Use the Audio controller to drive the animation of almost any parameter in 3DS MAX. The Audio controller converts the amplitude of a recorded sound file or real-time sound wave into values that can be used by an animated parameter.
Using the Audio controller, you have full control over sound channel selection, base threshold, oversampling, and parameter range.
The Audio controller works with most parameters in Track View, including:
Use this area to add and remove sound files from the controller and to adjust how amplitude is handled.
Choose Sound: Click to display a standard file selector dialog. You can choose files using the .wav and .avi formats.
Remove Sound: Click to remove any sound file associated with the controller.
Absolute: Controls how the sound amplitude is interpreted. The value returned by the Audio controller is a function of sample amplitude divided by maximum amplitude.
Value=(sample amp.)/(maximum amp.)
When checked, the maximum amplitude equals the maximum sampled amplitude from the waveform. This ensures the potential for the output value to reach the set Target Value.
When unchecked, the maximum amplitude equals the maximum potential amplitude of the sampled waveform. Output reaches your specified Target Value only if the waveform reaches its maximum potential amplitude.
The maximum potential amplitude for an 8-bit file is 128; for a 16-bit file, it’s 32768.
Choose an option to select which channel drives the controller output value. These options are only available if you have chosen a stereo sound file.
Left: Uses the left channel amplitude.
Right: Uses the right channel amplitude.
Mix: Combines the two channels such that the returned amplitude is the greater value of either channel.
Controls to filter out background noise, smooth out the waveform, and control display in Track View.
Threshold: Sets the bottom cut out level as a percentage of total amplitude. Any amplitude below the threshold drops to 0.0.
Threshold range is from 0.0 to 1.0.
A Threshold of 0.0 has no affect on amplitude output values.
A Threshold of 1.0 drops all amplitude output values to 0.0.
You can use low threshold values to filter out background noise from the controller.
Oversampling: Smoothes the waveform. Multiple samples are averaged to remove peaks and valleys. Enter a number in the Oversampling field to specify the number of samples used to calculate the average
Fast Track View: Controls the display of oversampling in Track View.
When checked , oversampling is ignored for the Track View display.
When unchecked, oversampling is applied to the Track View display. High oversampling values can slow display of the waveform.
You enter values here to specify the minimum and maximum parameter values returned by the controller. The fields you see vary by the type of parameter using the Audio controller.
Float parameters display in the Controller Range area with Min. and Max. fields.
Vector parameters (3 component) such as Transforms display Base and Target areas with fields for X, Y, and Z values.
Base Scale: Define the float value or X, Y, and Z values returned for amplitude of 0.0.
Target Scale: Define the float value or X, Y, and Z values returned for maximum amplitude.
Use to create interactive animation that’s driven by sound captured from an external audio source, such as a microphone. These options are used only for interactive presentations. You cannot save the real-time sound or save the animation produced by the controller.
Enable Real Time Device: Sets whether sound is captured from an external audio source. This option is inactive if a sound capture device is not installed in your system.
When checked, any selected audio file is ignored and the controller uses sound captured by the selected input device.
When unchecked, the controller uses the selected audio file.
Real Time device list: Displays all available real time sound devices installed in your system. Select the device you want to use for real time sound capture.
Any .wav file will work.
The box scale is animated along the Z axis.
Tip: If you want to hear the sound as the animation plays, include the same audio file in the Sound Track. (Sound Track in the Track View hierarchy)
In the Time Configuration dialog, turn Real Time on.