Noise Map Coordinates

For the Noise map type, you can set or modify the following parameters in the Coordinates rollout:


Affects the placement of the noise pattern.

Offset: Moves the noise along the specified axis.

Tiling: Repeats the noise along the specified axis and makes the veins narrower.

Angle: Rotates the noise along the specified axis.

XYZ/UVW: When UVW is set, it locks the Noise map into position on the vertices of the object so that the map “sticks” to the object as it deforms during animation.

When an object is deforming through its own local space; for example when it is bending or twisting, the object appears to move through the map, because it passes through the XYZ coordinates of the 3D texture. Changing this setting to UVW locks the XYZ coordinates to the UVW coordinates and makes it possible to use the Noise map for deforming surfaces.

Note: The Noise map is antialiased when Filter Maps is checked in the Render Scene dialog.