BeatMaster V1.0 REGISTER.TXT R E G I S T R A T I O N _________________________________________________________________ BeatMaster is not free software. I'd love to give it away free but it took A LOT of work and I gotta earn a living. This is an 'unregistered' version of BeatMaster which is distributed freely so that you can try it before you decide whether or not to buy it. All of the features in the registered version are included, except that sequences cannot be saved onto disk. To get the full-featured version of BeatMaster you must register (buy) it. Registered BeatMaster users get the complete version of BeatMaster on disk along with a printed reference manual, their own serial-number, and technical support via mail or email. Registered users can upgrade to future improved versions by simply paying any difference in price. SMPTE/MTC synchronization and MIDI+Audio are in the mix. BEATMASTER V1 REGISTRATION NOW COSTS ONLY THIRTY (30) UK POUNDS. Payment should be in the form of a bank cheque made payable to the author of BeatMaster, Mr E. F. MARTIN. To place your order you can print and complete the order form below. Please e-mail your comments and queries about BeatMaster to ----------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER to: E. F. Martin, 8 Wellfield Avenue, London N10 2EA, UK ----------------------------------------------------------------- Quan Item Price ___ BeatMaster V1 Registration........ @ 30 UKP ea UKP______ (includes serial #, registration + program and reference manual) Shipping/Handling: UK : 1 UK Pound per disk EEC : 3 UK Pounds per disk Non-EEC : 4 UK Pounds per disk Shipping UKP______ TOTAL UKP______ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name_____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________