103 OrbIR3 104 Now Orb will configure your Set top box remote Control. Please take your remote control and point it towards your Infra Red (IR) receiver. Please press and hold button 0 until instructed to release. 105 Congratulations, your remote control is recognized and configured.\nYou can now put down your remote control. 106 Unfortunately Orb is not able to recognize and configure your remote control. Would you like to try again? 107 Now Orb needs to know if your set-top box requires you to press ENTER when changing channels, i.e., do you have to press ENTER after entering the channel numbers? 108 There are no IR devices attached to your PC. Please correct and try again. 109 ORBIR3 110 Try Again 111 Yes 112 No 113 Do 114 Start 115 Orb will now learn the keys of your remote. 116 Please press and hold key %s until requested to release 117 Ok 118 Skip 119 Reading key... 120 Key %s learned successfully, please press Next when ready to continue 121 Next 122 Unable to learn key %s. Would you like to try again or continue? 123 Cancel 124 Try Again 125 Continue 126 Please wait 127 One by one you will be asked to press a set of buttons on your set-top box remote control. Please press Start when you are ready. 128 Please press and hold the requested key 129 Learn 212 &Next > 213 < &Back 214 It's Yours. 235 Get TV on nearly any Web-enabled device! 236 Average setup time is less than 2 minutes! 239 Setup Status 250 Orb will now configure your remote control 251 You can then change TV channels while logged into Orb from any of your\nWeb-enabled devices - anytime, everywhere! 252 Please take your set-top box's remote control and aim it directly at your Infrared (IR) receiver. 253 Press Detect when ready. Or Press Learn to manually learn remote keys. 254 Detect 255 Press and hold button "0" on your remote control. 256 Orb cannot detect an IR device attached to your PC. 257 Please make sure your IR device is attached to your PC and click "Try Again" 259 If you've already tried this and are seeing this screen for the second or third time, then you might want to consider buying one of the supported remote controls found on our Web site. 260 http://www.orb.com/get_orb/system_requirements/ 261 Congratulations! Your remote control now works with Orb! 262 Now you can change TV channels while logged into Orb from any of your\nWeb-enabled devices - anytime, everywhere! 305 Orb