101 &About Surfbot... 109 Prox&y... 110 Surfbot/2.0 114 Document returned a 'Last Modified' date in the future.\n\nRemove this document from your anchor file or adjust your system clock and try running Surfbot again. 118 Wizard 119 Surfbot Agent 120 Open in Browser 121 Open in Surfbot 122 Change Settings... 123 Settings Wizard... 124 Run Agent Now 125 Change Schedule 128 Surfbot\n\nSurfbot\nSurfbot Agents (*.sba)\n.sba\nSurfbot.Agent\nSurfbot.Agent 129 %s is not a valid source 147 Wizard 500 Success 501 To run must specify template file 502 Internal Error: 502 503 Registry is corrupted. Please reinstall Surfbot. 504 Winsock initialization failed 505 Component Object Model (OLE) could not initialize 506 Internal Error: 506 507 Install failed 508 Input is missing or not valid 509 No input specified 510 Output file can not be created 511 Output folder can not be created 512 Schedule database corruption detected (fixed.) 550 Last error exit 551 This command will stop retrieval 552 Can't stop now. Try later. 553 List of available connections changed. Please re-select. 554 Settings for your connection are missing. 555 Template doesn't exist 600 Opening Port 601 Port Opened 602 Connecting Device 603 Device Connected 604 All Devices Connected 605 Starting Authentication 606 Authentication Notify 607 Authentication Retry 608 Callback Requested 609 Change Password Requested 610 Projection Phase Started 611 Link Speed Calculation 612 Authentication Acknowledged 613 Reauthenticatation Started 614 Authenticated 615 Preparation For Callback 616 Waiting For Modem Reset 617 Waiting For Callback 618 Interactive 619 Retry Authentication 620 Callback Set By Caller 621 Password Expired 622 Connected 623 Disconnected 624 Undefine Error Code 625 Please enter user name and registration key exactly as received. 626 Thank you for registering Surfbot! 627 Thank you for trying Surfbot!\nThis unregistered copy retrieves a limited number of documents.\nFor easy upgrade to the full version, please see the online Help. 1000 Reference errors start here 1001 Unspecified error while opening output file: %s 1002 Output file %s not found 1003 Bad path: %s 1004 Too many open files (can't open %s.) 1005 Access to %s denied. 1006 Invalid file: %s 1007 The current working directory cannot be removed (%s) 1008 There are no more directory entries (%s) 1009 There was an error trying to set the file pointer on %s 1010 There was a hardware error trying to open %s 1011 Sharing violation on %s 1012 Lock violation on %s 1013 The disk is full. %s can not be allocated. 1014 End of file was reached on %s. 1015 No URL was found in the anchor file. 1016 Error opening anchor file. 2001 Memory error: 2001 5000 Connection Failed 5001 Retrieval cancelled at user request 5002 Failed to send request 5003 Read response failed 5004 Retrieval aborted at user request 5005 Retrieval timed out 5006 Socket creation failed 5007 WinSock couldn't initialize 5008 The only valid command line option is '-u': run unattended. 5009 'No proxy server' was not added (probably present already) 32785 Modify global programs settings\nProgram settings 32786 Please specify a valid folder or .htm file name 32787 Shows or hides the address bar 32788 Shows or hides the status bar 32789 Start Agent retrieval\nStart 32790 Stop Agent retrieval\nStop 32791 Set agent options\nSettings 32795 Explore links on this page\nExplore links 32796 Open object using the currently configured viewer 32797 Explore result folder 32798 Copy to clipboard 32799 Delete object from this view 32802 Expand Remote Document 32803 Reload input files\nRefresh 32804 Export result as folder or document\nExport result 32805 Export result as file or folder\nExport 32806 Open document in browser\nOpen 32807 Show online documentation\nHelp 40021 Schedule time to run\nSchedule 40022 Open Last Report\nLast Report 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Create a new Agent\nNew 57601 Open an existing Agent\nOpen 57603 Save the current Agent\nSave 57604 Save the current agent with a new name\nSave As 57616 Open this document 57632 Delete result from view\nDelete 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59142 Bytes Sent/Received: 59392 Shows or hides the toolbar