WD95: Outline Numbering Incorrect in Imported Word 97 Document |
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Word for Windows 95, versions 7.0, 7.0a
In Word 7.x for Windows 95, when you open a Word 97 document, outline
numbered (multilevel) paragraphs may be incorrectly numbered.
NOTE: Blank lines may also be incorrectly numbered.
This problem occurs because the Word 97 Import Converter (Mswrd832.cnv)
converts an outline numbered paragraph incorrectly if the paragraph is
broken across a page break.
NOTE: When this problem occurs, a blank line (paragraph) is added above the
page break and is assigned the heading style of the paragraph that follows
the page break.
To resolve this problem, upgrade to the latest version of the Word 97-2000
Import Converter. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q162214 WD: How to Obtain the Word 97-2000 Import Converter
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with certain versions of the
Word 97 Import Converter.
This problem is corrected in the version of the converter available
with Microsoft Office 97 SR-2. For information about how to obtain the latest version of the converter, see the "Resolution" section of this article.
Additional query words:
extra heading blank conversion converting
Keywords : kbdta kbconversion kbnumbering word7 word95
Version : WINDOWS:7.0,7.0a
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug