You can create most geometric primitives from your keyboard using the Keyboard Entry rollout. In a single operation, you define both the initial size of an object and its three-dimensional position. Name and color are automatically assigned.
This method is generally the same for all primitives; differences occur in the type and number of parameters. The Hedra primitive, a complex and highly visual family of objects, is unsuited to this method and has no keyboard entry.
The Keyboard Entry rollout contains a common set of position fields, labeled X, Y, and Z. The numbers you enter are offsets along the axes of the active construction plane; either the home grid or a grid object. Plus and minus values correspond to positive and negative directions for these axes. The defaults are 0,0,0; the center of the active grid.
The location set by X,Y is equivalent to the first mouse-down position in the standard method of creating objects.
Each primitive has the following parameters on its Keyboard Entry rollout.
Primitive XYZ point Parameters
Box Center of base Length, Width, Height
Sphere Center Radius
Cylinder Center of base Radius, Height
Torus Center Radius 1, Radius 2
Tube Center of base Radius 1, Radius 2, Height
Cone Center of base Radius 1, Radius 2, Height
Teapot Center of base Radius
You often have a choice of how you use the mouse to create an object. For example, you can use either the center (radius) or edge (diameter) to define the size of a Circle shape.
There’s always a default creation method. If you want to use an alternate method, choose the option before you create the object. The creation method has no effect on a finished object; the options are for your convenience during creation.
As an example, this is the Keyboard Entry rollout for the Tube primitive:
Note: The buttons on the Creation Method rollout have no effect on keyboard entry.
Once created, a new primitive is unaffected by the numeric fields in the Keyboard Entry rollout. You can adjust parameter values on the Parameters rollout, either immediately after creation or on the Modify command panel.