******************************************************************** * CAUTION: YOU HAVE TO INSTALL YOUR ORIGINAL SHAREWARE VERSION 1.0 * * WOLFENSTEIN 3D TO DIRECTORY d:\WOLF14\ THEN YOU CAN * * INSTALL EXTRA MORE NEW LEVELS TO SAME DIRECTORY. * * * * THIS "MORE LEVELS UPGRADE" DO NOT INCLUDE ORIGINAL * * SHAREWARE GAMES!!! * ******************************************************************** ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III (The FINAL nightmare!) ver. 2 DOCUMENTATION. 6/15/93 READ THIS THROUGH, OR DON'T BLAME ME IF THINGS GO HORRIBLY WRONG! Contains all the things you NEED to know to get full enjoyment from NIGHTMARE III! Printing this out for future reference is highly recommended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're too stubborn (or stupid) to read this through at least once, then you richly deserve whatever problems you run into..... ============================================================================= NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE ============================================================================= WHAT YOU HAVE HERE, is ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III version number TWO. This is a correction release which fixes all known bugs we found in the original NM-III The original was released in the following archives: ENITE-3A.ZIP ENITE-3B.ZIP If you still have copies of the original archives mentioned above, please see that they are DESTROYED and DO NOT distribute them. They are flawed. ALSO, please inform any BBS sysop or INTERNET ftp site which you know is carrying the above archives to dump them at soonest and get this new version. This version will need to be installed in a fresh, empty subdirectory. See the install instructions below. Thank you. ENIGMA-13 ============================================================================= NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE ============================================================================= **************************************************************************** OVERVIEW: ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III is the complete set of new playing levels and graphics for the SHAREWARE VERSION of ID Software's incredible game of WOLFENSTEIN 3D. NM-III levels are very hard, with more treasure, more guards, more guns, MORE ACTION than you've ever seen in WOLF 3D! You'll need to be NASTY to get through these in one piece! These are without a doubt some of the roughest, toughest, most harrowing WOLFENSTEIN levels you'll EVER see! It's almost an "Impossible Mission"! (Well, not really. But it'll FEEL like it.) The NIGHTMARE graphics are more colorful and much more bloody (shoot a guard and he either goes down in a spray of gore or gets his head completely blown away). We've also included some new graphical effects and wall patterns never seen in earlier versions of NIGHTMARE. ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III is created in eager anticipation of DOOM, the newest adventure from ID. DOOM is due sometime in 1993 and NM-III was designed to hold avid WOLF fans until its release. So, throw out that original NIGHTMARE, pitch that copy of NIGHTMARE II, (AS WELL AS THAT OLD COPY OF NIGHTMARE-III V.1, IF YOU HAVE IT....). Here it is! The BEST, the BADDEST, (the FINAL) version of the ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE series, E-V-E-R! Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S NEW?: ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III not only contains all new maps and play levels, but it also includes all (corrected) maps and levels from the first, original NIGHTMARE and NIGHTMARE II. Now users can select whatever NIGHTMARE episode they wish to play from a simple, menu driven loader. NIGHTMARE graphics may also be loaded or unloaded independently from the actual games, via menu driven loader. Matter of fact, one of the menu options is for loading the new ENIGMA-X edition adult graphics. But this option will not work unless you HAVE the X-rated edition library. (plug-plug). See announcement at the end of this file....... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS: I wish to thank both Ix and FRANK THE RABBIT for their kind help and hard work in making ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III possible. FRANK THE RABBIT (our resident maze-master) did 2 levels and placed most guards for EN Episode 2, and did ALL maps and guards for EN Episode 3. (Give him a great big hand, folks. SMACK! No! I didn't mean up-side the head!) Ix created our loaders and install modules for us. Plus he's now cross- eyed from testing EVERY level of EVERY episode, time after time. (Hey, Icky, ya missed that guard! WHAM! Oooops! Too late!) As for me, I did the complete NM Episode 1, most maps and a few guards for Episode 2, and graphical effects & wall & door patterns, plus all other graphics for all episodes & loaders. (The lynching's tonight, out back of the barn.) BY THE WAY.... This program (and all NIGHTMARE versions) are distributed for free. They cost nothing. Zero, zip, ziltch. So if you were unfortunate enough to pay for this, frankly, you were screwed. Demand your money back! WHEN YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK, why not spend it on registering your shareware version of WOLFENSTEIN? You won't regret it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES LIST: the NIGHTMARE III archives should be named the following: ENITE3F1 ENITE3F2 If they're called anything else, I wouldn't trust 'em! Best to search the INTERNET or various BBS until you find the originals! These are the files included in the original ENITE3F1 and ENITE3F2 archives. If any are missing, you have a defective copy: archive ENITE3F1 ------------------ INSTRUCT.TXT NM3SND.EXE NM3INSTL.EXE READ-1ST.BAT FILE_ID.DIZ archive ENITE3F2 ------------------ NM3GRA.EXE FILE_ID.DIZ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS: All files in these archives (and the offspring files created upon installation), are needed in order that NIGHTMARE III will work correctly. Don't delete files just because you cannot see how they fit into things. They are NEEDED, believe me! BE CAREFUL and DO NOT try to re-archive these offspring files! If you want to upload or distribute NIGHTMARE III, do so in the original archives only. Keep in mind that the installer will delete some files which are no longer needed after NM-III is installed, in order to help you save disk space. Therefore, be sure to keep a backup of the original archives in case you need to install again. NOTE: If you try to run NM-III with a commercial version of WOLF 3D, you'll destroy both programs. Run with SHAREWARE WOLFENSTEIN ONLY. (v. 1.2 & above) If you try to run the Sound Blaster supported version of the loader without a Sound Blaster card installed, you'll screw the loader (and maybe even your system). Lastly, DO NOT attempt to install or run NIGHTMARE III under Windows. The results may not be what you hoped for. NIGHTMARE was created to run from the DOS prompt because we HATE Windows! Windows is big, slow, sloppy and nasty ol' Microsoft is cramming it down everyone's throat no matter if it's really needed or not. Is there a better reason for hating it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS: If you can play WOLFENSTEIN 3D on your system, then you can play the NIGHTMARE series. If you can't play WOLF on your hardware, then what are you messing with this for? You need VGA (a VGA card with 1 meg of memory is best, especially if you run the fancy graphical loader), and DOS 3.3 or above. While a 286 is ok for playing Wolfenstein, a 386 is even better and highly recommended. We're not sure how the loader will act on anything less than a 386. NO MATTER WHAT YOU'RE RUNNING, ANSI.SYS MUST BE ENABLED IN YOUR CONFIGURATION FILE. If you're unsure how to do this, see your DOS manual. A Sound Blaster, while not a must, is VERY nice. You should get one if you don't have one already. You will most definitely need a hard drive for NIGHTMARE III. All of its files (plus the Wolfenstein files) will take up around 5 to 6 megabytes of hard drive space. No "fast fingered floppy flippers" need apply...... NIGHTMARE III was developed on a machine with 4 megs of memory. That's not to say less RAM makes the NIGHTMARE games unplayable, but the more memory you have, the better. Also, the faster your machine, the better the play (but isn't that true of most game software)? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Create a BRAND NEW, EMPTY directory (maybe call it NM-III) and install a SHAREWARE version (we recommend version 1.4) of WOLFENSTEIN 3D in it. Run WOLF and set your game configurations any way you wish, then exit. Next, move the NIGHTMARE III archives into that directory and open them. Now that You've unpacked the NIGHTMARE III archives in the same directory as your SHAREWARE VERSION of WOLFENSTEIN 3D, the first thing you'll need to do is run the file NM3INSTL.EXE. This is a one time only procedure that unpacks the NIGHTMARE III support files and gets them ready for loading into the game. Once again, ALL FILES INSTALLED BY NM3INSTL.EXE ARE NEEDED. DO NOT DELETE ANY OF THEM FROM YOUR DIRECTORY!!!!! After this is done, simply run the file LOADNM03.EXE. This file allows you to load or unload NIGHTMARE III episodes or graphics into your shareware WOLF game at will. Follow the prompts and that's all there is to it! HAVE FUN! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOADER PROBLEMS?: We're going for a simple, more direct loader this time. Folks with lower-end equipment had trouble with the other two. To assist these people, we have designed a straight, menu driven loader that will work with ANY system. (Provided ANSI.SYS is enabled.) Of course, you can still select the fancy loader too if you wish. ONCE AGAIN, IF THE LOADER DOESN'T WORK, BE SURE YOU HAVE ANSI.SYS LOADED. YOUR DOS MANUAL WILL TELL YOU HOW........................................ If you use a Sound Blaster, BE SURE you have the CT-VOICE driver loaded, or the loader will not work. Refer to your SB manual to see how this is done. It's easiest to set it up to load when you boot the machine. If you run the loader with Sound Blaster option enabled and you hear no voices or sound effects or get a driver failure error, then you do not have CT-COICE loaded and will need to fix the situation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TROUBLESHOOTING: The main problem with NIGHTMARE III (and with WOLF itself for that matter), is memory considerations. Make sure all TSRs are unloaded to make room for the game. This is because NM-III maps & levels are not packed the same way the original maps are, and the NM-III maps are more complex with more guards than the WOLF originals. Again, because of map size and complexity, you may see odd screen effects, colors and characters from time to time, (especially when saving a Wolf game). If these artifacts become too annoying, simply exit WOLF and reload it and the problems should clear. If not, exit WOLF, reboot and reload it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYING HINTS: Most keys and some elevators are hidden. There are some levels in which you'll be rushed by gobs of dogs & guards. When that happens, it's a good idea to hunt for a secret way out before you get yourself waxed. You also may find walk-through walls (walls you can go through as if they are not there). These are screwups on our part because the maps are too complex to be sure of fixing all bugs. At times, guards fire at you with no effect. We're not sure why this happens. But if you find these things to be helpful, USE THEM! You'd be a fool not to try taking every advantage you can, considering what you're up against! While playing, SAVE THE GAME OFTEN. If you get killed go back to the last saved point. If you are killed and allow the game to start you again at the beginning of the level, keep in mind that WOLF keeps your previous moves on that level in memory. You'll probably run out of memory shortly after you restart the level. When you reload from a saved point however, all memory is freed and you can go on playing with no memory problems. ALSO, because NM-III maps are bigger, the WOLF game may freeze (very rarely) when loading a NIGHTMARE level. (That's why it's best to save the game just before you enter an elevator to go to the next level). Just reboot and load it again. Problems should clear instantly. NEVER try to play a game you saved while in one episode while playing in another, different episode. You'll screw both NM-III and your shareware Wolfenstein programs amd need to reinstall both to unsnarl things. It's a good idea not to play with full sized screen window. I always go to the largest window, then step back two sizes. Other than that, you're on your own! :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM SUPPORT: ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III (and all Nightmare versions) are distributed throughout Internet and the BBS world by WOLFENSTEIN fans. This means that any BBS banners or ads you see in the archives are merely places the archive has been while on its way to wherever you got it. SO, if you're having problems, DO NOT call these BBSs or Internet sites asking for help!!! There is no support site for this program. So don't pester people about it. If you can't get NIGHTMARE III to work, this means that: 1. You have a bad copy. 2. Your equipment won't support it. 3. NM-III may have conflicts with certain EMM or TSR programs. Unload them. 4. You did not read these instructions and follow them. 5. You are dumb! Dumb as a post! (And if this is the case, give up now. EN-III is unforgiving & was designed to whack dummies with gleeful abandon.) **grin** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION: These files are big enough without adding such bullshit as BBS ads to 'em. This is a practice I DO NOT approve of. I hope those BBS A-holes Rusty-n-Edie's can read and understand this!!! This program WAS NOT created to promote your damned board! So stop peeing in every archive you see (and that includes NM-III archives). GOT IT? (I doubt it, stupidity cannot read). There is certainly one way for users to keep down tranfer costs inflicted on them by jerks such as those mentioned above: If you find any files other than those mentioned in the FILES LIST section when you open these NM3 archives, remove those extra files before you try to distribute NM-III to other people, Internet or BBSs. Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT distribute these archives in a single, huge file or under a different name, DO NOT pass around incomplete versions, and distribute only ORIGINAL ARCHIVES which you know are in good working order! Remember, these files are BIG and the next guy in line would like a working copy after going to the trouble of downloading this program. So only distribute the original, intact, working archives! Please spread NM3 around so many can enjoy it. And by the way, if anybody out there has a high speed modem, please see that the original archives are uploaded to SOFTWARE CREATIONS BBS (if you know who I'm talking about, you have the numbers already). I'd really like them to have a copy. :) Also, for those of you on Internet, please put NM3 up on every ftp site you know of that accepts uploads. Blanket the world! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A FINAL WORD (at last) Have seen some concerns voiced by users on various nets. Since they've never considered that programs such as this can exist, some users have expressed fears that this program might be a virus or trojan or something. IT IS NOT (unless it's been infected or hacked between our distribution point and the end user). Perhaps due to loader problems in previous NIGHTMARE versions, some folks got a bit scared but these were BUGS, not killer-code. This program was created with various utilities available on many BBSs around the USA and Internet. Unlike most WOLFENSTEIN alternates we've seen by other people, we tried to take a bit of time to create maps and graphics which are detailed and smooth, with a high entertainment value. NIGHTMARE-III may not be quite as slick as original WOLFENSTEIN, but we feel the quality is pretty good considering the utilities we had to work with. And it will do no harm to your system either. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, and enjoy ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE III! E-13 1993 ***************************************************************************** COMING SOON: ENIGMA'S X-RATED WOLF GRAPHICS! (yup, I'm a sexist pig). You've seen the rest, now try the BEST. All new walls, doors, pictures and "weapons" (spatter, yech!). Coming to an adult BBS or ftp site near you! *****************************************************************************