:to2 j:to1 buttonUp f_path options.tbk posit where f_Path mouseEnter Family matters. explain Family matters. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation -- Go the Situation part 4f_Path 4posit, where 8(f_path & "situatio.tbk" ) "Visualize your current situation." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation buttonUp buttonDown mouseEnter mouseLeave buttonDown buttonUp f_path situatio.tbk posit where f_Path mouseEnter Visualize your current situation. explain Visualize your current situation. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation market "Visit the "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation buttonUp buttonDown mouseEnter mouseLeave buttonDown k:to2 j:to1 buttonUp market mouseEnter Visit the market. explain Visit the market. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(219) o(218) savegame "Save "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown [savegame mouseEnter Save game. explain Save game. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation Go to the next page. Go to the next page. Go to the next page. Go to the next page. "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect x%label YAMOU05 but15 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect (label YAMOU05 but14 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect +label YAMOU05 but13 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect .label YAMOU05 but12 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect 1label YAMOU05 but11 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect 4label YAMOU05 but10 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect 7label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect :label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect =label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect @label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Clabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Flabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Ilabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Llabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Olabel YAMOU05 startgame previous first previous first AAAAAA Skipintro startgame "Skip the introduction." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp startgame mouseEnter Skip the introduction. explain Skip the introduction. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation explain2 explain -- Go the Information part showHelp about "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp vshowHelp mouseEnter Help about this page. explain Help about this page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4iback o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown previous iback mouseEnter Go to the previous page. explain Go to the previous page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(41) o(40) o(39) o(36) o(33) o(34) o(35) o(38) mainnext "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown olqmainnext mouseEnter Go to the next page. explain Go to the next page. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation o(96) o(46) -- -- -- "Exit." "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown mouseEnter Exit. explain Exit. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation 4s_Path "hub" _ & "master.tbk" ) the main "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown master.tbk k:to2 j:to1 s_Path mouseEnter Go to the main menu. explain Go to the main menu. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation Go to the next page. Go to the next page. Great news! Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Sorry! You lost animal(s) to drought and disease. There are some good news and some bad news. Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Unfortunately you also lost animal(s) to drought and disease. jnextpage addliv icount ranliv fixLiv varLiv laborLiv leisure totaltime showHelp This is the beginning of a new year and the continuation of the current game. To proceed, click on the arrow. At the bottom of the screen are the controls that enable you to navigate through the game. You can acquire more information on the area you live in by clicking on the 'Info' button. You may visualize your current situation and assets, visit the market, and deal with family matters also by clicking on the appropriate button. You may save the game at any time, or return to the main menu and see more pictures. "Load a saved game a user specified directory." "title" clearTitle 4myname,icount,mydirect,windowsDirectory B( "but" & i ) -- First issue WinPath ("I could xdetermine your Windows path. Could give please?" winpathp ftest .ini" getFileList( "I think gave me wrong f"OK" & "\africa" ("Where wish me look s? (Give a full , including drive letter)" propdir = "\" -- Verify that xsome gibberish x":" "The you have given me invalid." f"OK" suggested exists pdrive setCurrentDrive( -- Save current afterwards getCurrentDrive() cdrive getCurrentDirectory( setCurrentDirectory( -- If does try create "For reason I cannot access f"OK" -- If failed default option -- Go (where .tbk files flist & "\*.afr" fflist j(20, temp "Click on a "There are no ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter Load a saved game from a user specified directory. title mouseLeave clearTitle buttonUp I could not determine your Windows path. Could you give it please? \win.ini getFileList I think you gave me the wrong path. \africa Where do you wish me to look for saved games? (Give a full path, including drive letter) The path you have given me is invalid. setCurrentDrive The drive letter you have given me is invalid. getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory For some reason I cannot access the directory you gave me. setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory \*.afr getFileList Click on a file name. title There are no saved games in the specified directory. fflist flist cdrive pdrive propdir ftest winpathp WinPath myname icount mydirect windowsDirectory 4iback 4nDependents,a1,a2,a3 "You are Yamoussou Ouedraogo, a West African farmer. 1have a wife two kids. Kpossess three fields: a" && a1 && "Ha plot located near your home; a" && a2 && "Ha the village; a" && a3 && "Ha bush a couple miles away." ouedraogo showHelp "Click on irigh arrow ygame. may skip rest introduction Hclicking on 'Skip' enterPage showHelp enterPage You are Yamoussou Ouedraogo, a West African farmer. You have a wife and two kids. You possess three fields: a Ha plot located near your home; a Ha plot in the village; and a Ha plot in the bush a couple of miles away. ouedraogo nDependents iback showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button ouedraogo You are Yamoussou Ouedraogo, a West African farmer. You have a wife and two kids. You possess three fields: a 0.2 Ha plot located near your home; a 0.8 Ha plot in the village; and a 2 Ha plot in the bush a couple of miles away.(2 hectares) in the bush a couple of miles away...........away from your home. ???????????? Let's start the game raogo, a West African farmer. You have one wife and three kids aged 13, 5 and 2. You possess three fields: a small one located near your house; a medium-size one in the village; and a large bush field a couple of miles away from your home. a couple of miles away from your home. ???????????? Let's start the game raogo, a West African farmer. You have one wife and three kids aged 13, 5 and 2. You possess three fields: a small one located near your house; a medium-size one in the village; and a large bush field a couple of miles away from your home. a couple of miles away from your home. ???????????? :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE You live around here somewhereee::: showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' showHelp showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button pagecompute Harvest Time! Your crop output is as follows: Harvest Time! Your crop output is as follows: is as follows: Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Corn Sorghummm Cotton 058242429665029800 07569 0423.4 0283.52 0564.4 0628.52 02159 006594 Workdays fieldonework 0878.52 fieldthreework 04259 fieldtwowork 085594 Fertilizer Kg. fieldonefert 0428.52 fieldthreefert 03159 fieldtwofert 043594 For memory, you had allocated to these fields:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4CropField1 "Result" Corn Sorghum Cotton FALSE Button " PaintObject "PicCorn" showHelp 9& "To plant a crop on , click on the r on its picture. A that has xbeen planted yields nothing." & 9& "To keep things simple, fallowing fields xnecessary game. rotation plays no role either." terPage buttondown enterPage showHelp enterPage Result Result Result Result Cotton Sorghum CropField1 buttondown PicCorn Result Sorghum PicSorghum Result Cotton PicCotton Result Cotton Sorghum CropField1 showHelp To plant a crop on this field, click on the name of the crop or on its picture. A field that has not been planted yields nothing. To keep things simple, fallowing fields is not necessary in this game. Crop rotation plays no role either. To choose a crop, click on its name or on the picture under it. helpOK B"helpOK" "Help" buttonUp buttonUp helpOK What about your large field????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sorghum Sorghum Cotton Cotton PicSorghum :PHYSSIZE PicCorn :PHYSSIZE PicCotton :PHYSSIZE Result ?orghum lessons hints You are facing a lot of risk. You must reduce your exposure to it by accumulating assets, especially in the form of livestock, and by making sure you can count on your kids and friends when times are hard. Do not keep idle cash. Unless you have plenty of manpower and fertilizer, stay away from high risk crops, particularly on your large fields. Do not overwork yourself, but do not remain unnecessarily idle either. To eat, you've got to work. Marry only if you can take care of additional dependents, but make sure you do not remain without progeny. Hintsnsame begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! Hintsnsame begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! hints Edead showHelp "To restart the game scratch, click on 'Restart'. To Windows, "Exit' now... but asure you try some other showHelp showHelp To restart the game from scratch, click on 'Restart'. To exit back to Windows, click on 'Exit' now... but make sure you try the game again some other time! Looks like you weren't too lucky. Better luck next time!!!estart". To return to Windows, click on "Exit". Better luck next time! lessons "Lessons the game." "title" clearTitle "lessons" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter Lessons from the game. title mouseLeave clearTitle buttonUp lessons Hints clearTitle Lessons title hints "Hints survival." "title" clearTitle "hints" ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter Hints for survival. title mouseLeave clearTitle buttonUp hints Hints for survival.me. 4fert1,fert2,fert3,qfert,remaining 4a1,a2,a3 4ftop,fbot,correc 4prect1,prect2,prect3,prect4 4iback,icomp 4cropfield1,cropfield2,cropfield3 # = 1 "Corn" fieldone B = 2 "Sorghum" ^ = 3 "Cotton" "None" fieldtwo fieldthree /a1) /a2) /a3) -- store the coordinates Bplabor1 Bplabor2 Bplabor3 Bpfert frame1)+( <= 0 b(0.1,( <= 1 " You don't have fertilizer. If you'd like, can purchase ity. To there, ticket Zmarket." f"Go catch bus." xwant now." mainnext showHelp "To allocate your among fields, drag cursors up down, just 9 did work rest." 4svMouseTrack,svPiece,svMousePos,svNumber,svert =-150)) W-150 4a1,a2,a3 -150 - tusize tsize b(-3* slack 2/3) loc -150 - l ))) | + /a1) /a2) /a3) enterpage buttondown buttonstilldown showHelp buttonup enterpage Sorghum Cotton Sorghum Cotton Sorghum Cotton You don't have any fertilizer. If you'd like, you can purchase fertilizer from the city. To get there, purchase a return ticket to the city from the local market. Go to the local market to catch the bus. I do not want fertilizer now. Go to the local market to catch the bus. market lqmainnext frame1 pfert plabor3 plabor2 plabor1 fieldthree fieldtwo fieldone cropfield1 cropfield2 cropfield3 iback icomp prect1 prect2 prect3 prect4 correc fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert remaining showHelp To allocate your fertilizer among fields, drag the gray cursors up and down, just like you did for work and rest. buttondown button svMouseTrack svPiece svMousePos svNumber svert buttonstilldown svMouseTrack svPiece svert buttonup pfert pfert plabor3 plabor2 plabor1 slack tsize tusize prect1 prect2 prect3 prect4 fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert remaining correc svMouseTrack svPiece svMousePos pleisure plabor3 plabor2 plabor1 slack tsize tusize prect1 prect2 prect3 prect4 totaltime time1 time2 time3 leisure laborLiv correc svMouseTrack svPiece svMousePos mainend oldage 4CropField2 "Result" Corn Sorghum Cotton Button " PaintObject "PicCorn" showHelp 9& "To plant a crop on , click on the r on its picture. A that has xbeen planted yields nothing." & 9& "To keep things simple, fallowing fields xnecessary game. rotation plays no role either." terPage buttondown enterPage showHelp enterPage Result Result Result Result Cotton Sorghum CropField2 buttondown PicCorn Result Sorghum PicSorghum Result Cotton PicCotton Result Cotton Sorghum CropField2 showHelp To plant a crop on this field, click on the name of the crop or on its picture. A field that has not been planted yields nothing. To keep things simple, fallowing fields is not necessary in this game. Crop rotation plays no role either. Restart Wifequest 4CropField3 "Result" Corn Sorghum Cotton Button " PaintObject "PicCorn" showHelp 9& "To plant a crop on , click on the r on its picture. A that has xbeen planted yields nothing." & 9& "To keep things simple, fallowing fields xnecessary game. rotation plays no role either." terPage buttondown enterPage showHelp enterPage Result Result Result Result Cotton Sorghum CropField3 buttondown PicCorn Result Sorghum PicSorghum Result Cotton PicCotton Result Cotton Sorghum CropField3 showHelp To plant a crop on this field, click on the name of the crop or on its picture. A field that has not been planted yields nothing. To keep things simple, fallowing fields is not necessary in this game. Crop rotation plays no role either. 4qliv,qmon,qcorn,qsor,igirl,iboy 4totaltime,leisure,laborLiv,fixLiv,varLiv 4iback 4iangryson,ihappyson,iangrydaughter,ihappydaughter -- If had a marriage on >= 2000 ) >= 500 -2000 -- Deduct grain stocks shacorn *500/( shasor *500/( "The wedding party you organized was a wonderful success. All your friends relative showed up are grateful opportunity meet have fun together." f"I am flattered." <= 2000 ) <=500 -2000 cheap a complete flop! Friends relatives think %a failure." f"Who cares!" >= 3 *500/( *500/( "Your son very that could his . He told can count on him help support bad times 9age." f"Sure, "Since xcome up fthe cattle, off. anger ( mother gave Bhouse), saying he would rather work town dowry money on f"Get lost!" Ispent on livestock totlabcomp lablivcomp <> 0 "Taking Iconsuming. Currently amily spending equivalent " && && \ "workdays on . What crop cultivation rest amounts " && D. If feel more manpower needed may visit market sell animals now." laborsituation worry about. household yourself devote " && && " showHelp "To proceed, click on arrow. At screen ontrols enable navigate through game. You acquire information on area Hclicking on 'Info' ualize current assets, deal ffamily matters also appropriate main pictures." sellanimals terPage showHelp enterPage leavePage enterPage The wedding party you organized was a wonderful success. All your friends and relative showed up and are grateful to you for this opportunity to meet again and have fun together. I am flattered. The wedding party you organized was cheap and a complete flop! Friends and relatives think of you as a failure. Who cares! Your son is very grateful that you could organize his wedding. He told you that you can count on him for help and support in bad times and old age. Sure, son! Since you could not come up with the cattle, the wedding is off. You son left you in anger (after his mother gave him all the cash in the house), saying he would rather work in town and get dowry money on his own. Get lost! totlabcomp lablivcomp Taking care of your livestock is time consuming. Currently you and your family are spending the equivalent of workdays on livestock. What is left for crop cultivation and rest amounts to days. If you feel that more manpower is needed for crop work, you may visit the market and sell animals now. Currently you have no livestock to worry about. All together, the total time that your household and yourself can devote to crop cultivation and rest is days. laborsituation shasor shacorn iangryson ihappyson iangrydaughter ihappydaughter iback totaltime leisure laborLiv fixLiv varLiv qcorn igirl showHelp To proceed, click on the arrow. At the bottom of the screen are the controls that enable you to navigate through the game. You can acquire more information on the area you live in by clicking on the 'Info' button. You may visualize your current situation and assets, visit the market, and deal with family matters also by clicking on the appropriate button. You may save the game at any time, or return to the main menu and see more pictures. leavePage sellanimals System Times New Roman \D|D| mes New Roman l l l Southern Casablanca uthern Southern uthern mes New Roman Southern Southern mes New Roman h s Rmn gD|D|- ivers (WN) gD|D|- mes New Roman mes New Roman System uthern Roman h uthern Tms Rmn gD|D| s Rmn gD|D|- mes New Roman mes New Roman Southern mes New Roman TBKWidgets gD|D|} System Southern Roman Southern Southern h uthern Roman Be an African Farmer mes New Roman mes New Roman mes New Roman uthern uthern Roman uthern mes New Roman System 4ifor2,iback,isurvive 4ifirst,taxToPay,feeToPay,grainToEat initializepage School Grain 4nDependents,ageDependents Zicount 4icanpay ; <= e >= 15 < 15 >=10 < 10 canPayTax 4f_path 4qliv,qmon,qbic,qfer 4ppcorn,ppsorghum,ppcotton,ppliv,ppbic,ppfer 4qcorn,qsor,qcot 4topay paynext P < \ "Please visit the market money buy essential school fees."\ f"Yes" seize 4where .tbk" ) "You should try If you x, maybe someone your household will liquidate assets behind cash." (0.99+ > 0 (0.99+ (0.99+ (0.99+ showHelp , click on 'Pay'. To sell now. If .. No one, however, dare touch minimum food stocks." ) >= Survive mainend tcorn tsor tcot tliv tmon twealth qqcorn qqsor qqcot qqliv qqmon qqwealth mainnext enterPage canPayTax seize initializepage showHelp paynext enterPage qkinitializepage Grain School ifirst taxToPay feeToPay grainToEat ifor2 iback isurvive initializepage icanpay icount taxToPay feeToPay grainToEat nDependents ageDependents canPayTax Rpaynext Please visit the market and get money to buy essential items and pay school fees. seize market.tbk seize where topay icanpay ifor2 taxToPay feeToPay grainToEat qcorn ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv ppbic ppfer f_path seize You should try to get money to pay for essential items and school fees. If you do not, maybe someone else in your household will liquidate assets behind your back to get the cash. Rpaynext topay icanpay ifor2 qcorn ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv ppbic ppfer showHelp To buy essential items and pay school fees, click on 'Pay'. To get cash, visit the market and sell assets now. If do not get the cash, someone else may liquidate some of your assets behind your back. No one, however, will dare touch minimum food stocks. paynext lqmainnext qqwealth qqmon qqliv qqcot qqsor qqcorn twealth tcorn assets mainend Survive grainToEat qcorn lessons Success and survival are not easier in low tech societies than in high tech societies. If anything they are harder. To survive as a farmer on the great African plains you've got to use your brain, you've got to learn from your mistakes, and you've got to listen to what people say -- in this case, read carefully the information section. The decisions by many Africans to have lots of kids or to stick to 'traditional' crops may not be in society's interest. But they often are optimal from an individual point of view. Understanding the conflict between individual incentives and aggregate welfare is the first step toward successful policy design and implementation. Lessonsame begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! Lessonsame begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! 4iback showHelp "Click on the righ arrow game. You may skip $est +introduction Hclicking on N'Skip' enterpage showHelp enterpage iback showHelp Click on the righ arrow to continue the game. You may skip the rest of the introduction to the game by clicking on the 'Skip' button "African Farmer" is a game-like simulation. Its purpose is to show you the kind of environment a typical African farmer lives in. It should be both entertaining and educational. You have to make a variety of decisions that resemble those that a typical African farmer has to make. Your objective is to survive and, possibly, prosper. Surviving is not as easy as you might think at first. The strategies you adopt to deal with risk largely determine your success in the game. If you are familiar with Windows or the Mac, moving around in the program should be fairly self-explanatory: All you have to do is click. So, click along! And good luck: you will need it..eed it.g! Restart girlMarriage boyMarriage This is the start of a new year. You must decide what to plant on your fields and how much labor to allocate to each of them......... let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck!A new year begins. You must decide what to plant on your fields and how much labor to allocate to each of them.you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! This is the start of a new year. You must decide what to plant on your fields and how much labor to allocate to each of them......... let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck!A new year begins. You must decide what to plant on your fields and how much labor to allocate to each of them.you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! yoursituation You are now 36 years of age. Expressed in monetary terms, the value of all your marketable assets taken together is 1490 Nairas. 4totaltime,time1,time2,time3,leisure,laborLiv 4a1,a2,a3 4ftop,fbot,correc 4prect1,prect2,prect3,prect4 4iback,icomp 4cropfield1,cropfield2,cropfield3 # = 1 "Corn" fieldone B = 2 "Sorghum" ^ = 3 "Cotton" "None" fieldtwo fieldthree totlabcomp lablivcomp /a1) /a2) /a3) -- store the coordinates Bplabor1 Bplabor2 Bplabor3 Bpleisure frame1)+( Y<= 0 b(0.5,( <= 1 "All your available manpower taken up Hherding. Do - want sell some animals proceed?" f"Visit market." "Proceed." mainnext showHelp 9& "You are boss on farm, so decide what everybody does. (Well, game anyway. In real life, course, things ja bit trickier. Wives grown-up kids often have their individual fields exert discretion they use I. We abstract here.)" & 9& "To allocate Iamong m, drag cursors up down. Leisure fun, but won't feed you! Beware overwork yourself family, however: 8 may fall sick, which Dplan will xbe met." 4svMouseTrack,svPiece,svMousePos,svNumber,svert =-150)) W-150 4a1,a2,a3 -150 - tusize tsize b(-3* slack 2/3) & + A + F ) loc -150 - /a1) /a2) /a3) enterpage buttondown buttonstilldown showHelp buttonup enterpage Sorghum Cotton Sorghum Cotton Sorghum Cotton totlabcomp lablivcomp All your available manpower is taken up by herding. Do you want to sell some animals or do you want to proceed? Visit the market. Proceed. Visit the market. market lqmainnext frame1 pleisure plabor3 plabor2 plabor1 fieldthree fieldtwo fieldone cropfield1 cropfield2 cropfield3 iback icomp prect1 prect2 prect3 prect4 correc totaltime time1 time2 time3 leisure laborLiv showHelp You are the boss on this farm, so you decide what everybody does. (Well, in this game anyway. In real life, of course, things are a bit trickier. Wives and grown-up kids often have their own individual fields and exert some discretion as to how they use their time. We abstract from all this here.) To allocate your available time among fields, drag the gray cursors up and down. Leisure is fun, but it won't feed you! Beware not to overwork yourself and your family, however: some of you may fall sick, in which case your work plan will not be met. buttondown button svMouseTrack svPiece svMousePos svNumber svert buttonstilldown svMouseTrack svPiece svert buttonup pleisure pleisure plabor3 plabor2 plabor1 slack tsize tusize prect1 prect2 prect3 prect4 totaltime time1 time2 time3 leisure laborLiv correc svMouseTrack svPiece svMousePos o(219) o(218) savegame "Save "explain" "explain2" clearExplanation uttonDown mouseEnter buttonDown mouseLeave buttonDown [savegame mouseEnter Save game. explain Save game. explain2 mouseLeave clearExplanation "Load a saved game the default directory." "title" clearTitle 4myname,icount,mydirect,windowsDirectory B( "but" & i ) -- First issue WinPath ("I could xdetermine your Windows path. Could give please?" winpathp ftest .ini" getFileList( "I think gave me wrong f"OK" & "\africa" createdirectory( flist & "\*. fflist j(20, temp "Click on a file "There are no ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter Load a saved game from the default directory. title mouseLeave clearTitle buttonUp I could not determine your Windows path. Could you give it please? \win.ini getFileList I think you gave me the wrong path. \africa createdirectory \*.afr getFileList Click on a file name. title There are no saved games in the default directory. fflist flist ftest winpathp WinPath myname icount mydirect windowsDirectory startgame mainnext 4dataentered cleartitle initialgame 4iback B( "but" & i ) showHelp "Click on the 'Default' default parameters. If you wish a gamed saved 2directory, click on 'Load'. Up twenty 0games will appear on d. If your 5are ln 'Directory' give full path where 9. Then d. Good luck." nnext enterpage mainnext showHelp mainnext cleartitle initialgame dataentered enterpage cleartitle iback showHelp Click on the 'Default' button to start the game with the default parameters. If you wish to restore a gamed saved in the default directory, click on 'Load'. Up to twenty saved games will appear on the page. Click on the name of the saved game you wish to continue. If your saved games are not in the default directory, click on 'Directory' and give the full path of where your saved games are. Then click on the name of the game you wish to continue. Good luck. A new game begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! A new game begins...e game. You have plenty of time. You can also save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment. Good luck! You have access to several sources of information. "Help" gives you short hints about what to do in the page you are in. "Info" takes you to a section contraining detailed information about the area pictured in the game. You can visualize your current situation by clicking on the eye. To sell and buy things, visit the market. The "options" command lets you take important decisions regarding yourself and your family. This is not an arcade game. You have plenty of time. You can save your game and come back to it later. The game is designed to let you experience the possible consequences of decisions African farmers has to make. So, don't hesitate to experiment.to experiment.is is exactly the purpose of the game. buy something (or simply to collect information about prices), click on "Market". To get help about particular features of the window you are in, click on "Help". Be patient: This is not an arcade game! title default 4datafile mainnext "Use the default options." "title" clearTitle tonUp mouseEnter buttonUp mouseLeave buttonUp olqmainnext datafile mouseEnter Use the default options. title mouseLeave clearTitle Default directory Directory 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect label YAMOU05 but20 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect label YAMOU05 but19 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect label YAMOU05 but18 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect label YAMOU05 but17 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect p"label YAMOU05 but16 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect x%label YAMOU05 but15 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect (label YAMOU05 but14 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect +label YAMOU05 but13 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect .label YAMOU05 but12 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect 1label YAMOU05 but11 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect 4label YAMOU05 but10 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect 7label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect :label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect =label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect @label YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Clabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Flabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Ilabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Llabel YAMOU05 4myname,icount,datafile,mydirect " & "\" & "0123456789" "0123456789" temp2 ) > 6 mainnext buttonUp buttonUp 0123456789 0123456789 lqmainnext temp2 myname icount datafile mydirect Olabel YAMOU05 Use the default options. Olt directory. 4time1,time2,time3 4yc1,yc2,yc3,ys1,ys2,ys3,yt1,yt2,yt3 4totaltime,leisure 4CropField1,CropField2,CropField3 4iback,icomp,ifor2,icont,igirl,iboy 4nDependents,ageDependents,sexDependents 4qliv,laborLiv 4iyson,iydau,iyfri 4f_path 4yourage 4ppliv,qcorn,ppcorn,qsor,ppsorghum,qcot,ppcotton,qmon -- Switches routing -- To that visited only once passes familyEvents -- Marriage icount >=15 agegirl Death( 9& "Congratulation: daughter now " & ready marriage." & 9& "You are a responsible father you have arranged a good As a gesture friendship seal | deal, Lreceived three heads cattle s groom's sell these animals meet wedding expenses, however. Indeed, expected throw a big party costs 2000 Nairas requires 500 Kg grain food home-brewed beer. Visit market enough money "Let me think about hthe >= 25 25. He eager married his own farm." & found a suitable bride him, one he fancies too. Her parents tell . To promised give them 500 Kg. live tharvest." wealth now" && yourAge && \ "years Expressed monetary terms, value > marketable assets taken together b(0, )) && " "yoursituation" "Restart" & "main.tbk" ) -- This should avoid accumulating livestock just Hvisiting "information" mainnext 4ranliv,fixLiv,varLiv ZnRan,addliv, ,rr,rrr totlabcomp lablivcomp -- Calves rpos rneg "Great news! Your herd naturally increased H" && (s)." "Sorry! lost" && drought disease." "There some H" && (s)." &&\ "Unfortunately also nextpage showHelp beginning continuation current game. To proceed, click on arrow. At screen controls S enable navigate through can acquire more area Hclicking on 'Info' visualize matters appropriate pictures." terpage mainnext enterpage showHelp enterpage ~ ~!~"~#~$~%~&~'~(~ 3+familyEvents Death Death Congratulation: your daughter is now and ready for marriage. You are a responsible father and you have arranged a good marriage for her. As a gesture of friendship and to seal the marriage deal, you have received three heads of cattle from the groom's family. You may have to sell these animals to meet the wedding expenses, however. Indeed, you are expected to throw a big party that costs 2000 Nairas and requires 500 Kg of grain for food and home-brewed beer. Visit the market now and make sure that you have enough money and grain for the party. Visit the market. Let me think about it. Visit the market. market Death Death You son is now 25. He is eager to get married and start his own farm. You have found a suitable bride for him, one he fancies too. Her parents tell you she is eager. To seal the deal with the bride's family, you promised to give them three heads of cattle. You are also expected to give your son 500 Kg. of grain to start his farm and live with his bride until the next harvest. Visit the market. Let me think about it. Visit the market. market You are now yourAge years of age. Expressed in monetary terms, the value of all your marketable assets taken together is Nairas. yoursituation Restart main.tbk wealth ageDependent agegirl icount ppliv qcorn ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton yourage f_path iyson iydau iyfri laborLiv nDependents ageDependents sexDependents iback icomp ifor2 icont igirl CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 totaltime leisure time1 time2 time3 mainnext totlabcomp lablivcomp Great news! Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Sorry! You lost animal(s) to drought and disease. There are some good news and some bad news. Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Unfortunately you also lost animal(s) to drought and disease. jnextpage addliv icount ranliv fixLiv varLiv laborLiv leisure totaltime showHelp This is the beginning of a new year and the continuation of the current game. To proceed, click on the arrow. At the bottom of the screen are the controls that enable you to navigate through the game. You can acquire more information on the area you live in by clicking on the 'Info' button. You may visualize your current situation and assets, visit the market, and deal with family matters also by clicking on the appropriate button. You may save the game at any time, or return to the main menu and see more pictures. 4time1,time2,time3 4yc1,yc2,yc3,ys1,ys2,ys3,yt1,yt2,yt3 4totaltime,leisure 4CropField1,CropField2,CropField3 4iback,icomp,ifor2,icont,igirl,iboy 4nDependents,ageDependents,sexDependents 4qliv,laborLiv 4iyson,iydau,iyfri 4f_path 4yourage 4ppliv,qcorn,ppcorn,qsor,ppsorghum,qcot,ppcotton,qmon -- Switches routing -- To that visited only once passes familyEvents -- Marriage icount >=15 agegirl Death( 9& "Congratulation: daughter now " & ready marriage." & 9& "You are a responsible father you have arranged a good As a gesture friendship seal | deal, Lreceived three heads cattle s groom's sell these animals meet wedding expenses, however. Indeed, expected throw a big party costs 2000 Nairas requires 500 Kg grain food home-brewed beer. Visit market enough money "Let me think about hthe >= 25 ageboy b& ". He eager married his own farm." & found a suitable bride him, one he fancies too. Her parents tell . To promised give them 500 Kg. live tharvest." wealth now" && yourAge && \ "years Expressed monetary terms, value > marketable assets taken together b(0, )) && " "yoursituation" "Restart" & "main.tbk" ) -- This should avoid accumulating livestock just Hvisiting "information" mainnext 4ranliv,fixLiv,varLiv ZnRan,addliv, ,rr,rrr totlabcomp lablivcomp -- Calves rpos rneg "Great news! Your herd naturally increased H" && (s)." "Sorry! lost" && drought disease." "There some H" && (s)." &&\ "Unfortunately also nextpage showHelp beginning continuation current game. To proceed, click on arrow. At screen controls g enable navigate through can acquire more area Hclicking on 'Info' visualize matters appropriate pictures." terpage mainnext enterpage showHelp enterpage ~ ~!~"~#~$~%~&~'~(~ 3+familyEvents Death Death Congratulation: your daughter is now and ready for marriage. You are a responsible father and you have arranged a good marriage for her. As a gesture of friendship and to seal the marriage deal, you have received three heads of cattle from the groom's family. You may have to sell these animals to meet the wedding expenses, however. Indeed, you are expected to throw a big party that costs 2000 Nairas and requires 500 Kg of grain for food and home-brewed beer. Visit the market now and make sure that you have enough money and grain for the party. Visit the market. Let me think about it. Visit the market. market Death Death You son is now . He is eager to get married and start his own farm. You have found a suitable bride for him, one he fancies too. Her parents tell you she is eager. To seal the deal with the bride's family, you promised to give them three heads of cattle. You are also expected to give your son 500 Kg. of grain to start his farm and live with his bride until the next harvest. Visit the market. Let me think about it. Visit the market. market You are now yourAge years of age. Expressed in monetary terms, the value of all your marketable assets taken together is Nairas. yoursituation Restart main.tbk wealth ageboy agegirl icount ppliv qcorn ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton yourage f_path iyson iydau iyfri laborLiv nDependents ageDependents sexDependents iback icomp ifor2 icont igirl CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 totaltime leisure time1 time2 time3 mainnext totlabcomp lablivcomp Great news! Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Sorry! You lost animal(s) to drought and disease. There are some good news and some bad news. Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Unfortunately you also lost animal(s) to drought and disease. jnextpage addliv icount ranliv fixLiv varLiv laborLiv leisure totaltime showHelp This is the beginning of a new year and the continuation of the current game. To proceed, click on the arrow. At the bottom of the screen are the controls that enable you to navigate through the game. You can acquire more information on the area you live in by clicking on the 'Info' button. You may visualize your current situation and assets, visit the market, and deal with family matters also by clicking on the appropriate button. You may save the game at any time, or return to the main menu and see more pictures. mainnext totlabcomp lablivcomp Great news! Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Sorry! You lost animal(s) to drought and disease. There are some good news and some bad news. Your herd naturally increased by head(s). Unfortunately you also lost animal(s) to drought and disease. jnextpage addliv icount ranliv fixLiv varLiv laborLiv leisure totaltime showHelp This is the beginning of a new year and the continuation of the current game. To proceed, click on the arrow. At the bottom of the screen are the controls that enable you to navigate through the game. You can acquire more information on the area you live in by clicking on the 'Info' button. You may visualize your current situation and assets, visit the market, and deal with family matters also by clicking on the appropriate button. You may save the game at any time, or return to the main menu and see more pictures. price of a bicycle price of a ticket to the city market price of a pick-up truck price of fertilizer age of household head age of all household members other than household head type of all household members other than household head (2=wife, 1=daughter, 0=son) yourage agedependents sexdependents ppbic pptic ppfer ppfert prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv qcorn qfert currentfile itest cdrive pdrive propdir ftest winpathp windowsDirectory pparray qqarray ccarray icount myname mydirect winpath nextpage What do you want to plant on your small field this year?????????????? Sorghum Sorghum Cotton Cotton PicSorghum :PHYSSIZE PicCorn :PHYSSIZE PicCotton :PHYSSIZE Result ?orghum To choose a crop, click on its name or on the picture under it. helpOK B"helpOK" "Help" buttonUp buttonUp helpOK mainend Survive Congratulations: All your family survives the dry season! You kept insufficient food stocks. Members of your household or even yourself may die of disease and malnutrition.................. whichage One of your dependents died at age:r age was: qqcorn 345483726106257800 qqsor 14081001083765851 qqcot 0069.021604938272 assets Your marketable assets now are: between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. qqliv 11293537037037038 qqmon 14720069991952189 qqwealth 986396589602633700 tcorn Corn (Kg.) your time between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Sorghum (Kg.) your time between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Cotton )))))) your time between leisure and labor on each of the three fields. To do so, slide the cursors with the mouse. Livestock heads twealth Total wealth in Nairas.ncs To choose a crop, click on its name or on the picture under it. helpOK B"helpOK" "Help" buttonUp buttonUp helpOK What will you plant on your medium field this year??????????????????? Sorghum Sorghum Cotton Cotton PicSorghum :PHYSSIZE PicCorn :PHYSSIZE PicCotton :PHYSSIZE Result ?orghum !/7a showHelp "To restart the game scratch, click on 'Restart'. To Windows, "Exit' now." 4nDependents,ageDependents,sexDependents 4qcorn,qsor,qcot,qmon,qliv 4ppcorn,ppsorghum,ppcotton,ppliv wealth "< 3000 "You should have surrendered your farm a married son too late. Your vlevel very low unlikely sustain umay die utter poverty. Be more thoughtful Vbe sufficient insure help care heirs, however. But omehow lost face. Be showHelp enterpage showHelp To restart the game from scratch, click on 'Restart'. To exit back to Windows, click on 'Exit' now. enterpage You should have surrendered your farm to a married son before it is too late. Your wealth level is very low and unlikely to sustain you very long. You may die in utter poverty. Be more thoughtful next time. caption You should have surrendered your farm to a married son before it is too late. Your wealth may be sufficient to insure help and care from your heirs, however. But you have somehow lost face. Be more thoughtful next time. caption wealth ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv qcorn nDependents ageDependents sexDependents &]LnLc |vMww| ]Hk?llwl Kwl]I |?(ll |n?]X]I ~k<&l 2?LIw |vH|c ukl%`|^N nklHAb cLn]] {ukKv) vuv|| &&XkL |vIlkIw v&?In bpb(I) NnH%Kv~l llnvXIn n2ILA~ LN|kw vX2nwlln O2nlll &HH]M]b ~aHl( ]^n]vn 2KH]lH wu21] |2%bv|w k%KkH;& ?<]I&H2 \&K(; H'wPv&n u;]]M 2)|Hn 2|<'A 2v|n2 n|n= 15 >= 15 < 15 required take care takes babes familyEvents Zrr,rrr,nrchil,nrinf,age , must face D <= n <= 1 "I am sad inform F " & " just died. Diseases their toll!" textSorry Death( ;!> 1 D!<=5 "I am " & age&\ works 6"above tempstack grain consumption Hhousehold foodstock 4grainToEat ,nKids Zshacorn,shasor,rr, addliv, #,rs,rrs,iccc,ndepp -- Deduct stocks -- In principle, deducted proportionally shares =. But premium diversity funny message scorn ssor ikids < 15 < .2 > 0 ) > 1 urgent : 'Dad, why zwe have I? Why can't we too? SOOO boring!'" f"Sigh!" "Shut up porridge." < .2 > 0 ) > 1 really! zwe ALWAYS . Other school they want xus?" f"Ouch! You quicked me, little bugger!." !should thank me instead!" %handles happening harvest payment taxes ',rs, Increase -- Must >= 65 >=90 < 80 rs = 1 "oldage" -- Babies inewboy inewgirl <= 40 rs-1 4)+1 + = 1 "Congratulations! )proud father ' boy!"\ nextpage W'!"\ " && n( girls!"\ " && ( boys!"\ " && " && " && C)!"\ " && mainnext rest ,subroutines routing utilities handlers -- certain buttons, etc. "restart" essential expenditures fees . To zso, click on 'Pay'." pagenext resume pageprevious showhelp ihelp "Help" B"helpOK" Endexit "Eexit" exitDead "Edead" exitoldage market 4f_path , where 8 & " " results savegame ,winpath 4windowsDirectory Zwinpathp,ftest -- First solve <0directory issue WinPath ("I could N" Windows . Could N1give please?" & "\ 3ini" "I think 1gave me 1wrong f"OK" & "\africa" createdirectory( "By default I shall ^. & ". Is OK?" f"Yes" "No" "Cancel" ("Where 2wish $? (Give a full , including drive letter)" propdir -- Verify xsome gibberish x":" given me invalid: 3did , followed H:\." f"OK" 3suggested exists pdrive setCurrentDrive( f"OK" = "\" -- Save afterwards getCurrentDrive() cdrive setCurrentDirectory( itest "There something . Try f"OK" -- Second, "yamou" 5< 10 %" & !2 & "0" & A5& ". Is OK?" f"OK" %" & k2 & 5& ". Is OK?" f"OK" ("What I use? (no more f"OK" 3) > 6 -- Third, g6< 10 n3 & "\" & q3 & "0" & 3 & "\" & 3& ". 3& ". &3& ". 83& ". append existing comment "no such 3& ". 3& ". 3& ". 3& ". 4& ". :4& ". @5 & ( currentFile & ". Y+ & " h+" & 4& ". + & " A+" & 5& ". + & " g+" & H5& ". + & " 1heads" & |5& ". , & " 9 cash" & 5& ". 0, & " bicycles (maximum=1)" & 5& ". C, & " 4" & 6& ". k, & " ," & J6& ". , & " ," & {6& ". , & " ," & 6& ". , & " 6& ". - & " 7& ". =- & " K7& ". q- & " a pick-up truck" & 7& ". - & " 5" & 7& ". ~- & " 7& ". members other "8& ". @8& ". ( "type (2=wife, 1= - 0=son)" & 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". initialBook setDefaultButtonStyle initialGame readarrays initialYear enterBook totlabcomp lablivcomp keyDown familyEvents leaveBook foodstock babes author mainnext initialAuthor pagenext pageprevious showhelp clearTitle Endexit clearExplanation exitDead exitoldage market backtrack savegame nextpage Death enterBook tbkfile.dll getCurrentDirectory getCurrentDrive getDOSEnvironmentString CreateDirectory SetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDrive getFileList sizeToPage Reader t_Path s_Path leaveBook tbkfile.dll tbkwin.dll kernel clearTitle title setDefaultButtonStyle pushButton Southern 0,25.5,0 30,87.4375,100 396,113,113 sysborderstyle sysButtonStyle keyDown goauthor isControl isShift author sizeToPage goauthor initialAuthor icount lastPage clearExplanation explain explain2 backtrack master.tbk backvar s_Path initialBook ~ ~!~"~#~$~%~&~'~(~)~*~+~,~-~.~/~0~1~2~3~4~5~6~7~8~9~:~;~~?~@~A~B~Cq start.val readarrays The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk ndependents agedependents ndependents agedependents agedependents sexdependents ndependents sexdependents sexdependents totlabcomp lablivcomp sexarray agearray currentfile pparray qqarray ccarray datafile ranson randau rangra ranopt iyson iydau iyfri ranias ranihs raniad ranihd ranigr raniop1 raniop2 iangryson ihappyson iangrydaughter ihappydaughter igrateful iopport ipotgrat ipotop CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 fixLiv varLiv nDependents ageDependents sexDependents yourage prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv ppbic pptic ppfer ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv ppfert qcorn qticket prevfert fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert leisure totaltime laborLiv time1 time2 time3 f_Path s_Path readarrays getFileList getFileList getFileList ccfile qqfile ppfile datafile pparray qqarray ccarray initialYear ~ ~!~"~#~$~% totlabcomp pparray qqarray ccarray ttarray qcorn ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv iyson iydau iyfri fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert prevfert time1 time2 time3 totaltime CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 totlabcomp icount totaltime nDependents ageDependents sexDependents lablivcomp fixLiv varLiv laborLiv totaltime familyEvents I am sad to inform you that one of your dependents, aged just died. Diseases take their toll! Death Death I am sad to inform you that one of your dependents, aged just died. Diseases take their toll! Death Death textSorry icount nrchil nrinf ranchil raninf nDependents ageDependents sexDependents yourage Death Death total tempstack icount Dependents foodstock Here is an urgent message from your kids: 'Dad, why do we have to eat sorghum all the time? Why can't we have corn too? This house is SOOO boring!' Sigh! Shut up and eat your porridge. Here is an urgent message from your kids: 'Dad, really! Why do we ALWAYS have to eat corn. Other kids in school can have sorghum if they want to. Why not us? Ouch! You quicked me, little bugger!. You should thank me instead! ikids scorn shacorn shasor addliv icount ndepp ranliv ranbaby ageDependents sexDependents nDependents yourage nKids qcorn grainToEat babes initialYear caption oldage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy and a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy and baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys and a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys and baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage lqmainnext sexDep ageDep inewgirl inewboy oldage shacorn shasor addliv icount ndepp ranliv ranbaby ageDependents sexDependents nDependents yourage nKids qcorn grainToEat mainnext restart You must pay for essential expenditures and school fees first. To do so, click on 'Pay'. icont ifor2 pagenext resume iback pageprevious resume previous iback showhelp helpOK No help for this page. ihelp Endexit Eexit exitDead Edead exitoldage caption oldage oldage market market.tbk posit where f_path savegame WinPath WinPath WinPath I could not determine your Windows path. Could you give it please? \win.ini getFileList I think you gave me the wrong path. WinPath WinPath \africa createdirectory By default I shall save your game in the directory . Is this OK? Cancel Cancel Where do you wish to save your game? (Give a full path, including drive letter) The path you have given me is invalid: you did not give me the drive letter, followed by :\. setCurrentDrive The drive letter you have given me is invalid. createdirectory getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory There is something wrong with the path you gave me. Try again. yamou By default I shall save your game as . Is this OK? By default I shall save your game as . Is this OK? What name should I use? (no more than 6 characters) I shall use the default file name. currentFile ~ ~!~"~# initial stock of corn initial stock of sorghum initial stock of cotton initial number of livestock heads initial cash initial number of bicycles (maximum=1) initial stock of fertilizer initial price of corn initial price of sorghum initial price of cotton initial price of a livestock head price of a bicycle price of a ticket to the city market price of a pick-up truck price of fertilizer age of household head age of all household members other than household head type of all household members other than household head (2=wife, 1=daughter, 0=son) yourage agedependents sexdependents ppbic pptic ppfer ppfert prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv qcorn qfert currentfile itest cdrive pdrive propdir winpathp ftest windowsDirectory pparray qqarray ccarray icount myname mydirect winpath nextpage 4s_Path t_Path linkDLL ( -& "tbkfile.dll" ) STRING getCurrentDirectory( rive() %DOSEnvironmentString( INT CreateDirectory( SetCurrentDirectory( /SetCurrentDrive( FileList( Reader FALSE "tbkwin. "kernel" "user" clearTitle "title" setDefaultButtonStyle sysButtonStyle "pushButton" sysTransParent "Southern" "0,25.5,0" "30,87.4375,100" sysborderstyle "396,113,113" key,isShift,isControl 4goauthor ("If you authorized modify , enter "lionel1986yvan1991" initialAuthor -- Do only 4finalizing the so that -- readers cannot fields lastPage icount clearExplanation "explain" "explain2" backtrack 4backvar, "hub" & "master.tbk" ) -- This subroutine resets values parameters qsession -- It player leaves -- Note reads Excel initialBook 4f_Path 4ifor,iback,icont,imar,icomp,ifor2,iopt 4ransur1,ransur2,ransur3,ransur4 4ranvec,ranliv,ranbaby,ranchil,raninf 4ransik1,ransik2,ransik3,ransik4 4sig0,sigc,sigs,sigt,a1,a2,a3,ec,es,et,cc,cs,ct 4efc,eft,efs,fc,ft,fs,fa 4sigpc,sigps,sigpt,sigpl 4sigrc,sigrs,sigrt,sigrl 4igirl,iboy 4fixLiv,varLiv 4pparray,qqarray,ccarray,ttarray 4dataentered 4mydirect,myname,datafile dataile currentfile .val" ) -- Variance various shocks: -- output (common + individual -- prices ( walk dnoise) -- Elasticity w.r.t labor w.r.t. fertilizer fertlizer coefficients -- Constant multiplicative term production function Land three -- livestock requirements -- discrete approximation wdistribution -- Setting probability demographic events -- These vectors determine probabilities surviving several levels malnutrition 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3 0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4 0,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4 determines mortality growth rate -1,0,0,0,1,1 fertility 4(now one child each -- woman every years, roughly 7 kids over a period -- say 0,0,0,0,1,1 among infants below 1 0,0,0,0,0,1 ;children between 1 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 falling sick working too hard. 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,3 0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4 qgame initialGame 4leisure,totaltime,laborLiv,time1,time2,time3 4qcorn,qsor,qcot,qmon,qliv,qbic,qticket,qfer,prevfert,fert1,fert2,fert3,qfert 4prcorn,prsorghum,prcotton,prliv,ppbic,pptic,ppfer,\ ppcorn,ppsorghum,ppcotton,ppliv,ppfert 4nDependents,ageDependents,sexDependents,yourage 4CropField1,CropField2,CropField3 4iangryson,ihappyson,iangrydaughter,ihappydaughter,igrateful,iopport,ipotgrat,ipotop 4ranias,ranihs,raniad,ranihd,ranigr,raniop1,raniop2 4iyson,iydau,iyfri 4ranson,randau,rangra,ranopt & ".afr" readarrays sysErrorNumber "The saved incorrect." f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" -- Initial f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" -- Family composition f"OK" f"OK" agearray f"OK" sexarray ndependents agedependents & "," ) sexdependents & "," ) totlabcomp lablivcomp -- Reset -- here are being asked 0,0,0,0,0,100,100,200,200,500,1000 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,100,200 0,0,0,0,0,0,25,25,50,50,100,100 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,25,50,100 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,25,25,50 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,25,50 -- Here getting 0,0,50,100,250,250,50,100,100 0,0,25,25,50,100,250,50,100 0,0,0,0,50,100,200 0,0,0,0,50 ppfile & ".pfr" getFileList( & "," qqfile & ".qfr" & "," ccfile & ".cfr" & "," -- Initialization also saves display situation.tbk initialYear 4yc1,yc2,yc3,ys1,ys2,ys3,yt1,yt2,yt3 *1000 & "," & & "," & & "," & & "," & & "," & & "," yearly computes manpower available >= 15 >= 15 < 15 required take care takes babes familyEvents Zrr,rrr,nrchil,nrinf,age , must face D <= n <= 1 "I am sad inform F " & " just died. Diseases their toll!" textSorry Death( ;!> 1 D!<=5 "I am " & age&\ works 6"above tempstack grain consumption Hhousehold foodstock 4grainToEat ,nKids Zshacorn,shasor,rr, addliv, #,rs,rrs,iccc,ndepp -- Deduct stocks -- In principle, deducted proportionally shares =. But premium diversity funny message scorn ssor ikids < 15 < .2 > 0 ) > 1 urgent : 'Dad, why zwe have I? Why can't we too? SOOO boring!'" f"Sigh!" "Shut up porridge." < .2 > 0 ) > 1 really! zwe ALWAYS . Other school they want xus?" f"Ouch! You quicked me, little bugger!." !should thank me instead!" %handles happening harvest payment taxes ',rs, Increase -- Must >= 65 >=90 < 80 rs = 1 "oldage" -- Babies inewboy inewgirl <= 40 rs-1 4)+1 + = 1 "Congratulations! )proud father ' boy!"\ nextpage W'!"\ " && n( girls!"\ " && ( boys!"\ " && " && " && C)!"\ " && mainnext rest ,subroutines routing utilities handlers -- certain buttons, etc. "restart" essential expenditures fees . To zso, click on 'Pay'." pagenext resume pageprevious showhelp ihelp "Help" B"helpOK" Endexit "Eexit" exitDead "Edead" exitoldage market 4f_path , where 8 & " " results savegame ,winpath 4windowsDirectory Zwinpathp,ftest -- First solve <0directory issue WinPath ("I could N" Windows . Could H1give please?" & "\ 3ini" "I think 1gave me 1wrong f"OK" & "\africa" createdirectory( "By default I shall ^. & ". Is OK?" f"Yes" "No" "Cancel" ("Where 2wish $? (Give a full , including drive letter)" propdir -- Verify xsome gibberish x":" given me invalid: 3did , followed H:\." f"OK" 3suggested exists pdrive setCurrentDrive( f"OK" = "\" -- Save afterwards getCurrentDrive() cdrive setCurrentDirectory( itest "There something . Try f"OK" -- Second, "yamou" 5< 10 %" & !2 & "0" & A5& ". Is OK?" f"OK" %" & k2 & 5& ". Is OK?" f"OK" ("What I use? (no more f"OK" 3) > 6 -- Third, g6< 10 n3 & "\" & q3 & "0" & 3 & "\" & 3& ". 3& ". &3& ". 83& ". append existing comment "no such 3& ". 3& ". 3& ". 3& ". 4& ". :4& ". @5 & ( currentFile & ". Y+ & " h+" & 4& ". + & " A+" & 5& ". + & " g+" & H5& ". + & " 1heads" & |5& ". , & " 9 cash" & 5& ". 0, & " bicycles (maximum=1)" & 5& ". C, & " 4" & 6& ". k, & " ," & J6& ". , & " ," & {6& ". , & " ," & 6& ". , & " 6& ". - & " 7& ". =- & " K7& ". q- & " a pick-up truck" & 7& ". - & " 5" & 7& ". ~- & " 7& ". members other "8& ". @8& ". ( "type (2=wife, 1= - 0=son)" & 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". 8& ". J;lqT initialBook setDefaultButtonStyle initialGame readarrays initialYear enterBook totlabcomp lablivcomp keyDown familyEvents leaveBook foodstock babes author mainnext initialAuthor pagenext pageprevious showhelp clearTitle Endexit clearExplanation exitDead exitoldage market backtrack savegame nextpage Death enterBook tbkfile.dll getCurrentDirectory getCurrentDrive getDOSEnvironmentString CreateDirectory SetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDrive getFileList sizeToPage Reader t_Path s_Path leaveBook tbkfile.dll tbkwin.dll kernel clearTitle title setDefaultButtonStyle pushButton Southern 0,25.5,0 30,87.4375,100 396,113,113 sysborderstyle sysButtonStyle keyDown goauthor isControl isShift author If you are authorized to modify this file, enter the password? lionel1986yvan1991 sizeToPage goauthor initialAuthor icount lastPage clearExplanation explain explain2 backtrack master.tbk backvar s_Path initialBook ~ ~!~"~#~$~%~&~'~(~)~*~+~,~-~.~/~0~1~2~3~4~5~6~7~8~9~:~;~~?~@~A~B~Cq start.val readarrays The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk The format of the saved game file is incorrect. master.tbk ndependents agedependents ndependents agedependents agedependents sexdependents ndependents sexdependents sexdependents totlabcomp lablivcomp sexarray agearray currentfile pparray qqarray ccarray datafile ranson randau rangra ranopt iyson iydau iyfri ranias ranihs raniad ranihd ranigr raniop1 raniop2 iangryson ihappyson iangrydaughter ihappydaughter igrateful iopport ipotgrat ipotop CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 fixLiv varLiv nDependents ageDependents sexDependents yourage prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv ppbic pptic ppfer ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv ppfert qcorn qticket prevfert fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert leisure totaltime laborLiv time1 time2 time3 f_Path s_Path readarrays getFileList getFileList getFileList ccfile qqfile ppfile datafile pparray qqarray ccarray initialYear ~ ~!~"~#~$~% totlabcomp pparray qqarray ccarray ttarray qcorn ppcorn ppsorghum ppcotton ppliv iyson iydau iyfri fert1 fert2 fert3 qfert prevfert time1 time2 time3 totaltime CropField1 CropField2 CropField3 totlabcomp icount totaltime nDependents ageDependents sexDependents lablivcomp fixLiv varLiv laborLiv totaltime familyEvents I am sad to inform you that one of your dependents, aged just died. Diseases take their toll! Death Death I am sad to inform you that one of your dependents, aged just died. Diseases take their toll! Death Death textSorry icount nrchil nrinf ranchil raninf nDependents ageDependents sexDependents yourage Death Death total tempstack icount Dependents foodstock Here is an urgent message from your kids: 'Dad, why do we have to eat sorghum all the time? Why can't we have corn too? This house is SOOO boring!' Sigh! Shut up and eat your porridge. Here is an urgent message from your kids: 'Dad, really! Why do we ALWAYS have to eat corn. Other kids in school can have sorghum if they want to. Why not us? Ouch! You quicked me, little bugger!. You should thank me instead! ikids scorn shacorn shasor addliv icount ndepp ranliv ranbaby ageDependents sexDependents nDependents yourage nKids qcorn grainToEat babes initialYear caption oldage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy and a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy and baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys and a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys and baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage lqmainnext sexDep ageDep inewgirl inewboy oldage shacorn shasor addliv icount ndepp ranliv ranbaby ageDependents sexDependents nDependents yourage nKids qcorn grainToEat mainnext restart You must pay for essential expenditures and school fees first. To do so, click on 'Pay'. icont ifor2 pagenext resume iback pageprevious resume previous iback showhelp helpOK No help for this page. ihelp Endexit Eexit exitDead Edead exitoldage caption oldage oldage market market.tbk posit where f_path savegame WinPath WinPath WinPath I could not determine your Windows path. Could you give it please? \win.ini getFileList I think you gave me the wrong path. WinPath WinPath \africa createdirectory By default I shall save your game in the directory . Is this OK? Cancel Cancel Where do you wish to save your game? (Give a full path, including drive letter) The path you have given me is invalid: you did not give me the drive letter, followed by :\. setCurrentDrive The drive letter you have given me is invalid. createdirectory getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory There is something wrong with the path you gave me. Try again. yamou By default I shall save your game as . Is this OK? By default I shall save your game as . Is this OK? What name should I use? (no more than 6 characters) I shall use the default file name. currentFile ~ ~!~"~# initial stock of corn initial stock of sorghum initial stock of cotton initial number of livestock heads initial cash initial number of bicycles (maximum=1) initial stock of fertilizer initial price of corn initial price of sorghum initial price of cotton initial price of a livestock head price of a bicycle price of a ticket to the city market price of a pick-up truck price of fertilizer age of household head age of all household members other than household head type of all household members other than household head (2=wife, 1=daughter, 0=son) yourage agedependents sexdependents ppbic pptic ppfer ppfert prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv qcorn qfert currentfile itest cdrive pdrive propdir winpathp ftest windowsDirectory pparray qqarray ccarray icount myname mydirect winpath nextpage 4s_Path t_Path linkDLL ( -& "tbkfile.dll" ) STRING getCurrentDirectory( rive() %DOSEnvironmentString( INT CreateDirectory( SetCurrentDirectory( /SetCurrentDrive( FileList( Reader FALSE "tbkwin. "kernel" "user" clearTitle "title" setDefaultButtonStyle sysButtonStyle "pushButton" sysTransParent "Southern" "0,25.5,0" "30,87.4375,100" sysborderstyle "396,113,113" key,isShift,isControl 4goauthor ("If you authorized modify , enter "lionel1986yvan1991" initialAuthor -- Do only 4finalizing the so that -- readers cannot fields lastPage icount clearExplanation "explain" "explain2" backtrack 4backvar, "hub" & "master.tbk" ) -- This subroutine resets values parameters qsession -- It player leaves -- Note reads Excel initialBook 4f_Path 4ifor,iback,icont,imar,icomp,ifor2,iopt 4ransur1,ransur2,ransur3,ransur4 4ranvec,ranliv,ranbaby,ranchil,raninf 4ransik1,ransik2,ransik3,ransik4 4sig0,sigc,sigs,sigt,a1,a2,a3,ec,es,et,cc,cs,ct 4efc,eft,efs,fc,ft,fs,fa 4sigpc,sigps,sigpt,sigpl 4sigrc,sigrs,sigrt,sigrl 4igirl,iboy 4fixLiv,varLiv 4pparray,qqarray,ccarray,ttarray 4dataentered 4mydirect,myname,datafile dataile currentfile .val" ) -- Variance various shocks: -- output (common + individual -- prices ( walk dnoise) -- Elasticity w.r.t labor w.r.t. fertilizer fertlizer coefficients -- Constant multiplicative term production function Land three -- livestock requirements -- discrete approximation wdistribution -- Setting probability demographic events -- These vectors determine probabilities surviving several levels malnutrition 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3 0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4 0,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4 determines mortality growth rate -1,0,0,0,1,1 fertility 4(now one child each -- woman every years, roughly 7 kids over a period -- say 0,0,0,0,1,1 among infants below 1 0,0,0,0,0,1 ;children between 1 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 falling sick working too hard. 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,2 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,3 0,1,1,1,2,2,3,4 qgame initialGame 4leisure,totaltime,laborLiv,time1,time2,time3 4qcorn,qsor,qcot,qmon,qliv,qbic,qticket,qfer,prevfert,fert1,fert2,fert3,qfert 4prcorn,prsorghum,prcotton,prliv,ppbic,pptic,ppfer,\ ppcorn,ppsorghum,ppcotton,ppliv,ppfert 4nDependents,ageDependents,sexDependents,yourage 4CropField1,CropField2,CropField3 4iangryson,ihappyson,iangrydaughter,ihappydaughter,igrateful,iopport,ipotgrat,ipotop 4ranias,ranihs,raniad,ranihd,ranigr,raniop1,raniop2 4iyson,iydau,iyfri 4ranson,randau,rangra,ranopt & ".afr" readarrays sysErrorNumber "The saved incorrect." f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" -- Initial f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" f"OK" -- Family composition f"OK" f"OK" agearray f"OK" sexarray ndependents agedependents & "," ) sexdependents & "," ) totlabcomp lablivcomp -- Reset -- here are being asked 0,0,0,0,0,100,100,200,200,500,1000 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,100,200 0,0,0,0,0,0,25,25,50,50,100,100 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,25,50,100 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,25,25,50 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,25,50 -- Here getting 0,0,50,100,250,250,50,100,100 0,0,25,25,50,100,250,50,100 0,0,0,0,50,100,200 0,0,0,0,50 ppfile & ".pfr" getFileList( & "," qqfile & ".qfr" & "," ccfile & ".cfr" & "," -- Initialization also saves display situation.tbk initialYear 4yc1,yc2,yc3,ys1,ys2,ys3,yt1,yt2,yt3 *1000 & "," & & "," & & "," & & "," & & "," & & "," yearly computes manpower available >= 15 >= 15 < 15 required take care takes babes familyEvents Zrr,rrr,nrchil,nrinf,age , must face D <= n <= 1 "I am sad inform F " & " just died. 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You are the proud father of a new baby boy and a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby boy and baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys and a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby boys and baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of a new baby girl! Congratulations father jnextpage Congratulations! You are the proud father of new baby girls! Congratulations father jnextpage lqmainnext sexDep ageDep inewgirl inewboy oldage shacorn shasor addliv icount ndepp ranliv ranbaby ageDependents sexDependents nDependents yourage nKids qcorn grainToEat mainnext restart You must pay for essential expenditures and school fees first. To do so, click on 'Pay'. icont ifor2 pagenext resume iback pageprevious resume previous iback showhelp helpOK No help for this page. ihelp Endexit Eexit exitDead Edead exitoldage caption oldage oldage market market.tbk posit where f_path savegame WinPath WinPath WinPath I could not determine your Windows path. Could you give it please? \win.ini getFileList I think you gave me the wrong path. WinPath WinPath \africa createdirectory By default I shall save your game in the directory . Is this OK? Cancel Cancel Where do you wish to save your game? (Give a full path, including drive letter) The path you have given me is invalid: you did not give me the drive letter, followed by :\. setCurrentDrive The drive letter you have given me is invalid. createdirectory getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory There is something wrong with the path you gave me. Try again. yamou By default I shall save your game as . Is this OK? By default I shall save your game as . Is this OK? What name should I use? (no more than 6 characters) I shall use the default file name. currentFile ~ ~!~"~# initial stock of corn initial stock of sorghum initial stock of cotton initial number of livestock heads initial cash initial number of bicycles (maximum=1) initial stock of fertilizer initial price of corn initial price of sorghum initial price of cotton initial price of a livestock head price of a bicycle price of a ticket to the city market price of a pick-up truck price of fertilizer age of household head age of all household members other than household head type of all household members other than household head (2=wife, 1=daughter, 0=son) yourage agedependents sexdependents ppbic pptic ppfer ppfert prcorn prsorghum prcotton prliv qcorn qfert currentfile itest cdrive pdrive propdir winpathp ftest windowsDirectory pparray qqarray ccarray icount myname mydirect winpath nextpage