Mapedit, copyright 1995, 1996 by Thomas Boutell and Boutell.Com, Inc. Educational Institutions.. Free, send postcard or letterhead Nonprofit Institutions.... Free, send postcard or letterhead ALL OTHERS................ See Terms Below # of Copies Price per Copy First 5 copies $25 Next 15 copies (16-20) $15 Next 80 copies (21-100) $10 EXAMPLE: 6 copies of Mapedit cost 5 x $25 = $125 for the first 5 copies, plus $15 for the 6th copy, for a total of $140. UNLIMITED site license, 10-mile radius: $1000 To order Mapedit, fill out the form below and send a check or money order payable to Boutell.Com, Inc. in US funds drawn on a US bank to: Boutell.Com, Inc. PO Box 20837 Seattle, WA 98102 _______________________________________________________________ MAPEDIT ORDER FORM COPIES ORDERED: ____ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ ____ SHIP TO: EMAIL ADDRESS (PREFERRED): ________________ NAME: ________________ STREET ADDRESS: ________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ________________ COUNTRY: ________________ SHALL WE RUSH YOUR LICENSED COPY BY EMAIL? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE: if you specify delivery by email your licensed copy will be delivered as an "attached" (uuencoded) file. Vir- tually all Internet mail software can decode attached files. If any difficulty is encountered we will work with you to resolve it or send you a master disk by mail.