THE WORLD'S WEATHER Version CD 1.0 This CD ROM is designed to run on Acorn Archimedes, RISC PC and MPC computers which have at least 4 megabytes of memory and a CD ROM drive. USE AND INSTALLATION For instructions on how to install and run the interactive presentation on this CD ROM, please consult the booklet provided with this disc. CONDITIONS OF USE The CD ROM in this pack is licensed to the purchaser or purchasing school for single machine use. It is not licensed for copying except as outlined below. It is not licensed for use across a network without a specific licensing agreement. For licensing costs or multiple purchasing for the same site, contact SCA (Anglia). Students are allowed to extract text and graphics from this disc to use in their own work so long as it is not sold for gain or used outside the purchasing organisation. The Replay, QuickTime and MPEG movies and sound samples must NOT be copied from this CD ROM or run from any other medium unless you have the necessary site licence except for the purposes provided for in the above paragraph. The purchaser may not store photographs, text, graphics, maps or animations on any other disc or network without having the necessary site license. INFORMATION, COMMENTS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Anglia Multimedia welcomes comments on this CD ROM. If you have any comments, please contact us by fax or letter. Unfortunately, we cannot deal with your comments on the telephone. Our contact details are listed below. Anglia Multimedia, Anglia Television Ltd, Anglia House, Norwich NR1 3JG Fax: 01603 622191 If you require technical assistance on the running of this disc, it can be obtained from the KEY Technical Help Line, Tel. 0161 476 5553 Information on other Anglia CD ROM products and the KEY range of products is available from our distributors : SCA (Anglia), PO Box 18, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 1AZ Telephone and Fax: 01268 755811 or from your usual KEY products supplier. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Photographs: Copyright (c) 1995 Anglia Multimedia and its licensors Copyright (c) 1995 Science Pictures Tom Atwood (c) 1992 Aris Entertainment Chris Kitze (c) 1991 Aris Entertainment MEDIAMIX (c) 1992 Aris Entertainment NASA,NOAA,USGS,ESA Video Sequences: Copyright (c) 1995 Anglia Televison Ltd Copyright (c) 1995 Survival Anglia Ltd Text, Drawings and Animations: Copyright (c) 1995 Anglia Multimedia and its licensors QuickTime: QuickTime and the QuickTime Logo are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc., used under licence.