Allows you to select objects by picking them from a list of all objects in the scene.
Objects are listed according to the current Sort and List Types selections.
All, None, and Invert: These buttons alter the pattern of selection in the list window.
Display Subtree: Displays each item in the list so that its hierarchical branch is included, for example, Thigh/Shin/Foot. Hierarchichal branches are indented.
Select Subtree: When this is selected and you select an item in the list window, all of its hierarchical children are selected as well.
Case Sensitive: Considers the case of the characters for each item in the list. Upper-case letters are listed above lower-case letters. In addition, the field above the list becomes case-sensitive.
Select Dependents: When this is selected and you select an item in the list, all of its dependent objects are selected as well. Dependents include instances, references, and objects sharing a common modifier (the same objects that appear green when Show Dependencies is on in the View menu).
When both Select Subtree and Select Dependents are selected, the subtree of any newly selected node is selected, and then the dependents are selected--dependents of the subtree are selected, but not the subtrees of all dependents.
If you click Select by Name while Select and Link is active, these check boxes are not available.
Specifies the sort order of the items displayed in the list.
Alphabetical: Sorts from A at the top to Z at the bottom.
By Type: Sorts by category, using the same order as the check boxes in the List display.
By Color: Sorts by object wireframe color.
By Size: Sorts based on the number of faces in each object. The object with the least number of faces is listed first, followed by those objects with a greater number of faces..
Determines the types of obejcts to display in the list.
All, None, and Invert: These buttons alter the pattern of selection in the list window.
Lists any named selection sets that you have defined in the scene. When you select a selection set from the list, 3D Studio MAX highlights its component objects in the main list.
The Select Object dialog appears. By default, it lists all objects in the scene. Currently selected objects are highlighted in the list.
SHIFT+click to select a continuous range of objects and CTRL+click to select noncontinuous objects. In the field above the list, you can type a name to select it. You can use the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?) as wildcards.
The selection is made as the dialog disappears.