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WD95: Callout Boxes and Arrows Missing or Incorrect

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word for Windows 95, versions 7.0, 7.0a


In Microsoft Word 7.x for Windows 95, when you open a Microsoft Word 97 document containing a callout with lines or arrows, the following problems occur:

Case 1: Callout with a Line and Arrow on One End

In Word 97, if you create a document containing a callout with a line and arrow on one end, when you open the document in Word 7.x, the direction of the arrow will be reversed and the callout box will be missing.

Case 2: Callout with a Line and Arrow on Both Ends

In Word 97, if you create a document containing a callout with a line and an arrow on both ends, when you open the document in Word 7.x, the arrow on one end of the line will be missing.

Case 3: Callout with a Line and No Arrows

In Word 97, if you create a document containing a callout with a line and no arrows on either side of the line, when you open the document in Word 7.x, the callout box will be missing.


These problems occur because you have opened the Word 97 file using the Word 97 Import Converter, Mswrd832.cnv. The version of the converter that you are using does not convert arrowheads correctly and brings in the callout box without its line showing.


To resolve this problem, upgrade to the latest version of the Word 97-2000 Import Converter. For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q162214 WD: How to Obtain the Word 97-2000 Import Converter

Temporary Workaround

To temporarily work around this problem, when you open the document containing callout boxes with lines or arrows into Word 7.x, manually format the lines or arrows and format the callout box with a line.

To put a line around the callout box, follow these steps:
  1. Point to the line of the callout until the insertion point changes to a four-pronged arrowhead. Click once.

    NOTE: You will see dots representing the callout.

  2. On the Drawing toolbar, click Line Style, and select a line.

To correct the arrowhead of the line, follow these steps:
  1. Click to select the callout.

  2. On the Format menu, click Drawing Object, and click the Line tab.

  3. Under Arrowhead, click the Style list and select the double arrowhead.

  4. Click OK.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with certain versions of the Word 97 Import Converter. This problem is corrected in the version of the converter available with Microsoft Office 97 SR-2.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbdta kbconversion word7 word95 
Version           : WINDOWS:7.0,7.0a
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: July 9, 1999
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