Annual Steve Jenkins WINner Awards

Steve Picks the WINners!
The Annual Steve Jenkins WINner Awards are among the most coveted shareware awards on the Internet. And, as the 32-bit shareware market continues to expand, the competition keeps getting tougher. is proud to help support this market, and is proud to sponsor the Annual Steve Jenkins WINner Awards.

Each year, Webmaster Steve Jenkins picks the shareware programs that really made a difference to 32-bit Windows shareware users over the past year. This honor is awarded annually to those shareware programs that stand out from the crowd in usefulness, design, creativity, usability, and functionality. In sum, WINners are the programs you can't live without.

As always, the best way for you to show your support for the authors of these applications is to download the apps and register them. Many of the authors are starving college students, and a few extra dollars (or pounds, or franks, or yen, or deutchmarks, etc.) in the mail every now and then means a lot for many of them.

If you're browsing our software collection, you'll notice a Click to see other WINners! graphic next to the current WINners, and past WINners will have an alternate graphic that includes the year they received the award.

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