Absolutely On-line This simple utility help you keeping your ISP line active. Many ISP drop the line after some minutes inactivity, Absolutely On-line perform a minimal activity to keep line alive. It also has a sinchronize function to synchro your system clock with one of the many Internet Time server. A new feature added to get rid of annoying pop-up dialogs. To install unzip all the file in a directory of your choice and run Absolutely On-line from that directory. User with special client software (like AOL) should check "Ignore Connection" option in Abson, then they can connect using the ISP software as usual. If pop-up dialogs appear do not reply, but drag the little hand icon from Abson on the button you need to click in the pop-up dialog. To uninstall simply delete the Absolutely On-line directory. Please report me about installation problems or bug: Mario Pacchiarotti Support & Development, Jimjams mailto: mario@jimjams.com web: http://www.jimjams.com