שתשתHitMon11 history file. Current Version: $VER: HitMon11_history 0.25 (8-Feb-94) 8.6.92 $VER: version label added. For compability with the version command. Program now called HitMon11, also the executable file has this name. Version 0.12 (Internal version) 9.6.92 Added possabilities to specify more than one switch. It's now possible to specify both the srecord and the talker file on the DOS command line. 10.6.92 Now checks for too long arguments. Also a little better handling of arguments over all, for example spaces after the last argument won't cause a wrong number of arguments error. 11.6.92 You can now specify the crystal frequency on the command line. Up to 54612Khz (54.6Mhz) allowed, and I think that will be applicable a long way into the future. 12.6.92 The program now has it's own prompt where you can enter commands. The only command that's working at the moment though is 'Quit'. 13.6.92 Added the MD (Memory Dump) command. 14.6.92 Added the MS (Memory Set) and the LOADS (Load S-Record, and download) Commands. And when I added the LOADS command, I also removed the S-Record from the DOS-command line. 15.6.92 The LOADS command now works properly. And it frees all memory used after it's done. This is now a pretty usable version. Version 0.15 (Release Version) 16.6.92 Macros now supported to some extent. Macros can be entered on the command line. Version 0.16 (Internal version) 17.6.92 The "\n" character in the macro library are now substituted with arguments. (n=0-9). 18.6.92 Added the DefM (Define Macro) and DelM (Delete Macro) commands. 19.6.92 Added the SaveM (Save Macro) command. I also fixed a minor bug in the DelM command, so now it's possible to delete all macros. 20.6.92 Added the LoadM (Load Macro) and ClrM (Clear Macros) commands. 22.6.92 It's now possible to load a macro file from the DOS commandline at startup. That macro file is also searched for the Autostart macro which is run after the talker has been downloaded, if it's found. I've also added the EEPROM command, with which you can list the current EEPROM ranges by not entering any arguments. You can also specify a new EEPROM range by entering two values after the command. Or if you enter just one value, only that address will be marked as an EEPROM address. And last the EEPROM CLR command has been added which clears all the EEPROM ranges. 23.6.92 Added the EEPROM ROW (Erase an EEPROM row), EEPROM BULK (Bulk erase a whole EEPROM block) and RESTART commands. Also fixed a bug in the MS command. Now the program wont quit at startup if it can't syncronize with the HC11 but instead it will try again and again until it succeeds. 24.6.92 Added the DR (Display Registers) command. That command now runs automatically when the program is started. 25.6.92 Added the G (Go) command. 26.6.92 Added the Call (Call subroutine), BF (Block Fill) and DOS (Call DOS command) commands. Now the DR command also checks to see if the processor has returned from a subroutine called by the user, and if it has it changes the processor state to: Stopped. 29.6.92 Added the DASM (Disassemble) command. 15.7.92 Fixed some minor bugs, I found during actual use of the program. 16.7.92 Added the Find command. And now it's possible to break the DASM command and the 'Reset your Hc11' sequencs by pressing CTRL-C 17.7.92 Added the MM (Modify Memory)command. 18.7.92 Fixed a bug in the MM command 25.7.92 Made the memory management more flexible. Really nothing that shows to the outer world. 11.9.92 Fixed a bug that made it impossible to include address $ffff in any EEPROM range. Version 0.17 (A non-release version.) 02.6.93 Changed to 3.0 includes. 09.6.93 Removed a few enforcer hits that caused random errors. Version 0.18 10.6.93 Added a 'Bytes Left' indicator that is beeing displayed as a S-Record is beeing downloaded. Version 0.19 11.6.93 Fixed a bug in the BF command that made it impossible to fill larger blocks than 256 bytes. 12.6.93 Fixed a bug in the BF command that if you only passed if two arguments didn't fill the right amount of space. It's now possible to actually search using the Find command. It has been really flaky till now. Also fixed a bug in the routine that checks the S-Records for errors before downloading them. It has always reported the line number where the error was found, but till now it only worked correctly the first time a S-Record was downloaded in every HitMon11 session. 13.6.93 Added the VERF (Verify S-Record) command. 14.6.93 Program now checks for trash following macronames on the command line. And if there is the macro is not run. Version 0.20 25.7.93 Added the possability to use other devices than the standard 'serial.device'. This is done with the -d keyword. Version 0.21 26.7.93 Added the possability to change to other device units with the -u keyword. Version 0.22 27.7.93 The HitMon11 now recognizes S0 (information) records correctly. Also fixed a bug that made it impossible to load files that were zero bytes long. Version 0.23 07.8.93 Fixed a bug that sometimes when writing to MCU memory would make the monitor crash. Version 0.24 28.1.94 Removed the last bit of "hardware banging" code. It should now be possible to run HitMon11 on any serial.device compatible device. Even those controlling other serial ports than the standard Amiga serial port. Also did alot of cleanup work on the code. Added the "ReSync" command which can be uses to retain contact with the Hc11 if it's lost. 29.1.94 Rewrote all routines than dealt with the serial device. They were really buggy before. 30.1.94 Continued working with the buggy serial routines. Now I think they're following all the rules. The user and system friendlyness has increased alot. Especially when trying to "connect" with the hc11 when starting or restarting HitMon11. The stackpointer has always pointed wrong before, this is fixed now. 31.1.94 Added the "KILL" command which stop program execution. Unfortunately it can't just stop execution so that it can be continued later. This is not supported in the talker files from Motorola. Also added Ctrl-C break options for "MD" (Memoty Dump) and "Verf" (Verify). 4.2.94 Improved error handling and user friendlyness in alot of places. Added the commando "EEPROM TIME" with which one can set the EEPROM programming time. 8.2.94 Version 0.25 is released. Version 0.25