Adds a compositing plug-in to layer the selected images in the queue.
Provides compositing plug-ins that use the previous event in the queue as a source, and composite the next event, using the parameters of the plug-in compositor. The list might include plug-ins for special transformations, such as wipes, etc.
An Image layer event is always a parent event with two children. The children can themselves be parents with children. The children of an Image Layer event can be Scene events, Image Input events, Layer events that contain Scene or Image Input events, or Filter events that contain Scene or Image Input events.
The Add Layer Image Event dialog provides the following controls:
Selects the compositor 3D Studio MAX uses for layering the rendered images in the queue. Alpha is the default compositor, but you can also choose from any others you have installed. See the separate help topics for descriptions of the compositors that come with 3D Studio MAX.
Adobe Premiere Transition: Lets you create a transition between Adobe Premiere video events.
Alpha Compositor: Composites the two images using the alpha channel from the foreground image. The background image appears wherever the foreground image;s alpha channel is transparent.
Cross Fade: Composites the two images over time, crossfading from the background image to the foreground image. The rate of the crossfade is determined by the length of the Cross Fade Transition filter’s time range.
Pseudo Alpha: Composites a foreground image against the background by creating an alpha channel for the foreground image based on the foreground image's upper-left-corner pixel. All pixels in the foreground image that use this color become transparent. Because only one pixel color becomes transparent, edges of the opaque areas in the foreground image are aliased. Use this method when the foreground image is a bitmap whose format does not have an alpha channel.
Simple Additive Compositor: Composites the two images using the foreground image’s intensity (HSV value) to determine transparency. Areas of full intensity (255) are opaque. Areas of zero intensity are transparent. Areas with intermediate transparency are translucent.
Simple Wipe: Reveals or erases the foreground image with a wipe transition. Unlike the Wipe Filter event, Wipe Layer moves the image, sliding it in or out. Under Setup, you can choose the direction of the wipe and whether to reveal the foreground image (Push) or erase it (Pop).
About: Provides version/source information specific to the plug-in.
Setup: Displays a setup dialog specific to the plug-in. Some plug-ins may not use this button.
Channels: If you are using a bitmap as the mask file, you can use the Alpha channel, the Red, Green, or Blue channel, or Luminance.
Files: Select a file to use as a mask. The name of the selected file appears above the Files button.
Options: Displays a dialog in which you can set alignment and size, relative to the frames of video output. For animated images, you can also synchronize the mask with the frame sequence of video output. This is the same dialog used for Image Input Event options.
Enabled: Enables the mask. If this box is clear, Video Post ignores any other mask settings.
Inverted: When selected, the mask is inverted.
VP Start Time/End Time: Sets the starting and ending frames for the selected event within the overall Video Post queue. Video Post renders the event over the number of frames specified here.
Enabled: Enables or disables the event. When this box is clear, the event is disabled and Video Post ignores it when rendering the queue. Each event must be disabled individually. For example, disabling a composite layer event does not disable the composited image events. The range bars of disabled events are grayed out in the event track area.
Add Adobe Premiere Transition filter
Add Simple Additive Compositor
Click to select the first event, then hold CTRL and click to select the second.
An Add Image Layer Event dialog appears.
The Image Layer event becomes the parent of the two child events you selected.
An Image Input Options dialog appears, identical to the dialog you use with Image Input events.
If the mask is animated, you also use this dialog to specify its time range and playback speed.