MIDI MUSIC These MIDI MUSIC Files were developed for Scala by Design Computers Systems Inc. 14TH123.MID 1AIR.MID 1AUST.MID 1AUTO.MID 1BEVFUR.MID 1CLOSE.MID 1DREAM.MID 1EXTASY.MID 1JAMAC.MID 1LATOYA.MID 1LETYOU.MID 1LEVELS.MID 1LINK.MID 1MAGIC.MID 1MIX.MID 1MOVE.MID 1NEW.MID 1NITES.MID 1QUANSA.MID 1WAJAZZ.MID 1WEEK.MID Files listed above are copyright (c) 1995 Design Computer Systems Inc. The music was composed by Pat Vitas. MIDI MUSIC files are much more flexible than WAV sound samples. Using a MIDI editor you can edit a song's notes. You can choose what tracks will be played, the instrument to use, and the tempo. Additional royalty-free MIDI files are available in a variety of categories. We will also create custom MIDI MUSIC to meet your needs. Please call for additional information or to receive a catalog of our latest products. Design Computer Systems Inc. 4132 10th Avenue North Lake Worth, Florida, U.S.A. Voice : (407) 967-9222 Fax : (407) 967-9611 E-Mail : dcs@flinet.com WWW : www.flinet.com/~dcs