----------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ Dec.14th 1992 ( /| |_) |_ |_) _)imple /~|miga | arallel |_prom | rogrammer v2.0 ----------------------------------------------------- Hardware and software (c)1992 Silicon Synapse Electronics & John Kamchen ReqTools is Copyright (c) Nico François. ****************************************************************************** * This is SHAREWARE. The fee is a mere $15. If you use it, please pay. * * * * - What do I get for my $15 ? - * * * * For the $15 Shareware fee, you get: * * A disk FULL of more great hardware projects (memory, video, audio & more) * * The lastest version of the software, and more TYPE files * * Complete documented source code for SAPEP * * Laser printed schematic of circuit * * * * Mail the money (in American funds) to: * * John Kamchen * * 41 Matheson Avenue * * Winnipeg Manitoba * * Canada R2W 0C1 * ****************************************************************************** ---------------------- Before you do anything ---------------------- Some things to note before you go further. I use words 'part' & 'type' alot. These mean the same thing. When you read the section on TYPE FILES, you will understand. You must have reqtools.library (supplied) in your LIBS: directory. ReqTools is Copyright (c) Nico François. --------------- What is SAPEP ? --------------- SAPEP is a semi-complex package consisting of control software, and programming hardware used to program eprom memory chips. Unlike some OTHER eprom hacks floating around, this hardware will program a large variety of chips without the use 'personality moduals'. All programming characteristics are controlled though the software. About a year ago, I designed a fairly simple eprom programmer for the Amiga. There was nothing fancy about it really, and could only program 21v 2764 & 27128 type chips. These days, eproms use lower programing voltages, come in larger capacity and, much to many people's dismay, different pin definitons. ---------------------- What eproms can it do? ---------------------- Every eprom maker has thier own idea of how the chips should be programmed. Sure, the pinouts are all the same (in the majority of cases), but the programming steps & voltages vary from maker to maker. As luck would have it, these odd voltages and timing pulse requirements are fairly simple to meet. The hardware limits what can be programmed. As long as you follow this guide, you can't go wrong. Capacity (K) : 4Kx8, 8Kx8, 16Kx8, 32Kx8, 64Kx8, 128Kx8, 256Kx8, 512Kx8 * Vpp Voltages : +12.00v +12.50v +12.75v +13.00v +21.00v Vcc Voltages : +5.00v +6.00v +6.25v +6.50v PGM Widths : 1.4us to 91.6ms * The hardware supports the soon-to-be-released 1024Kx8 eproms as well. Each manufacturer employs a custom programming sequence (called an algorythm). TI uses Snap!, SGS has Presto II, and so on. Many of these programming methods are a variation of the Snap! algorythm. However, there is one algoythm supported by most (if not all) makers- FAST. As far as speed goes, FAST is damn slow compared to Snap! (a 32k x8 chips take about 10 seconds to program using Snap!, but 131 seconds with FAST). If the chip supports FAST, then it may say something like PGM @ 12.5v or VPP 12.75v on the top. See the section on the 'TYPE:' files later on. -------------- Signature Mode -------------- All eprom manufacturers support what is known as 'Signature Mode'. When you power up the eprom, and apply 12.00v to A9, the chip outputs 2 bytes (depending on A0). The first byte is the manufacture's number, the second is the device number. Bit 7 (MSB) contains the parity bit. An example is the TMS27C256 from Texes Instruments. The code comes back as: Manufacturer:151 ($97) Device :004 ($04) Suppose you have a chip with the part numbers scratched off. As long as you are VERY sure the part is an eprom, you could try the get the signature to find out who made it, and it's capacity (assuming you have many data books to look up the codes). The CMOS type chips seem to be more likely to support this feature, but I've seen some NMOS devices (from SGS Thomson) that do as well. The program allows you to read the chip's signature. *Note* With a part name like 27C (C for Cmos), we can assume it will have a signature, but if there is no C, then a signature test MIGHT damage the chip. ----------- TYPE: files ----------- In order to know the specific voltages for each eprom device, I came up with TYPE files. These have the following format: Part :TMS27C32 ; Part number as it appears on the chip 1 Name :Texas Instruments ; Manufacturer's name 2 Size :4 ; Size in Kilobytes (this is a 4k x 8 eprom) 3 Vpp :1300 ; Vpp during programming 4 Vcc :650 ; Vcc during programming 5 twPGM:100 ; Initial (prime) pulse width (in MICRO seconds) 6 twMUL:0 ; Multiplication factor for Final Pulse tw(FPGM) 7 Xcnt :10 ; Number of times pulse can be applied 8 Algth:SNAP! ; Programming algorithm 9 User :0 ; 10 ; John Kamchen SSE (204)589-1078 v32bis Oct.27th 1992 TI MOS Memory (1989) 11 Line 1 : This is the part number as it appears on the chip. Do not include the chip speed, or package details. Line 2 : Manufacturer's name ( AMD or American Micro Devices is fine). Line 3 : The TMS27C32 is 4 kilobytes in size (BYTES, not BITS) Line 4 : Vpp used for programming algorythm Line 5 : Vcc used for programming algorythm Line 6 : twPGM used for programming algorythm Line 7 : twMUL used for programming algorythm Line 8 : Xcnt used for programming algorythm Line 9 : Algorythm Line 10: RESERVED Just leave it at 0 (Used for future expansion). Line 11: Name/Phone # who wrote this file plus the date and source of info Algorythms supported (as of December 1st 1992) Name: User: Speed: (best case) Eg.32k x8 FAST Generic, most chips support it. 4s per K 131 seconds SLOW Used for 2732A type chips 10.2s per K 328 seconds CRAWL Old 50ms per byte, for 21v proms 51.2s per K 27.5 minutes Snap! Texas Instruments. Very quick 102ms per K 3.3 seconds Presto II SGS Thomson Very quick 102ms per K 3.3 seconds The above speeds are best case. In reality, the programmer hardware & software need some time to transfer the data to and fro, so an 32k x8 SNAP! eprom might really takes about 1 minute to program and verify. If the algorythms were written in pure ML, then that time is sure to drop to 20 seconds. What does a programming algorythm look like? Most look like this (from the TI Memory Databook): _______ ( START ) TI's Snap! algorythm ~~~|~~~ ____________V____________ | Address =First Location | ~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________V____________ For TYPE files, Vcc is 650 & Vpp is 1300 | Vcc= 6.50v, Vpp= 13.0v | (to avoid floating point operations) ~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________V____________ ___________________ | Program one pulse 100us | <-------| Increment Address | ~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ _____V____ 100us is | / Last \ No the twPGM | \ Address? /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Yes ~~~~~|~~~~ ____________V____________ .> | X = 0 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~ _________________________ | | <-------------------| Program one pulse 100us | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~ | _____V____ __________ ____|____No | / Verify \ Fail | X = X + 1| / X = 10? \ ; Xcnt factor | \ Byte /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_________/ | ~~~~~|~~~~ | | _____V____Pass | Yes | No / Last \ | '---------\ Address? / | ~~~~~|~~~~ | | Yes | ____________V____________ | | Vcc = Vpp = 5.00 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ________|________ _________|________ /Compare all bytes\ Fail | Device is faulty | \to original data /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~ | Pass ______V______ /Device Passed\ \Ready to use / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To sum up, this is the basic configuration for the different algorythms: FAST : Vcc=600 Vpp=1250 twPGM=1000 twMUL=3 Xcnt=25 SNAP! : Vcc=650 Vpp=1300 twPGM=100 twMUL=0 Xcnt=10 Presto II: Vcc=625 Vpp=1275 twPGM=100 twMUL=0 Xcnt=25 As you can see, even though SNAP! & Presto2 work the same way, the voltages the chip needs vary. That's why I used the type files. The GenericNNk type files assume FAST. Study the type files before you write your own. Read the EXAMPLE file, and use the TEMPLATE to make your own files. Don't use the ; comments in your files (after line 10, enter anything you want). -------------- Warning Lights -------------- There are 4 LEDs on the programmer. D1 & D2 are the socket power indicators. If D1 is lit (red), that means keep your hands off, the socket has power, and you can't insert or remove anything when there is power. When D2 is lit (green), then the socket it totally powered down, and it's safe to insert/remove a chip. D3 (yellow) is lit when high voltage (12 and up) is present on the socket. Finally, D4 (red) is lit when the programmer is turned on. ------------ Construction ------------ See the file 'SAPEP_Built_It.txt' for details on how to build the hardware. ------------------ Using the software ------------------ There is nothing fancy about this software, it does the basic tasks. If you run it from CLI, then certain functions will print values to the CLI. Run it from Workbench, and you don't get these values. I tried to get ReqTools to show some kind of 'status', but that is a bit beyond my programming scope. All I can say is, best run it from CLI. The first thing the software does is ask you to verify that you indeed have the SAPEP hardware plugged in (and powered up). The main menu has a few options. These are: - 1. Select Source/Destination file - A file requester pops up, asking you for a path/file. This is the standard ReqTools FileReq. This file name will will be WRITTEN to and READ from, depending on your actions. Keep this in mind. * release note * Program can only work with DEVICE:FILE , not DEVICE:DIR/FILE . This bug will be corrected next version. Seems to be because I'm using ANSI file routines, not AmigaDOS. Keep files in RAM disk, you can't go wrong. - 2. Select part - Assuming you have assigned TYPES: to the directory where your type files reside, you should get a file requester listing all your known part numbers. The info in this type file will setup the eprom characteristics. ALL tasks you can do (read/program, compare, etc) will depend on this type file. The only exception is Signature mode. - 3. Signature Mode - This function will present you with four choices. 3 package sizes, and a cancel. Since address pin 9 is on the same ZIF pin no matter what chip you have, all we need to know is how many pins the chip has (so that +5v can be applied to the Vcc pin). The result will be manufactuters ID and device ID. Both are shown in decimal and hex. If the device doesn't support signature mode, but you forget to hit cancel, 255 ($FF) will come up. Did you damage the chip? Who knows. In the TYPES: dir, there is a file called Signatures, which contains a few examples of what can be learned from these two bytes. Feel free to add to this file (and the type files as well). - 4. Compare 2 File - Sometimes, you may want to compare the contents of a file to an eprom. This fuction will do that. Select your source file, then your type file. You can select one of the Generic types file for this application. The first instance of a non-match will stop the checking, and report this error condition to you. This works like a verify, in a way. - 5. Save Part To File - Select your file (remember, we are making a new file, so it doesn't have to exist yet on the disk), then select the part (again, since we are just reading a chip, a Generic part will do fine). Click OK, and in a short while, the eprom contents are saved to the file. The current software only saves in BINARY form, but the next major update will have support for an IFF-PROM format. - 6. Program File to Prom - Here's the fun part. Select your source binary file, then your type file. In most cases, you will want to use the same type file as your part, because the Generic versions default to FAST programming, but the other type files support the fastest programming algorythm availible (for example, the TMS2732A doesn't support FAST, so selecting the Generic4k would be all worng). When your ready, press PROGRAM, then hold your breath. LED D1 will light up, and so will LED D3 (Using certain sized eproms, LED D3 will flicker during programming. This is because Vpp must be taken off the socket to verify the byte. Don't worry, everything is OK). If the program was run though CLI, the current address is printed out every 1024 bytes. You cannot abort this task. Two things can go wrong at this point: 1. Error during programming (this is REALLY fatal). Assuming the type file contains the correct data, this error means that it tried to program one location at least 10-25 times, with no success. This usually indicates a faulty eprom. Clear it under the UV lamp, then try again. If you still get the error, try the Generic type. I use the FAST algorythm as a last resort. Though it takes much longer, it usually gets the job done. Only throw the chip away if your sure that it's toast (eproms still cost a few bucks each, not like a dead 74LS00!). 2. File error. Maybe you were programming a 16k x8 chip, but only supplied a file 8192 bytes long. Or you took out the disk. Future versions of this program will use real AmigaDOS file handling, and at least take care of mis-matched file sizes. If the chip passed the intial programming sequence, D3 will turn off (indicating that the Vpp was taken off the socket, and the final verification is taking place. Two things can go wrong at this point: 1. Error during final verify. This shouldn't happen, but soemtime does. Again, like the above error, this could mean the chip is faulty. Clear it under the UV lamp, then try again. If you still get the error, throw the chip away. If a chip doesn't pass final verify, then the chip is damaged. 2. File error. Same as the above file error. Assuming everything is OK, then you have a fully functional eprom. - 7. Cleared - One thing the hardware cannot do is clear the eprom. When you get the chip from the store, all the bits are set to 1, so reading a byte will provide 255 ($FF). Before you program any eprom, you should run this test (on new chips and ones that have just come from under your UV lamp). The amount of addresses checked depends again on your type file. While the routine could report exactly how many bits are still at logic 0, it doesn't help. A cleared bit is a cleared bit. It takes the same time under the UV lamp to set 1 bit, or 65536 bits. - 8. Calibrate - I suppose this test need only be run once, after the hardware is completed, but I suggest you do this a few times a year. The voltage tests are more important than anything else. The tests assume you have a cabable power supply. Most people will opt not to support the 21v programming mode (because it's so stupid). * DON'T have a chip in the ZIF socket * The voltages go everywhere, and you will either erase a chip, or blow it up (which is, by far, the more visual of the two). - 9. About - This will display some info about the program. Big Deal. - Quit - Quit the program. - Other Software Notes - Assign TYPES: to the directory where the type files are kept. I know this software sucks, but I've been working on this project for the past few months, and the software part really strained my patience. The program ties up the PAR: device so that no other program can change the CIA registers (thus killing the hardware, I suppose). If by some chance you have the programmer plugged in, and try to print to the printer, don't worry. Every parallel device I design is 'idiot proofed'. The hardware will be invisible under the printer.device. But run DigiView, or some audio sampling software, and there could be problems. Why is the software so lame? 'I would rather have my fingers on a breadboard than a keyboard' I think that sums it up pretty well. Call the SAPEP support board: Silicon Synapse Electronics BBS (204)589-1078 24hrs 1200-14.4 v32bis Megs and megs of Amiga electronic projects. -EOF-