DLL Setup

MAXScript plug-in extensions are packaged as Win32 DLL's in almost exactly the same way as standard MAX plug-ins. They are named with a specific suffix to fit in with the MAX plug-in naming scheme (.DLX) and should be installed in one of the MAX plug-in directories. MAXScript looks for and loads all the *.DLX files it finds in the MAX plug-in directories.

You should be familiar with the section on MAX plug-in construction in the MAX SDK documentation because the following notes primarily describe what is different about setting up MAXScript plug-ins.

The plug-in's external interface is defined with a .DEF file, as are MAX plug-ins, but in this case there are only three entry points:

LIBRARY <plugin_name>


LibDescription      @1

LibInit      @2

LibVersion      @3



The LibDescription and LibVersion entry points are the same as for MAX plug-ins. The LibInit entry is called by MAX after MAXScript has loaded itself and all its .DLX plug-ins so that each can perform any runtime initialization. MAXScript is fully functional at the time these init functions are called.

The following code shows a typical DLX entry point implementation (this is from sample.cpp in the SDK). All of the required headers are included by the master header file, MAXscrpt.h, including Max.h for MAX SDK-related code.

#include "MAXScrpt.h"


HMODULE hInstance;



DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)


     static BOOL controlsInit = FALSE;

     switch (ul_reason_for_call)


          case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:

               // Hang on to this DLL's instance handle.

               hInstance = hModule;

               if (!controlsInit)


                    controlsInit = TRUE;

                    // Initialize Win95 controls








__declspec( dllexport ) void



     // do any setup here. MAXScript is fully up at this point.



__declspec( dllexport ) const TCHAR *



return _T("Sample MAXscript DLX");



__declspec( dllexport ) ULONG






If any Win32 common controls or MAX custom controls are to be used in the DLL, you should initialize them during process attach, in the same way you would in a MAX DLL. For the LibVersion entry point, you should return the current 3DSMAX version as shown.