XADM: Admin.exe Stops When Viewing Properties of Remote Server
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 5.5
When you use the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program to view
the properties of a server in a remote site and the remote server has a
server location specified (subsite), Admin.exe stops responding. If Windows
NT and Exchange Server debug symbols are installed correctly, the resulting
Dr. Watson log may have a stack dump similar to the following:
function: LDOB::FContains
004fa8b9 33ed xor ebp,ebp
004fa8bb 57 push edi
004fa8bc 8bd9 mov ebx,ecx
004fa8be 55 push ebp
004fa8bf 8d442434 lea eax,[esp+0x34]
004fa8c3 687a020000 push 0x27a
004fa8c8 50 push eax
004fa8c9 8d4c242c lea ecx,[esp+0x2c]
004fa8cd 896c241c mov [esp+0x1c],ebp
004fa8d1 e88a5a0100 call CStr::CStr (00510360)
FAULT ->004fa8d6 8b4308 mov eax,[ebx+0x8]
004fa8d9 896c2414 mov [esp+0x14],ebp
004fa8dd 3bc5 cmp eax,ebp
004fa8df 0f8e21010000 jle LDOB::FContains+0x156
004fa8e5 8b8c24b8020000 mov ecx,[esp+0x2b8]
004fa8ec 8d79fd lea edi,[ecx-0x3]
004fa8ef 897c241c mov [esp+0x1c],edi
004fa8f3 83ff08 cmp edi,0x8
004fa8f6 0f87f4000000 jnbe LDOB::FContains+0x140
004fa8fc ff24bd3caa4f00
jmp dword ptr [LDOB::FContains+0x18c
004fa903 8b5304 mov edx,[ebx+0x4]
004fa906 8b0caa mov ecx,[edx+ebp*4]
*----> Stack Back Trace <----*
FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name
0012aca8 0046718a 0012acc4 00000041 00000005 0012acd0
admin!LDOB::FContains [omap] (FPO: [EBP 0x0012cd60] [4,167,4])
0012b0ec 0051812f 00000000 0012cd60 00518315 0012b550
admin!CServerInfoMisc::FKillActive (FPO: [0,267,1])
0012b0f8 00518315 0012b550 0012cd60 0012b550 004b0a4b
admin!CBaseSheet::FNotify (FPO: [1,0,2])
0012b108 004b0a4b 0000004e 00000000 0012b550 000b042c
admin!CBaseSheet::LDlgProc (FPO: [3,0,2])
0012b3b4 00513c54 0000004e 00000000 0012b550 007708ec
admin!CAttrDialog::LDlgProc (FPO: [EBP 0x000b042c] [3,163,4])
0012b3d0 00518231 000b042c 0000004e 00000000 0012b550
admin!CBaseDialog::LDlgProcStatic (FPO: [4,0,3])
0012b41c 71044841 000b042c 00000000 0012b45c 77e7202c
admin!CBaseSheet::LDlgProcPageStatic (FPO: [4,0,2])
000b042c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
The Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program fails to initialize a
memory pointer. When this uninitialized pointer is being referenced, the
Admin.exe process causes an access violation and terminates.
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Exchange Server
version 5.5. For more information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : XGEN: How to Obtain the Latest Exchange Server 5.5 Service
The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes
or later:
File Name Version
Admin.exe 5.5.2402.0
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server
version 5.5. This problem was first corrected in Exchange Server 5.5
Service Pack 2.
Additional query words: crash hang AV
Keywords : exc55sp2fix
Version : WinNT:5.5
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix