Offset Surface

An Offset surface is offset a specified distance from the original along the parent surface’s normals.


Surface created as an offset


When you turn on the Offset button, and while an offset surface sub-object is selected, a rollout with the offset Distance parameter appears at the bottom of the command panel.

Distance: The distance between the parent surface and the offset surface, in 3DS MAX units.

How To

To create an offset surface:

  1. In a NURBS object that contains at least one surface, turn on Offset.
  2. Click the surface you want to offset, and drag to set the initial distance.
  3. 3DS MAX creates the offset surface.

  4. Adjust the Distance parameter.
  5. If the parent surface is planar, the appearance of the offset surface doesn’t change with distance. If the parent surface is curved, increasing the distance increasingly exaggerates the curvature of the offset surface.