NetPopup 3.0 NEW FEATURES ------------------------- * Hostlist for groups and users. Drag & drop users to different groups (use CTRL to copy) and add new users much more easily. Just double-click or use rightmouse-menu to send message to selected user or group. Hostlist is dockable so it can be placed to anywhere liked. * Hostlist export/import. Users can also export host-list to another file and import them from a file. Admin can create a shared hostlist in server and other users can import hosts from that file even on the fly. If the list changes admin can broadcast a message to users to import new list. Users don't even have to restart netpopup to get new hostlist to work. * Single window per client. No more millions of message-windows. All messages from same user are pushed to same window if so selected. There will appear a timestamp and name of the sender as title of new messageblock. * External settings-file. NetPopup now uses netpopup.ini-file to store settings. Administrator can easily setup one netpopup and then just copy all files in it's directory to next client and for last change only the username (nickname). * Acknowledgements. When user receives important-message he/she can send ack for sender to notify that message is received. Also when Netpopup is unable to send message it shows errors in same ack-window. You don't get anymore hundreds of messageboxes to inform that message was not sent. * In setup there is a new option to disable access to setup from local-user. This option also prevents all hostlist-editing. Once disabled it has to be re-enabled manually from netpopup.ini-file. * Undocumented features for administrators in netpopup.ini-file: SendAllowd = If 0 local user can only receive messages. Not send. logfile = name of the logfile. If this key is defined netpopup will log all _important_ messages to file spesified. * Reply and PlainReply buttons in InMessage to speedup things. Reply will use quote as defined in setpup and PlainReply never copies history to outmessage. * Send-button in OutMessage for speed up. * QuickText's. There is a section in INI-file to where user can define few (not limited) lines of often used texts such as Yes, No, Ok. etc. These texts appear under rightmouse-menu in outmessage. * NetPopup no longer register its filetypes for Windows95 Shell. So you don't have to look MessageOut and MessageIn-documents under right mouse->new menu. * Starting minimized now works like specified in shortcut. Old method is removed. So to start NetPopup minimized You should use shortcut's window-options.