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What are files ending with ...?

Most endings on FTP sites or Fish disks tell you that the file is compressed and/or is an archive containing more than one file. Some programs even archive whole disks. Frequently found endings and programs to handle the related files are:
Compressed archives which are included in an executable program: Just call the program and it will extract itself (sfx = self extract)
Compressed archives; recommended: LhA (`util/arc/LhA_e138.run' on Aminet or Fish disk 715) or Lx (`util/arc/lx100.lha' on Aminet), Unix version available (`misc/unix/lha-1.00.tar.Z')
Disks compressed using DMS (`util/arc/dms111.sfx' on Aminet or Fish disk 406)
Disks compressed using Zoom (`util/arc/Zoom_5.4.lha' on Aminet, Fish disk 682); an older version which you probably need for uncompressing PasTeX is found on Fish disk 459.
Compressed archive; recommended: Zoo (`util/arc/zpp2-10.lzh' on Aminet or Fish disk 527)
Compressed files; recommended gzip (`util/pack/gzip124x.lha' on Aminet), note that this are Unix files in most cases
Acrhive; recommended: tar (`util/arc/tar.lha' or `util/arc/gtar10.lha' on Aminet or Fish disk 445), note that tar is a Unix archiver and you often find soething like .tar.Z.
Compressed archive; recommended unarj (`util/arc/unarj-0.5.lha' on Aminet)
Compressed archive; recommended UnZip (`util/arc/unzip-5.1.lha' on Aminet), note that this are MS-Dos archives in most cases

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