Display Floater

This modeless dialog contains most of the functions on the Display command panel. You can leave the display floater up while you work in your scene, making it easier to change viewport displays without changing the current command panel.


Display functions include:



Selected: Hides the selected object(s).

Unselected: Hides all visible objects except the selected ones. Use this to hide all the objects except the one you're working on.

By Name: Lets you select the objects to hide by name.

By Hit: Causes any object you click in the viewport to be hidden. If you hold the CTRL key while selecting an object, that object and all of its children are hidden. To exit Hide by Hit mode, right-click, press Escape, or select a different function. This mode is automatically turned off if you hide all objects in the scene.


All: Unhides all hidden objects. The unhide buttons are only available when you have specifically hidden one or more objects. They won't unhide objects hidden by category.

By Name: Displays a dialog in which you can unhide objects you select from a list.


Selected: Freezes the selected object(s).

Unselected: Freezes all visible objects except the selected ones. Use this to quickly freeze all the objects except the one you're working on.

By Name: Lets you select the objects to freeze by name.

By Hit: Causes any object you click in the viewport to be frozen. If you hold the CTRL key while selecting an object, that object and all of its children are frozen. To exit Freeze by Hit mode, right-click, press Escape, or select a different function. This mode is automatically turned off if you freeze all objects in the scene.


All: Unfreezes all frozen objects.

By Name: Displays a dialog in which you can unfreeze objects you select from a list.

By Hit: Causes any object you click in the viewport to be unfrozen. If you hold the CTRL key while selecting an object, that object and all of its children are unfrozen.

Object Level

Hide by Category

Toggles the display of objects by their category (objects, cameras, lights, and so on). Set the check boxes to hide objects of that category. Use the All, None, and Invert buttons to quickly change the settings of the check boxes.

Display Properties

Provides controls that alter the display of selected objects.

Display as Box: Toggles the display of selected objects, including 3D objects, 2D shapes, and particle systems, as bounding boxes. Produces minimum geometric complexity.

Particle systems appear as bounding boxes when adaptive degradation takes effect. Since particle systems naturally exist in world space, their bounding box is always oriented parallel to the world planes.

Backface Cull: Toggles the display of faces with normals pointing away from view. When selected, you see through the wireframe to the back faces. Applies only to Wireframe viewport display.

Edges Only: Toggles the display of face edges. When set, only faces appear. When clear, all mesh geometry appears. Applies only to Wireframe viewport display.

Vertex Ticks: Displays the vertices in the selected geometry as tick marks.

If the current selection has no displayed tick marks, the check box is clear. If some of the vertices in the current selection display tick marks, the check box contains a gray X. If all vertices in the current selection display tick marks, the check box contains a black X.

Trajectory: Toggles trajectory display for the selected object so you can display its trajectory wherever you are in 3D Studio MAX.

How To

To use the Display Floater