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We heard conflicting reports about AmigaBasic on the A1200: While
I said that you can work sufficiently with it, others said that this
isn't possible, as AmigaBasic crashes on the slightest little error.
I couldn't reproduce this.
Now I can. It depends on the setting in the Sound Prefs editor. When
you activate a sound there, this conflicts with sound that AmigaBasic
tries to produce by hand and obviously not quite the correct way itself.
Easy solution: To work with AmigaBasic on the A1200, just
- Switch off sound output in the Sound prefs editor.
- On the A4000 (as well as on an A1200 with Fast Mem expansion
(2)) you additionally need to run NoFastMem.
- Better avoid SUBs and use conventional GOSUBs instead, then the
compatibility with newer processors will be higher.
Dr. Peter Kittel, peterk@cbmger.de.so.commodore.co
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