The Disney Collection Screen Saver If you chose not to have the installer automatically edit your system.ini, win.ini and autoexec.bat files, or if those files have been changed by another installation program, follow these instructions to edit the files (in the instructions below AFTERDARKDIR refers to the directory where After Dark is installed, typically c:\afterdrk): 1. Edit the win.ini file in your Windows directory. Change the load line to say load=AFTERDARKDIR\ad.exe AFTERDARKDIR\adinit.exe If there are other applications in the load line, put the two entries shown above after everything else. For example, if you are running Norton Desktop, your load line after adding the After Dark entries might look like load=nwpopup.exe navpopup c:\afterdrk\ad.exe c:\afterdrk\adinit.exe 2. Edit the system.ini file in your Windows directory. Add the line device=ad.386 to the [386Enh] section of the file. 3. Make the following line the first line of your autoexec.bat file @c:\windows\ If you move the After Dark directory after installing the screen saver software, be sure to edit the win.ini file and the ad_prefs.ini file to reflect the new directory.