You can create a preview movie of an animated material using the Material Editor. These controls are on the Make Preview flyout.
The active preview movie is saved in a file called _medit.avi. Each time you create a new preview, the Material Editor overwrites this file. To keep a preview movie on hand, save it under a different name.
The parameters in the Create Material Preview dialog correspond to parameters you use when you create an animation preview or create an animation with the renderer.
Active Time Segment: Choose to render frames in the active time segment. The default active segment is all frames in the animation.
Custom Range: Choose to specify a range from within this dialog. Use the spinners to specify the start and end of the range.
Every Nth Frame: Sets how many frames to render. Use a value greater than 1 to create a preview that renders and plays more quickly.
Playback FPS: Sets the playback rate in frames per second.
Percent of Output: Use to set a preview frame size other than the default of 100 per cent (101 x 99 pixels). Smaller frame sizes show less detail but render and play back more quickly. Larger frame sizes show greater detail but render and play back more slowly.
The Material Editor creates the preview.
The Material Editor starts the Windows Media Player with the active preview movie loaded.
The Material Editor displays a file save dialog.