MAXScript Grammar

Here is the complete grammar in EBNF form. It differs slighlty in factoring from the syntax forms given in this online reference, so that all precedence is explicit in the rules.

<program>      ::=      <expr>

<expr>      ::=      <simple_expr>














<variable_decls>      ::=      ( local | global ) <decl> { , <decl> }

<decl>      ::=      <name> [ = <expr> ]

<assignment>      ::=      <destination> = <expr>

          <destination> += <expr>

          <destination> -= <expr>

          <destination> *= <expr>

          <destination> /= <expr>

<destination>      ::=      <name>



<if_expr>      ::=      if <expr> then <expr> [ else <expr> ]

          if <expr> do <expr>

<while_loop>      ::=      while <expr> do <expr>

<do_loop>      ::=      do <expr> while <expr>

<loop-exit>      ::=      exit [ with <expr> ]

<for_loop>      ::=      for <name> ( in | = ) <source> (do | collect) <expr>

<source>      ::=      <expr> to <expr> [ by <expr> ] [ where <expr> ]

          <expr> [ where <expr> ]

<function_def>      ::=      (function | fn) <name> { <argument> } = <expr>

<argument>      ::=      <name>

          <name>: [<operand>]

          -- keyword arg with optional default value

<function_return>      ::=      return <expr>

<context_expr>      ::=      <context> { , <context> } <expr>

<context>      ::=      [ with ] animate <boolean_expr>

          with redraw <boolean_expr>

          with pivot <boolean_expr>

          at level <operand>

          at time <operand>

          in <operand>

          [ in ] coordys ( local | world | parent | <operand> )

          about ( pivot | selection | coordsys | <operand> )

          undo <boolean_expr>

<utility>      ::=      utility <name> <string> ( { <utility_clause> } )

<utility_clause>      ::=      local <decl> { , <decl> }



<rollout_handler>      ::=      on <name> <name> { <name> } do <expr>

<rollout_item>      ::=      label <name> [ <string> ] { <name>: <operand> }

          button <name> [ <string> ] { <name>: <operand> }

          spinner <name> [ <string> ] { <name>: <operand> }

          pickbutton <name> [ <string> ] { <name>: <operand> }

          radiobuttons <name> [ <string> ] { <name>: <operand>}

          checkbox <name> [ <string> ] { <name>: <operand> }

<simple_expr>      ::=      <and> { or <and> }

<and>      ::=      <not> { and <not> }

<not>      ::=      [ not ] <compare>

<compare>      ::=      <plus> { == <plus> }

          <plus> { != <plus> }

          <plus> { > <plus> }

          <plus> { < <plus> }

          <plus> { >= <plus> }

          <plus> { <= <plus> }

<plus>      ::=      <term> { + <term> }

          <term> { - <term> }

<term>      ::=      <power> { * <power> }

          <power> { / <power> }

<power>      ::=      <conversion> { ^ <conversion> }      -- right-associative

<conversion>      ::=      <function_call> as <factor>

<function_call>      ::=      <operand> ()

<operand> { <parameter> }+      -- up to an end of line or lower

          -- precedence token

<parameter>      ::=      <operand>

          <name>: <operand>

<operand>      ::=      <factor>



<property>      ::=      <operand> . <name>
               -- properties and indexes left associate

<index>      ::=      <operand> [ <expr> ]

<factor>      ::=      <number>







          -<expr>      -- unary minus

          ( <expr> )      -- nested expression


          ?      -- last Listener result


<expr_seq>      ::=      ( <expr> { (; | <eol>) <expr> } )

<point3_literal>      ::=      [ <expr>, <expr>, <expr> ]

<array_literal>      ::=      #()

          #( <expr> { , <expr> } )

<name_literal>      ::=      #<name>

<path_name>      ::=      $<path>

<path>      ::=      [ / ] [ <levels> ] <level_name>

<levels>      ::=      <level> { / <level> }

<level>      ::=      <level_name>                         



<level_name>      ::=      { <alphanumeric > | _ | * | ? | \ }