JAVA SCRIPT CLOCK This will have to be placed inside your HEAD tag, in your document! function stopclock(){ function startclock(){ function showtime(){ <:BODY BGCOLOR=#****** TEXT=#****** LINK=#****** onLoad="startclock()"> <CENTER> MOUSE OVER WITH JAVA SCRIPT Lets say you want to link to a Sample Page, and you want a little note on the bottom of the window. Here's what you would write: <A HREF="sample.htm" onMouseOver="window.status='Sample Page';return true">Samples</A> Another examples which will show up messages by dragging your mouse over an object or a text:
This is how its done:(You can insert links in the A HREF="" section)
<CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="40%"><TR><TD><A HREF="" Again, you can change the message and insert real links into the link command. Don't forget to add your own image! POP UP WINDOWS WITH JAVA SCRIPT This script has to be placed in the HEAD tag , and is of course changeable.
</BODY> You may change the Value "Go there" to whatever you like, don't change anything in the Java script itself, just insert your links and the addresses. E-MAIL WITH SUBJECT AND CC This is very useful, you can have email send to you with a subject and CC. Lets see how it looks: As always its just an example, so don't bother actually sending it! Here's how you do it: <FORM> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Click Here to Write to Me" onClick="parent.location=' goes to the subject box'"> </FORM> Its as you can see a small script and comes without any header information or even a script beginning! You can change all of these messages to your needs and also create variables from the examples provided. |