Windows 95/98: Network and Internet Tools: Web Browser Tools: Web Browser Plug-ins: Misc. Plug-ins

Windows 95/98 Misc. Plug-ins

Click Here for FREE Download Belarc Advisor for Win95
Version 2.1   No Registration Required
13-Mar-98 448K Win 95 Freeware Never Expires Install & Uninstall
6 min at 14.4K 3 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
This Windows 95 Internet Utility works with any browser and helps you shop for computer hardware and software products. Includes extensive system information and benchmarking functions to do it's job automatically.
Published by Belarc Belarc Advisor for Win95 Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Tcl Plugin
Version 2.0   No Registration Required
26-Jan-98 1,000K Win 95/98/NT Freeware Never Expires Install & Uninstall
12 min at 14.4K 6 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
Tcl is a mature, robust and safe scripting language, and Tk provides a powerful UI and structured graphics toolkit for Tcl. With Tcl and Tk you can create graphical applications with a fraction of the effort required using other systems.
Publisher Unknown Tcl Plugin Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download RTSJoust
Version 1.5   Click to Register this Product Now!
02-Jan-98 803K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expires after 30 Days Install & Uninstall
10 min at 14.4K 5 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
A streamlining plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Exchange providing three powerful functions. E-mailing - RTSJoust allows the user to e-mail the current document being viewed to single or multiple recipients at the click of a button. This feature will work with any Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI) compliant mailer such as MS Exchange, MS Outlook, MS Inbox, Lotus CCMail and many others. The send function is available from within Acrobat Exchange as well as when viewing PDF’s embedded in web pages.
Published by Karl De Abrew RTSJoust Home Page


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