Ease and Multiplier Curve Functions

addEaseCurve <controller> [<float_controller>]

Adds an ease curve to the specified controller. You may provide an optional float controller for the curve or have the function generate a default float controller for you. Since there is currently no way to access existing ease curve controllers once added, it is useful to create your own float controller and add it explicitly here so you can add keys and otherwise modify it after it has been added as an ease curve.

deleteEaseCurve <controller> <index>

Deletes the indexed ease curve from the controller. The indexes are 1-based and correspond to the order in which the curves were originally added to the controller.

numEaseCurves <controller>

Returns the number of ease curves currently operating on the controller.

applyEaseCurve <controller> <timevalue>

Applies the combined ease curves in the specified controller to the given time value, returning the transformed time.

addMultiplierCurve <controller> [<float_controller>]

Adds a multiplier curve to the specified controller. You may provide an optional float controller for the curve or have the function generate a default float controller for you. Since there is currently no way to access existing multiplier curve controllers once added, it is useful to create your own float controller and add it explicitly here so you can add keys and otherwise modify it after it has been added as an ease curve.

deleteMultiplierCurve <controller> <index>

Deletes the indexed multiplier curve from the controller. The indexes are 1-based and correspond to the order in which the curves were originally added to the controller.

numMultiplierCurves <controller>

Returns the number of multiplier curves currently operating on the controller.

getMultiplierValue <controller> <timevalue>

Returns the combined (float) value of the multiplier curves in the specified controller at the given time value.