Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESH LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo SurfinShieldXtra can not be install under WINDOWS-NT. Setup is aborted.A LICENSE.DLL Finjana SurfinShieldXtraa SurfinShieldXtra Welcome to SurfinShieldXtra SetupA The installation program has found that you are using Internet Explorer 4.0.a This version of SurfinShield Xtra currently does not support IE 4.0.$ Please see Finjan's home page at for further information$ and for the expected date of support of IE 4.0.$ Click OK to abort the Installation. Please note that currently SurfinShield Xtra does not support Internet Explorer 4.0.a If you plan to install IE 4.0 in the future, please remember you must$ uninstall SurfinShield Xtra before doing so.$ Please see Finjan's home page at for further information$ and for the expected date of support of IE 4.0. Java\Classes Setup is going to Configure the following browsers to work with SurfinShieldXtra. a# Select which browsers to configure: Installing activeX components...A All browsers were skipped. Setup is aborted.A All browsers were skipped. Setup is aborted.A All browsers were skipped. Setup is aborted.A All browsers were skipped. Setup is aborted.A SFped.classa SFped.class! Error copying SFped.class. Setup is abortedA Error copying setup file. IO error #22.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Some files could not be installed because they are a4 currently in use by other programs in the system. $ To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart $ your system at this time. wininit.ini! Couldn't delete wininit.iniA SetDir2, Restart Windowsb Setup is complete. Now you can enjoy SurfinShieldXtra enhanced security features while surfing the Web. To find out more about SurfinShieldXtra, please click the Help button and select the Quick Tour. Thank you for choosing Finjan as your Security Solution Provider. SurfinShieldXtra is ready to go. Safe Surfing! SurfinShieldXtraa Setup SetupA This program requires VGA or better resolution.A .Default\Control Panel\InternationalR Locale2 RegDBGetKeyValueEx failedA 0000040D( General java error.1 InstJavaError#9! InstJavaError#9! Error #210. Setup cannot find JAVA class: b InstJavaError#8! InstJavaError#9! Error #209. Setup cannot find file: b InstJavaError#1( General java error. InstJavaError#2( Setup error #200. InstJavaError#3( Setup error #201. InstJavaError#4( Error reading temporary file. IO error #206. InstJavaError#5( Install found errors in a class file. Netscape Browser may need to be reinstalled. Error #208. InstJavaError#6( Error reading class file. IO error #207. InstJavaError#7( Setup error #202. InstJavaError#10( One of the browsers is currently open. Please close it, and re-install InstJavaError#11( One of the browsers is currently open. Please close it, and re-install InstJavaError#12( Setup error #205 Select the Security Alert features you wish to enable.a& You can always change these settings $ in the SurfinShieldXtra program settings window. SurfinShieldXtra a settings; Auto &kill Applet on Security Exception2 Prevent &loading of Suspicious applets2 Prevent &E-mail, Telnet and Finger2 Prevent Server &Socket2 Enable &alert sounds2 config$ Params.sfs KILL=" false ALERT=" false SUSP=" false PORT=" false SOCKET=" false netscape.exe Iexplore.exe Default Browser Selection Please select a browser for the help system. Netscape &Navigator2 Microsoft Internet &Explorer2 netscape.exe Iexplore.exe BROWSER_DIR=b2 INSTALL_DIR=b2 config userdir.dat$ TEMP$ OCCACHE$ TEMPOR~1$ RECENT$ COOKIES$ \plugins \plugins userdir.dat! SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinShield\install\install1$ Directory2 Java\Classes\ Java\Classes\ Common, Explorer Navigator DirectoryA Common( BrowserA CommonA netClassesZipA netClassesOrgA expClassesZipA expClassesOrgA Explorer( BrowserA ExplorerA expClassesZipA expClassesOrgA Navigator( BrowserA NavigatorA netClassesZipA netClassesOrgA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SurfinShielda DisplayNameA SurfinShieldXtraA uninstallQ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SurfinShielda UninstallStringA Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce% regsvr32.exe /s % vmhelper.dll$ %REGISTER_VMHELPER%A regsvr32.exe /s % javaprxy.dll$ %REGISTER_JAVAPRXY%A jdbgmgr.exe -regserverQ %REGISTER_JDBGMGR%A regsvr32.exe /s % javacom.dll$ %REGISTER_JAVACOM%A Software\Microsoft\Java VMQ ClassesBuildA 1214A java\classes\;% java\classes;.$ ClasspathA java\trustlib\tclasses.zipQ TrustedClasspathA java\trustlibQ TrustedLibsDirectoryA java\libQ LibsDirectoryA System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VXD\JAVASUPQ StartA StaticVxDA JAVASUP.VXDA Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Java VM SurfinShieldXtra Readme) notepad.exeR README.txt Error creating readme iconA Register SurfinShieldXtra% register.exe$ Error creating register iconA SurfinShieldXtra% SurfinShieldXtra.exe Error creating shortcut to SurfinShieldXtra. IO error #20.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Uninstall SurfinShieldXtra% uninstall.exe Error creating shortcut to SurfinShieldXtra. IO error #20.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Installing activeX components...A System32 System UrlmonB.dllR Urlmon.dlla UrlmonB.dll! The file 'urlmon.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA Urlmon.dlla Urlmon.dll! The file 'urlmonB.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA UrlmonB.dlla Urlmon.dll! The file 'urlmonB.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA Wsock32B.dllR Wsock32.dlla Wsock32B.dll! The file 'Wsock32.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA Wsock32.dlla Wsock32.dll! The file 'Wsock32.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA Wsock32B.dlla Wsock32.dll! The file 'Wsock32B.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA User32B.dllR User32.dlla User32B.dll! The file 'User32.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA User32.dlla User32.dll! The file 'User32.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA User32B.dlla User32.dll! The file 'User32B.dll' was not found. Proceeding to install java support onlyA xSetup.exe Urlmon.dll$ CoGetClassObjectFromURL xdata.dll 1 10 /q failed to run activeX setup.A user32.dll$ ExitWindowsEx udata.dll 1 2 /q failed to run activeX setup.A Wsock32.dll$ connect WData.dll$ 1 3 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Wsock32.dll$ send WData.dll$ 2 4 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Wsock32.dll$ sendto WData.dll$ 3 6 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Wsock32.dll$ recv WData.dll$ 5 4 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Wsock32.dll$ recvfrom WData.dll$ 6 6 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Wsock32.dll$ closesocket WData.dll$ 10 1 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Wsock32.dll$ listen WData.dll$ 8 2 /q failed to run injdll.exe.A Urlmon.dlla Urlmon.dllB? xcopy of urlmon.dll failedA Wsock32.dlla Wsock32.dllB? xcopy of Wsock32.dll failedA User32.dlla User32.dllB? xcopy of User32.dll failedA xdata.dlla xdata.dllB? xcopy of xdata.dll failedA bdata.dlla bdata.dllB? xcopy of bdata.dll failedA UData.dlla UData.dllB? xcopy of UData.dll failedA WData.dlla WData.dllB? xcopy of WData.dll failedA vdata.fdda vdata.fddB? xcopy of vdata.fdd failedA FddInt.dlla FddInt.dllB? xcopy of FddInt.dll failedA Zdata.dlla Zdata.dllB? xcopy of Zdata.dll failedA abcR! Evaluation Version a Rev $ Version a Rev $ Thank you for evaluating SurfinShieldXtra a This product will provide you with enhanced protection against $ Internet downloadables which automatically enter your system without $ your acknowledgement. Please note that this program is offered for evaluation purposes only $ and it will expire in thirty days. To install SurfinShieldXtra $ enhanced protection on your system please click OK. eval*.txtR! The file 'evalLicense.txt' was not found.A prod*.txtR! The file 'prodLicense.txt' was not found.A DrawMFCDialog2, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Java VM ClassesBuild2( SOFTWARE\Classes\ Java% Classes classes.zipR JView.exeR msvcrt40.dllR JAVACOM.DLLR JAVAPRXY.DLLR JAVART.DLLR JAVASUP.VXDR JDBGMGR.EXER MSJAVA.DLLR REGSVR32.EXER VMHELPER.DLLR MFC40.DLLR MSAWT.DLLR JIT.DLLR Browser selection Netscape &Browser25 Microsoft Internet &Explorer26 Setup is going to Configure the following browsers to work with SurfinShieldXtra. a# Select which browsers to configure: Iexplore.exeR! C:\Iexplore.exe( Iexplore.exeR! Setup had found the following Internet Explorer directory on your system. To select another Internet Explorer directory, $ click the Browse button and select the appropriate directory. Click Next to continue. To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. Iexplore.exe! Setup cannot find the Internet Explorer directory on your system. To select the Internet Explorer directory, click the Browse button and $ select the appropriate directory. Click Next to continue. To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. Search directoryb Iexplore.exeR! Setup could not find an Internet Explorer in b To select another directory, $ click the Browse button and select the appropriate directory. You may want to abort this installation, reinstall Internet Explorer $ and run this Setup again. OR You may click the Back button now, and uncheck the Explorer Combo Box $ for skiping it . To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. Software\Netscape\Netscape NavigatorR CurrentVersion2( \Main Setup cannot find the Netscape directory on your system. To select the Netscape directory, click the Browse button and $ select the appropriate directory. Click Next to continue. To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. Install Directory2( Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\MainR Install Directory2( program netscape.exeR! Setup had found the following Netscape directory on your system. To select another Netscape directory, $ click the Browse button and select the appropriate directory. Click Next to continue. To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. Search directoryb netscape.exeR! Setup could not find a known version of Netscape browser in b To select another Netscape browser directory, $ click the Browse button and select the appropriate directory. You may want to abort this installation, reinstall a Netscape browser $ and run this Setup again. OR You may click the Back button now, and uncheck the Netscape Combo Box $ for skiping it . To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. java40.jarR+ java\classes( java40.jar java_301R+ java\classes( java_301 java_30R+ java\classes( java_30 moz2_02.zipR+ java\classes( moz2_01.zipR+ java\classes( Setup could not find the appropriate files of Netscape in b To change another Netscape directory, $ click the Browse button and select the appropriate directory. You may want to abort this installation, reinstall a Netscape browser $ and run this Setup again. OR You may click the Next button now, and skip the Netscape Configuration. Click Next to continue. To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. \Program files\Finjan Setup is going to install SurfinShieldXtra in the following destination a directory. To install SurfinShieldXtra in another directory click the Browse button $ and select another destination directory. Click Next to continue. To abort the installation at any time, click Cancel. \SFShield working! Generald Copying program files..." WINDIR\*.*B? WINSYSDR\*.*B? Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* The installation program has failed to copya5 a SurfinShieldXtra program file to it's destination.$ Please check for the following possible reasons:$ You have a previous version of SurfinShieldXtra and it's$ server program is running.$ You have specified a read only network drive as the$ destination.$ Your destination drive is corrupted.$ Please press the OK button to abort the istallation.$ Error Number:$ _result_.fnj! SetDir2, The file 'license.dll' was not found. The installation program is corrupted.a1 Please get new copy of the installation program.* The Setup temporary subdirectory was not found.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* command.pifa command.sfs! command.pif command.pifa command.sfs! command.pif% command.pifa command.sfs! command.pif MyPifa command.pif" clreg.bat! Error creating a temporary file. IO error #10.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* echo off regsvr32.exe /s % msjava.dll$ msjava.dll,RegisterJavaClass {9365cf60-dac1-11cf-9034-00aa006024ba}$ rundll bA clreg.bat InstExec12, The file 'license.dll' was not found. The installation program is corrupted.a1 Please get new copy of the installation program.* Error Java VM registration.A comexp.ins! Error creating a temporary file. IO error #10.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Java\Classes classes.orgR! Java\Classes\ Java\Classes\ Preparing Explorer files. This process may take several minutes.d InstallExp.exea comexp.insA failed to run InstallExp.exeA _result_.fnjR! The file _result_.fnj could not be found.A _result_.fnj! Could't open the file _result_.fnj for reading.A Error reading a temporary file. IO error #102.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Java\Classes classes.zipa! Error copying class file. IO error #12.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* zipExp.tmpa! Error copying class file. IO error #12.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* zipExp.tmp/ _result_.fnj zipExp.tmp( comns.ins! Error creating a temporary file. IO error #10.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Preparing Netscape files. This process takes several minutes.d iIC.class iIC3.classa iIC.class! Netscape: Error copying setup file. IO error #21.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Install.exea comns.insA Failed to run Install.exeA iIC.class iIC4.classa iIC.class! Netscape: Error copying setup file. IO error #21.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* install4Cb! Failed to run Install.exeA _result_.fnjR! The file _result_.fnj could not be found.A _result_.fnj! Could't open the file _result_.fnj for reading.A Error reading a temporary file. IO error #102.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Error copying class file. IO error #13.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* zipNs.tmpb) Error copying class file. IO error #12.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell FoldersR Startup2( Startup, Start Menu\Programs\StartUp SurfinShieldXtra% SurfinShieldXtra.exe Error creating shortcut to SurfinShieldXtra. IO error #20.a. Please try installing SurfinShieldXtra again.* filelistR! filelist filelist config config evalLicense.txta License.txt% evalDoc.htmla legaldocs.html \config\Susp.sfs $ preserve\Susp.sfs mergeDataBase.exeb Failed to merge Susp.sfsA \config\SuspX.sfs $ preserve\SuspX.sfs$ mergeDataBase.exeb Failed to merge SuspX.sfsA preserve\ \config\ preserve\) Weights.sfsR5 Weights.sfsa Weights.sfs preserve\) sfs.licR5 sfs.lica sfs.lic Installation complete. images ICON_STOP.gifR5 gif missingA register.exeR! The file register.exe was not found.A \config doNotShow register.exe LaunchApp failed.A Readme Do you want to view the readme.txt now ?( notepad.exeR The program 'notepad.exe' was not found in your windows directory.A README.txtR! The file 'README.txt' was not found.A README.txt LaunchApp failed.A filelistR! SetDir2, filelist instexec.dll; SetDir2, filelist instexec.dll; SetDir2, SOFTWARE\Finjan\SurfinShield\install\install1 Directory2 Setup detected a copy of SurfinShield on your computera To continue with the installation select YES (the existing$ SurfinShield security configuration files will be preserved).$ To cancel the installation select NO .$ To eliminate all traces of the existing copy and replace$ it with a new SurfinShield installation, quite this program,$ uninstall the existing SurfinShield and then run setup.exe again. preserve CreateDir failed.A \config sfs.lica sfs.lic! Weights.sfsa Weights.sfs! Susp.sfsa Susp.sfs! SuspX.sfsa SuspX.sfs! uninstall.exe doNotShow LaunchApp failed.A StrGetTokens failedA installation( There are only %d MB free on drive %s . This program requires 10 MB bytes for $ Please free up some space , and run the install program again There are only %d MB free on drive %s . This program requires 10 MB bytes for $ Please free up some space ,or select different drive . SurfinShieldXtra setupa# Error on getSpace. Setup is Aborted, SurfinShieldXtra setupb wininit.ini [rename]" SYSTEM32 SYSTEM NUL=b \bdata.dll NUL=b \xdata.dll NUL=b \vdata.Fdd NUL=b \UData.dll NUL=b \FddInt.dll NUL=b \Wdata.dll NUL=b \ZData.dll \Urlmon.DLL=$ \UrlmonB.DLL \Wsock32.DLL=$ \Wsock32B.DLL \User32.DLL=$ \User32B.DLL SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IE4\SETUPa path2 IE4.dllR edit( SETUPSTR862RA Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. ErrorbB _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A 3.00.077