Edit Keys


Displays your animation as a series of key dots and range bars in the Track View Edit Window. Only controller items (items with a green triangle icon) can display key dots. All other items display range bars indicating the time span of key dots for controller items in their subordinate branches.

Edit Keys is most useful for getting a global view of your animation because it displays animation timing for all tracks. Use this mode for key and range editing when you want to view your changes in the context of the total animation.

Use Edit Keys mode to:


Edit Keys: Switch Track View to Edit Keys Mode. The Track View toolbar to the right of the Lock Selection button changes to reflect the current editing mode.

How To

To turn on Edit Keys Mode in Track View:

In Edit Keys mode, the following buttons are displayed: Add Visibility Track, Delete Visibility Track, Align Keys, Delete Keys, Move Keys, Slide Keys, Scale Keys, Modify Subtree and Add Keys.

Modify Subree is also available in Edit Time and Edit Ranges mode.