prsr_lib/ip_cnvrt.c:909 CagdCrvStruct *IritSurfacesToCubicBzrCrvs(CagdSrfStruct *Srfs, IPPolygonStruct **CtlMeshes, CagdBType DrawSurface, CagdBType DrawMesh, int NumOfIsolines[2], CagdRType MaxArcLen)
Srfs: To approximate as cubic Bezier curves.
CtlMeshes: If we want control meshes as well (DrawMesh == TRUE) they will be placed herein.
DrawSurface: Do we want to draw the surfaces?
DrawMesh: Do we want to draw the control meshes?
NumOfIsolines: Number of isocurves to extract, in each direction.
MaxArcLen: Tolerance for cubic Bezier approximation. See function BzrApproxBzrCrvAsCubics.