Welcome to the Plug-In Wizard Demo.

1) Select demo page from the list below.

2) From the icon menu that will replace this screen select "New Document".

3) Select the wizards wand.

4) Below you will see a list of configure options (for this demo only "Your Business Name" is available) in the window beside the list of pages to configure. Copy (contol+c) and paste (contole+v) the first field to configure "Your Business Name" into the configure field of the Plug-In Wizard window.

5) In the field "Your info" enter your business name.

6) Click the "Auto Configure" button.

7) Thats It!

8) Select the "Preview" icon and check out your page over.

This is only a demo the actual Plug-In has more detailed configurations.

9) At This Point, you would save the configured page to the path and file name that appears in the "Save configured page as:" window.