IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT CALLAUDIT VOICE CallAudit Voice requires a number of things for proper operation: 1. TAPI compliant voice MODEM or voice device 2. Microphone and speakers 3. Microsoft UniModemV installed (for MODEM use) 4. Voice enabled MODEM INF file 5. Windows 95 CallAudit Voice is designed to take maximum advantage of Caller ID. Caller ID is a service available from most local telephone companies. CallAudit Voice will provide the best performance and utility when Caller ID service is also available. See below for additional details about each of the above notes. TAPI MODEMs Most voice capable MODEMs are also TAPI compliant. The key components necessary for proper operation are the voice MODEM, Microsoft UniModemV, and a MODEM INF file that has been tailored for TAPI voice use. Microphone and Speakers Callaudit Voice includes a variety of voice mail features and capabilities. Playing and recording voice data requires a microphone and speakers attached to the voice device. Microsoft UniModemV UniModemV is an updated Microsoft TAPI MODEM driver. UniModemV includes support for Caller ID and a variety of voice functions. UniModemV must be installed if CallAudit Voice is to be used with a MODEM. UniModemV is included as part of the software package. Choose the Custom installation to have UniModemV also installed. Voice Enabled MODEM INF file A voice MODEM must have an INF file installed in Windows that includes details on voice functions used with TAPI. Most current hardware MODEM vendors provide suitable INF file. The installation package includes a number of INF files that have already been tailored for a number of popular MODEMs. Choose the Custom installation to have these modified INF files installed. Windows 95 CallAudit Voice only supports Windows 95 at this time. Windows NT does not yet have the required voice support in TAPI to be used with this software. Microsoft is expected to update NT later in 1997 which would support these options.