=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= Lemmings for the IBM PC FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. by Brian Milner [Version 1.10] Last Revised on: 16th Sep '93 =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= Below are the questions answered in this Frequently Asked Questions list. Well, OK, some are more statements for discussion, but you get the point. To see an answer quickly, text search for the number of the question in the body of this text. 1) Hey, wait a minute! I wrote a FAQ! 2) What's "Lemmings", Anyway? 3) What are the different versions of "Lemmings?" 3.1) "Lemmings" 3.2) "Oh No! More Lemmings." 3.3) "Lemmings II: The Tribes" 3.4) "Xmas Lemmings" 4) "Lemmings" Codes 5) "Oh No! More Lemmings" Codes 6) Lemmings Walkthroughs 6.1) Lemmings Walkthrough 6.2) "Lemmings 2 The Tribes" Walkthrough 7) Freeware Lemmings: "Xmas Lemmings" "Lemming Demo" & the "L2 demo" 8) Problems of a technical nature 8.1) Faulty game saves in "Lemmings 2 The Tribes" 8.2) installing "Lemmings 2 The Tribes" 8.3) installing the "L2 demo" 9) Patches, Cracks, Cheats 10) FTP Locations 11) Newsgroups =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 1) Hey, wait a minute! I wrote a FAQ! One day I answered a thread on the comp.sys.ibm.pc.games newsgroup where one guy asked for the "Lemmings" Level codes, and the next guy asked for the "Oh No! More Lemmings" Level codes. While grepping for the answers through my accumulated Lemmings text files, It struck me that there was a need for a Lemmings FAQ. So here it is. Any corrections or additions to this FAQ should be emailed to the address at the bottom of this FAQ. New versions will be brought out as life in general permits. I promise not to drop this FAQ permanantly without calling for an volunteer to maintain the FAQ after I'm gone. Disclaimer: I'm not very good at this game. That's why I've built up a collection of walkthroughs, cheats, and other stuff that would be suitable to build into a FAQ. All the `meat' in this FAQ comes from the selfless gamers who put in the time to write down their discoveries, that others might benifit from them. Wherever possible, I've credited the originator of the text. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 2) What's "Lemmings", Anyway? "Lemmings" is a popular computer game. In it, the player has to guide a stream of anthropomorphic lemmings from a start "Hatch", through a series of hazards, to a finish "Exit". To aid the player a certain number of lemmings may be given special talents to bridge gaps, dig tunnels, etc., and help their comrads exit the level with as few casualties as possible. The game has spawned three editions thus far, and has been ported to many different computers. This FAQ only deals with the IBM PC versions, however. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 3) What are the different versions of "Lemmings?" 3.1) "Lemmings" The original. 120 levels divided into 30 levels each of: FUN, TRICKY, TAXING, MAYHEM. Each level is a seperate game, and once one level has been completed a password is revealed for the next level. 3.2) "Oh No! More Lemmings." The 2nd Lemmings game. More of the same. TAME, CRAZY, WILD, WICKED, HAVOC each having 20 levels making a total of 100 levels. 3.3) "Lemmings II: The Tribes" The third Lemmings game, confusingly called Lemmings II. This is radically different from the first two, having 12 tribes each with 10 levels making a total of 120 levels. In each tribe, you must save a sufficient number of lemmings from each level before you are allowed to proceed onto the next level. Each tribe is seperate, however, so you get to choose from 12 levels each time you play the game; as opposed the first two versions, where you had to complete each level one by one before you could move onto the next one. (Sorry if I'm not explaining this very well.) 3.4) "Xmas Lemmings" A freeware yuletide taster from the guys at Psygnosis. 4 levels, with xmassy backgrounds, hazards and lemmings. Download it via FTP now! =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 4) "Lemmings" Codes Rating: FUN Rating: TRICKY Rating: TAXING Rating: MAYHEM 1 - (none) 1 - HCEONONPDX 1 - MFMCCJONFM 1 - NKMFLGCLHP 2 - IJJLDNCCCN 2 - CINNONHQDL 2 - FMCIKLMOFR 2 - KNOHGONMHS 3 - NJLDLCADCY 3 - CAJJLDMBEV 3 - ICGNOONPFM 3 - ONHGGKONHM 4 - HNLHCIOECW 4 - KJHLDMCCEO 4 - CKNOMFMQFL 4 - FLGKJOMOHK 5 - LDLCAJNFCK 5 - OHLLICADEO 5 - GCJKNLHBGT 5 - HGCNOMNPHL 6 - DLCIJNLGCT 6 - HLDMCMOEEX 6 - KKKLLHGCGL 6 - GOOMMNHQHX 7 - LCANLLDHCO 7 - LDMCCJNFEP 7 - NKNDHGCDGR 7 - GCJKLDMBIQ 8 - CINNLDLICJ 8 - DMCMJLLGEY 8 - ILDLGKOEGL 8 - KJILDMGCIX 9 - CEKHMDLJCO 9 - ICGNLNMHEO 9 - LDLGAJNFGS 9 - NILDMGCDIU 10 - MJHMDLCKCW 10 - CMNLLDMIEO 10 - DLGKJOLGGO 10 - ILDMGKOEIO 11 - OJOLHCGLCO 11 - CCJIMDMJEP 11 - LGCNOLDHGL 11 - LLIGCJMFIK 12 - HMDLCIOMCJ 12 - KKIOLICKEP 12 - GKNOLDLIGU 12 - DMGKJOLGIR 13 - MDLCAKLNCS 13 - OHOLICALEJ 13 - GCJIMLHJGY 13 - MGCNOLDHIO 14 - DLCIJNMOCM 14 - HMDMCINMEL 14 - KKIMDLGKGO 14 - GKNOLDMIIX 15 - LCANNMDPCJ 15 - MDMCAJLNEU 15 - NIMDLGGLGO 15 - GGJIMDMJIL 16 - CINNMDLQCS 16 - LMBIJNOOEY 16 - IMDLGONMGX 16 - KJIMDMGKIQ 17 - CAKHLFLBDU 17 - ICANNMLPEQ 17 - MDLGCJMNGM 17 - NKMDMGCLIP 18 - IJJLNHCCDS 18 - CINLMDMQET 18 - DLGOJMMOGJ 18 - IMDMGKNMIW 19 - NJNNHCADDR 19 - CCKHNNIBFP 19 - LGGNMMDPGW 19 - OLIGCKMNIW 20 - HLFLCMNEDW 20 - KJKLFMCCFU 20 - GKNOOLHQGT 20 - LIGKJOOOIQ 21 - LNHCAKNFDS 21 - NILFMCGDFT 21 - GCJINNHBHU 21 - MGCNOMDPIX 22 - FLCMKLLGDJ 22 - KNNICONEFU 22 - KJKLFLGCHJ 22 - GKNOMDMQIQ 23 - LCAOLLFHDS 23 - NNICGKOFFO 23 - OINNHGCDHL 23 - GGJKNNIBJN 24 - CIOLLFLIDL 24 - NMBMKNNGFX 24 - ILFLGONEHR 24 - OJILFMGCJO 25 - CEJHOFHJDO 25 - MCCOMLFHFY 25 - LFLGCJOFHY 25 - NKLFMGCDJJ 26 - OKHMFLCKDM 26 - BKNONFIIFP 26 - NHGOKONGHM 26 - ILFMGONEJU 27 - NJMFLCALDU 27 - CCJKMFMJFU 27 - LGCNOLFHHO 27 - NFIGCKOFJK 28 - HMNHCIOMDQ 28 - OKKONICKFY 28 - GOOOLNHIHQ 28 - FMGKJOLGJU 29 - ONHCAKNNDN 29 - OIMFMCCLFJ 29 - GGKKMFHJHK 29 - MGCNOLFHJR 30 - FHCMKLMODO 30 - KMFMCKNMFT 30 - KJIMFLGKHQ 30 - GKNONNIIJQ For the curious, here is a description of the Lemmings codes: Code elements: 0123456789 0 (unknown) 123456 % of lemmings saved in previous level 78 game level 9 checksum The checksum character is found using this equation (where code(N) is the ASCII value of the character at position N): code(9) = 74 + (sum(code(0)..code(8)) modulus 16) >>>> DTF 92-12-29 =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 5) "Oh No! More Lemmings" Codes TAME LEVEL 01. ---------- 50 50 1 4 Down & out Lemmings 02. IHRTDLCCAR 50 50 1 4 Rent-a-Lemming 03. LRTDLCADAO 50 50 1 4 Undercover lemming 04. RTDLCILEAH 50 50 1 4 Downwordly Nobile lemmings 05. TDLCAHTFAO 50 50 1 4 Smuggle up to a lemming 06. DLCIHUTGAJ 50 50 1 4 Intsy-wintsy... lemming! 07. LCALUTDHAG 50 50 1 4 Who's that lemming 08. CILUTDLIAP 50 50 1 4 Dangerzone 09. CAHRUDKJAR 50 50 1 4 And now this... 10. IHRUDLCKAK 50 50 1 4 New lemmings on the block 11. LRUDLCALAH 50 50 1 4 With compliments 12. RUDLCILMAQ 50 50 1 4 Citizen lemming 13. UDLCAHVNAJ 50 50 1 4 Thunder-lemmings are go! 14. DLCIITUOAR 50 50 1 4 Get a little extra help 15. LCALVUDPAP 50 50 1 4 Not just a pretty lemming 16. CILVUDLQAI 50 50 1 4 Gone with the lemming 17. CAHRTFLBBL 50 50 1 4 Honey, i saved the lemmings 18. IHRTFLCCBE 50 50 1 4 Lemmings for presidents! 19. LRTFLCADBR 50 50 1 4 Lemming Productions present... 20. RTFLCILEBK 50 50 1 4 Custom built for lemmings CRAZY LEVEL 01. TFLCAHVFBD 50 96 1 3 "That's a good level" 02. FLCIHTTGBK 80 100 99 4 Dolly simple 03. LCALUTFHBJ 50 96 80 4 Many lemmings make level work 04. CILTTFLIBQ 20 100 99 3 Lemming Express 05. CAHRUFLJBE 80 100 1 4 24 hour lemathon 06. IHRUFLCKBN 20 100 1 3 The stack 07. LRUFLCALBK 50 100 1 3 And now, the end is near 08. RUFLCILMBD 80 93 1 4 Keep on trucking 09. WNHCEIVNBH 20 100 50 1 On the antarctic coast 10. FLCIHVUOBF 80 98 1 3 Rocky VI 11. LCAMTUFPBR 80 10 1 1 No problemming! 12. BIMTUNLQBT 80 93 1 3 Lemming friendly 13. CAIPTDMBCK 20 50 1 3 It's a trade off 14. IHRTDMCCCF 50 90 1 4 Time waits for no lemming 15. LRULICADCH 50 88 1 3 Worra load of old blocks! 16. RVLICILECQ 16 100 1 3 Across the gap 17. TDMCAHVFCD 50 99 1 3 Digging for victory 18. DMCIITTGCL 50 90 10 3 No problem 19. ICAMTVLHCO 50 90 5 3 Don't panic 20. CILVVLIICI 20 50 1 4 Ice ice lemming WILD LEVEL 01. BAHRWLMJCN 60 88 5 4 Pop you top!!! 02. IHPUDMCKCL 80 75 1 4 Lemming hotel 03. LPUDMCELCM 60 81 1 3 Lemming rhythms 04. PUDMCIMMCS 80 100 1 4 Meeting adjourned 05. UDMCAHVNCM 80 85 1 4 Lemming head 06. LICMHVWOCP 80 100 1 2 Just a quicky 07. MCALVUDPCS 80 100 99 2 You take the high road 08. CILVUDMQEL 10 100 1 1 It's a tight fit 09. CAHRTFMBDO 40 100 50 4 Ice station lemming 10. IHRTFMCCDH 80 75 1 3 Higgledy Piggledy 11. MRTNICADDJ 50 98 1 3 Mutiny on the bounty 12. PTFMCIMEDM 50 80 1 3 Snow joke 13. TNICAHTFDL 80 93 10 3 Onward and upward 14. NICMHUVGDJ 80 87 5 4 Ice spy 15. ICEMVVNHDH 50 80 5 3 The silence of the Lemmings 16. CIMVTNIIDK 1 100 1 3 Take care, sweetie 17. CAHRUFMJDH 80 100 1 3 The chain with no name 18. IHRUFMCKDQ 80 75 1 3 Dr Lemming Good 19. MPUNICELDE 80 81 1 4 Lemmingpelica 20. PUFMCMLMDI 30 96 1 4 Got anything... Lemmingy??? WICKED LEVEL 01. UFMCAHTNDN 60 80 1 2 Lemming Tomato ketcup facility 02. NICMHVUOOQ 1 100 1 4 Introducing super lemming 03. MCALVUFPDF 50 100 1 3 This corrsion 04. CILVUFMQDO 50 60 1 4 Oh no! It's the 4th dimension! 05. GAHRTDHBEM 20 100 1 3 Chill out! 06. IHRTDLGCEJ 80 37 1 8 Pop til you drop! 07. MPTLLFADEM 80 90 1 2 Last Lemming to Lemming Central 08. PVLHGMMEEI 50 90 1 4 A towering problem 09. VLHGAHVFEO 50 90 1 4 How on Earth? 10. DLGIHTTGEP 50 96 20 4 Temple of Love 11. LGALTTDHEM 50 80 10 4 Rocky road 12. GILVTLHIEL 80 97 60 4 Suicidal tendencies 13. GEHPUDLJEL 80 87 1 4 Almost nearly virtual reality 14. IHPWLHGKEG 80 98 1 3 The Lemming learning curve 15. MPUDLGALEO 50 80 1 4 Spam, spam, spam, egg and Lemming 16. RULHGILMEM 6 83 75 1 Five alive 17. ULHGEITNEI 30 96 10 3 Down the tube 18. DLGIHTUOEI 60 83 1 4 Lots more where they came from 19. HGAMTWLPEM 50 82 1 2 Up, down or round and round 20. GIMTULHQED 70 97 1 2 The Lemming Funhouse HAVOC LEVEL 01. GAIPTFLBFS 80 95 1 4 Tubular lemming 02. IIPTFLGCFL 30 96 1 4 Be more than just a number 03. LPTFLGADFH 50 100 1 4 It's the price you have to pay 04. RTFLGILEFS 20 100 1 3 The race against cliches 05. TFLGAHVFFL 20 100 1 4 There's madness in the method 06. FLGIHVTGFE 50 100 1 4 Now get out of that! 07. LGALVTFHFR 20 75 50 3 Creature discomforts 08. GILTNNHIFM 50 90 1 4 Lemming about town 09. GAIPUFLJFL 50 100 1 4 Aaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!! 10. IHRUFLGKFF 21 14 50 1 Flow control 11. MRWFHFALFQ 80 100 1 4 Welcome to the party, pal! 12. RUFLGILMFL 80 100 1 3 It's all a matter of timing 13. UFLGAHVNFE 80 93 5 4 Highland fling 14. FLGMHTUOFP 80 100 40 1 Synchronised Lemming 15. LGALVUFPFK 10 80 20 6 Have an ice day 16. GILTUNHQFF 50 90 80 2 Scaling the heights 17. GAIPVLIBGI 80 97 20 2 Where lemmings dare 18. MHPTDMGCGO 70 97 99 4 Lemmings in a situation 19. MPTDMGADGI 80 100 30 3 Looks a bit nippy out there 20. ETDMGILEGS 60 83 1 7 Look before you lead! VOLUME 4/2/92 =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 6) Lemmings Walkthroughs 6.1) Lemmings Walkthrough ftp to risc.ua.edu:/pub/games/solutions/sol.lemmings 6.2) "Lemmings 2 The Tribes" Walkthrough ftp to: ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/msdos/games/romulus/hints/l2walkok.zip (postscript) ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/msdos/games/romulus/hints/lem2walk.zip (Ascii text) =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 7) Freeware Lemmings: "Xmas Lemmings" "Lemming Demo" & the "L2 demo" Available via anonymous FTP from: Host nic.funet.fi ( Last updated 14:06 26 Jun 1993 Location: /pub/msdos/games/gamedemos FILE rw-r--r-- 224756 Dec 22 1991 xmaslem.zip FILE rw-rw-r-- 244157 Apr 4 1992 lemmdemo.zip FILE rw-r--r-- 565683 Jan 25 18:45 lemm2.zip Location: /pub/msdos/SIMTEL20-mirror/gamedemos FILE rw-r--r-- 224756 Dec 22 1991 xmaslem.zip FILE rw-rw-r-- 244157 Apr 4 1992 lemmdemo.zip FILE rw-r--r-- 565683 Jan 25 18:45 lemm2.zip =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 8) Problems of a technical nature 8.1) Faulty game saves in "Lemmings 2 The Tribes" From: Lasse Hero (from Brian L. Johnson) Some people experience bad game saves with "Lemmings 2 The Tribes". If this is a problem, try avoiding the top & bottom game save slots. The rest seem to work OK. 8.2) installing "Lemmings 2 The Tribes" With "Lemmings 2 The Tribes", install from the floppy diskettes; don't try copying the disks then installing from the hard drive. If the game doesn't run OK at first, try installing from a "vanilla boot". Remove as many device drivers & TSRs as possible from your autoexec.bat & config.sys files, and reinstall. (It is essential to make backup copies of these files before you try this. Also keep a bootable floppy diskette on hand, don't remove the drivers necessary for your on-the-flu compression software [eg Stacker & Superstor] and if you're not sure about what you're doing, seek help!) 8.3) installing the "L2 demo" With the "L2 demo", remember to use the "-d" option when you unzip the file, so the recursive subdirectories are uncompressed. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 9) Patches, Cracks, Cheats See the FTP site list for ftp locations of Lem-oriented Patches, Cracks, & Cheats =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-= From: dexb8836@mach1.wlu.ca (Luis De barros u) For everybody who has some dificulties with the second part of Lemmings. I know that this works with Oh No, No more Lemmings!. I'm not sure if it also works with the first game. At the code screen type in SLAMRACING. It will display a message that you activated the cheat mode. Now to skip the harder levels press the "5" on the keypad and you'll skip right to the next level with 100% ! =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-= From Bill Gilliland - skaven@u.washington.edu Hmmm....other tricks....these are not really strategies but 'tools' for your use in a given particular situation. These are not all of them, but are pretty useful (okay, the first one isn't THAT useful, but its still quite a trick) BASHING THROUGH STEEL: If you wait until a lemming hits a steel surface and turns around, then make him a basher (while facing away from the steel) he will remove one to three pixels from the steel. After a little experimentation with a lemming I got stuck vertically in a steel column (by building repeatedly right under it), I decided that steel acts like one-way columns with arrows all pointing out from the center. If you can reverse-bash your way to the center, you can bash the rest of the way through the column normally. SPIRAL STAIRCASE: If a builder comes into contact with a blocker, he will turn around *and keep building*. This lets you 'turn a corner' with your bridges. RELEASE ONE LEMMING: If you have a blocker holding in your lemmings, and want to get just one lemming past him without blowing him up, build a bridge that would go over the blocker's head. Then watch the lemmings falling off the end of the bridge. As soon as one falls past the blocker, make the builder a digger. This stops the rest from getting past. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-= FRom jim@bilpin.co.uk (JimG) STOP THAT LEMMING! To stop the Lemmings suicidal stampede when you don't have any Blockers, there is an easy way and a difficult way, depending upon what resources you have: Easy: Use a Basher or Miner to make a horizontal or diagonal hole, then change it to a Builder to make it stop bashing or mining (=Anti-Lemming). Hard: If you haven't got any excavating-type Lemmings, then you can block Lemmings by using Builders to build a 4-deep layer of steps, with the starting edge of each layer in line, making a high vertical face, off which the Lemmings will bounce. This is much easier to describe than to achieve. This latter technique is essential to complete at least one screen. (ed - some people will not agree with this last statement) =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-= From: darmstro@acs.ucalgary.ca There is a cheat code for Lemmings: if you type in BILLANDTED, it will activate the cheat mode and you can then press 5 on the numeric keypad to pass each level. There is one for Xmas Lemmings, but I can't remember what it was. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-= =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 10) FTP Locations For cheats, cracks & hints I look in: wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/msdos_uploads/game_solutions/... ftp.uwp.edu /pub/msdos/romulus/... risc.ua.edu /pub/games/solutions/... I'd love to see additions to this list from anyone who can be bothered =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= 11) Newsgroups alt.lemmings is a newsgroup devoted to the discussion of these games. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action and comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc carry some Lemming bandwidth, too. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-==-+-=-+-=-+-= +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Brian Milner, The Computer Centre, Brunel University , West London, UK | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | "There is nothing finer in life | | than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro" | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+