The Strokes Utility (Menus)

The Strokes utility does not require a three-button mouse. Instead, it displays a modeless dialog consisting of a single Draw Strokes button. Click this button, and then drag with the left mouse button to draw your strokes.


To use the Strokes utility, you must turn on Stroke in the Preferences dialog, but the middle mouse button options in that dialog are ignored.

Some strokes are already set up for you.

How To

To turn on Arc Rotate using the Strokes utility

  1. Turn on the Stroke option in the Viewport page of the Files/Preferences dialog.
  2. Activate any viewport.
  3. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse straight down from top to bottom.
  4. The length of the stroke doesn’t matter, but the direction does.

    As you drag the mouse, small X’s appear, displaying your stroke. When you release the mouse, a 3x3 grid appears briefly and then you’re in Arc Rotate mode.

    If a Stroke Not Found message appears, click Continue, and then repeat steps 2 and 3.