"No they can't screen every upload when you get between 500 and 1000 files everyday." The pirates that signon the bbs use a handle, upload a file then signoff. How Do You Stop This? By asking for a real name...... Are they going to use their real names! Bullshit. They didn't get 500 to 1000 files everyday; not even average. But even if they DID, it doesn't take long to take a stab at getting rid of the commercial stuff. I was a user of R&E for a while, and they didn't even try. Their response to the commercial uploads was to create a special file area ENCOURAGING upload of commercial files; and their public message areas were replete with exchanges where someone would say "gee, I sure wish I had X program" with a reply saying "check your private mailbox for a surprise." That's pretty obvious, and it was common; less common were the messages simply asking outright for programs, followed by outright replies saying "I'll upload it tonight." No attempt was made to prevent this behavior; I tested it myself once, asking directly about a program. A response was placed asking if I wanted the guy to upload it, or if I'd send him disks. The sysop's NEVER entered this exchange, and that particular message area didn't get anywhere NEAR as much daily mail as, say, a heavy-traffic Fidonet echo. Shortly after that is when I let my membership lapse; I didn't want to be connected with a BBS that was OBVIOUSLY headed for a well-earned bust. Not all the subscribers paid 85.00 many have anywhere for 40.00 to over 100.00 depending on use, and for a term of 3-12 months. Has anyone figured the cost of equipment, power, phonelines, and other costs that it takes to run a BBS with 126 lines? A drop in the bucket, compared to their incoming profits. They could easily afford Henry's "high-school kid" idea; he wouldn't need to work more than a couple hours a day, after school. You may be right, but their policy being Friendly and Open has cost them. But they TRUSTED people to not damage the board. They DID NOT Knowingly or Willfully Distribute copyrighted material on their BBS. Willfully? Arguable. Knowingly? For damn sure; they knew, and they certainly didn't discourage it with more than a wink and a nudge. They very explicitly KNEW it was going on, because it was done in PUBLIC MESSAGES for all to see, and they were NOT a message-traffic intensive BBS. Your writing this sounds like you don't like anyone who works hard to make a profit. You sound like "DAMM LIBERAL" that likes to punish anyone who gets ahead. The FEDS went after the wrong people, The SPA went after the wrong people. Anybody who works hard to earn a profit is admirable, unless they're working hard at crime. Is anybody who prosecutes the Mafia a "damn liberal?" I've been a pretty outspoken advocate of capitalism and individual freedom in a number of forums; I'm the farthest thing from a "damn liberal" you'll find except for some reactionaries; and I agree with Henry 100%. The Pirates are the clever ones, The Real Criminals didn't get caught yet. No, they didn't; but those who willfully aided and abetted them did. My Name is Taged to This file On Exec-Pc (Note; the person who wrote the above line meant it to apply to the file "RUSTY4.TXT." I didn't bother to check his name before I wrote this. Shawn McMahon, Former Rusty & Edie's customer P.S. If Exec PC ever was to change to the attitudes Rusty & Edie's showed toward piracy, I'd be gone from here too; I have better things to do with my time than be grilled by FBI agents, and I *LIKE* cops.